




The Math of Value and Growth [PDF] (Morgan Stanley)





Understanding the magnitude and return on investments is crucial. Investments have traditionally been in the form of tangible assets that show up on the balance sheet. Examples include increases in working capital or capital expenditures. But in recent decades investments have shifted in form to intangible assets, which are expensed on the income statement and are typically absent on the balance sheet (except for when one company acquires another).3

This is important because companies that invest heavily in intangible assets and have high returns on those investments often produce poor profits, or may even lose money. As an investor, you want that kind of company to invest as much as it can. The income statement looks bad, the balance sheet looks better, and the value creation looks great.

Contrast this to generations past when tangible investments were captured on the balance sheet. In those days, the income statement looked good but the balance sheet looked bad.

Saying this differently, two companies can have the same level of investment and return on investment but very different financial statements based on where accountants record investments. Free cash flow, the number we care about, may be the same but the path to get there is different.

この件は、わたし自身もときおり考えていました。たとえば、機械設備等の固定資産に資本投下する場合と、開発に携わる要員に人件費を払う場合を対比させて、その優劣を想像してみることがありました。また「悪く見える損益計算書」の点では、ウォーレン・バフェットが何度か触れていた「のれん償却費」を適宜調べるようにしています。 参考記事の一例を以下にあげておきます。

2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - 無形資産の償却費について



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