



<質問> 分散型電源によるエネルギー供給は、バークシャーが営む公益事業の脅威となっていくでしょうか。

<バフェット> 分散型電源はバークシャーが注視している分野です。それに対する最大の防御は、エネルギーのコストを非常に低くすることです。[子会社の]ミッドアメリカンはその点ですばらしい仕事をしてきました。太陽エネルギーへ乗り換えたという人の数は微々たるものです。しかし、太陽エネルギーの貯蔵技術が劇的に改善されればちがってくると思います。

<マンガー> 再生可能エネルギーはもっと使われるようになりますよ。化石燃料はいつまでもとれませんから。バークシャーは再生可能エネルギーを強力にすすめており、その分野で非常によい位置に付けています。風力発電で追加収入が得られると、農家は喜んでいます。エネルギー貯蔵の技術がもっと改善される必要はありますが、これまでにも改善されてきました。再生可能エネルギーは人類やバークシャーにとって脅威にはなりません。大きな利益をもたらすものです。化石燃料が尽きたときに再生可能エネルギーがなければ、いったいどうなると思いますか。破壊されるものもあるでしょうが、それ以上の機会がありますよ。

Asked whether distributed energy will be a threat to Berkshire's utilities, Buffett said distributed energy is something Berkshire pays a lot of attention to. The best defense is to have very low cost energy. MidAmerican has done a very good job of that. The figures in terms of people who converted to solar energy are minuscule. Huge improvements in solar storage would make a difference.

Charlie said we will use a lot more renewable energy. Fossil fuels won't last forever. Berkshire is aggressive and very well located in terms of renewable energy. To have 20% of power in Iowa coming from the wind is very desirable. Farmers like the extra income they get from wind power. While we need better storage, the technology has been improving. Renewable energy is not a threat but a huge benefit to humanity and to Berkshire. Charlie asked, "What the hell would we do when the fossil fuels are gone if we didn't have this?" There will be some disruption but more opportunity.




Charlie Munger's 2015 Daily Journal Annual Meeting - Part 2 (Forbes)

<質問> インドから参りました。この場に臨席できて光栄です。投資によって経済的独立を果たしたいと考える二十歳の人間へ、ご助言をお願いします。

<マンガー> 私の頃には、投資を通じて成功を遂げるのはずいぶん簡単だったのです。合理的かつ規律に従っていれば、そして選び抜いた株式が税引き前で平均年率10%を後押ししてくれれば、です。これはかなりの追い風でしたよ。収入の範囲でやりくりし、節約して貯蓄に励み、賢く取り組むといったことで十分でした。ちょっとした規律に従って資金を蓄え、時が流れゆくうちに、やがてはそうなったものです。



<デイリー・ジャーナル社CEO> あなたは「金持ちになるには、良い取引が来た時に備えて当座預金に1,000万ドルをとっておくこと」と言っておられましたね。

<マンガー> そういえばハワード・アーマンソン[オマハ出身の実業家]も、腹をすかせた学卒の若者たちにそう助言していましたよ(笑)。


Q: I came to be here from India. It is an honor to be here. What is your advice to a 20-year-old individual who wants to achieve financial freedom through investing?

Mr. Munger: Achieving success through investments has been pretty easy in my lifetime. If you were rational and disciplined, and you had a tailwind of a 10 percent per annum on average from carefully selected stocks going for you, pre tax, that was a big tailwind. If you saved your money, and you lived within your means, were shrewd and so forth, that was enough to take care of you. A little discipline in saving, and the passage of time will do it.

Now, if the world is going to get 10 percent out of indexes in the future, and I don't think it will, in real terms, getting more has proven to be quite difficult. Some of you who come along later are finding that if you stay in the big stocks, it's damn near impossible for most people. When things are damn near impossible, maybe you could stop trying.

That was not my system, but I do not recommend my system to everybody. I do, as a way of life, but I don't think all you have to do is read Charlie Munger and you'll get rich. If it were that easy, this place would be a football stadium.


Mr. Salzman, Daily Journal CEO: Charlie says the way to get rich is to keep $10 million in your checking account in case a good deal comes along.

Mr. Munger: By the way, that was the advice of Howard Ahmanson to a young bunch of starving graduates.


Rich people sometimes get a little pompous.





<バフェット> 結婚相手を選ぶ際にいちばん大切なのは、頭のよさやおもしろさではありません。あれもこれもと望まない人を選ぶことです。

<質問> 世帯形成数が平均未満の増加にとどまっていますが、この変化は長期的につづくのでしょうか。それとも循環的なものでしょうか。米国でも、若者が両親と同居するヨーロッパのようになるのでしょうか。

<バフェット> これは循環的な可能性が高いと思います。世帯形成の増加数は底を打ちました。不況のときにはいつも下落しています。

<マンガー> (含み笑いしながら)まさに今こそ結婚すればいいのに、と思う孫が何人かいますよ。


<バフェット> 貯蓄の習慣は早いうちから育てる必要があります。その後の人生を通じて、大変な違いになります。バークシャーの目標は、貯蓄に勤しむ良き習慣をみなさんのお子さんへ一連のマンガを通じて楽しめる形で示すことです。これは実際によい成果が出ていると思います。


Buffett added when picking a marriage partner, the most important thing is not to look for intelligence or humor, but look for someone with low expectations.

With household formations below par, a shareholder asked if this was a secular change or a cyclical change. Will the U.S. become more like Europe where young folks live with their parents?

Buffett said it was more likely a cyclical change. Household formations have turned up. They always turn down during recession.

Charlie chuckled, "I have some grandchildren that I wish would marry someone suitable promptly."

When asked a question on saving, Charlie retorted, "If you don't know how to save, I can't help you."

Buffett said you need to develop good saving habits early on. They make an enormous difference in your life. Berkshire's goal is to present good saving habits in an entertaining way to young kids through a cartoon series, and he think it's actually having a good effect.

Encouraging good habits in your children early on with respect to money can change their lives. You can't start young enough on working on good money habits.




Better Than Raising the Minimum Wage (WSJ)





In my mind, the country's economic policies should have two main objectives. First, we should wish, in our rich society, for every person who is willing to work to receive income that will provide him or her a decent lifestyle. Second, any plan to do that should not distort our market system, the key element required for growth and prosperity.

That second goal crumbles in the face of any plan to sizably increase the minimum wage. I may wish to have all jobs pay at least $15 an hour. But that minimum would almost certainly reduce employment in a major way, crushing many workers possessing only basic skills. Smaller increases, though obviously welcome, will still leave many hardworking Americans mired in poverty.

The better answer is a major and carefully crafted expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which currently goes to millions of low-income workers. Payments to eligible workers diminish as their earnings increase. But there is no disincentive effect: A gain in wages always produces a gain in overall income. The process is simple: You file a tax return, and the government sends you a check.

In essence, the EITC rewards work and provides an incentive for workers to improve their skills. Equally important, it does not distort market forces, thereby maximizing employment.







It was therefore, natural, after the "dollop by dollop system" had been in place for a few years, for Quant Tech's officers to yearn to have Quant Tech's reported earnings per share keep going up at twenty-eight percent per year while cash equivalents grew much faster than they were then growing. This turned out to be a snap. By this time, Quant Tech's stock was selling at a huge multiple of reported earnings, and the officers simply started causing some incremental stock-option exercises that were not matched either by reductions in cash bonuses paid or by repurchases of Quant Tech's stock. This change, the officers easily recognized, was a very helpful revision of their original plan. Not only was detection of the phony element in reported earnings made much more difficult as cash accumulation greatly accelerated, but also a significant amount of Ponzi-scheme or chain-letter effect was being introduced into Quant Tech, with real benefits for present shareholders, including the officers.

At this time the officers also fixed another flaw in their original plan. They saw that as Quant Tech's reported earnings, containing an increasing phony element, kept rising at twenty-eight percent, Quant Tech's income taxes as a percentage of reported pre-tax earnings kept going lower and lower. This plainly increased chances for causing undesired questions and criticism. This problem was soon eliminated. Many power plants in foreign nations were built and owned by governments, and it proved easy to get some foreign governments to raise Quant Tech's design fees, provided that in each case slightly more than the fee increase was paid back in additional income taxes to the foreign government concerned.

Finally, for 2002, Quant Tech reported $16 billion in earnings on $47 billion of revenues that now included a lot more revenue from interest on cash equivalents than would have been present without net issuances of new stock over the years. Cash equivalents on hand now amounted to an astounding $85 billion, and somehow it didn't seem impossible to most investors that a company virtually drowning in so much cash could be earning the $16 billion it was reporting. The market capitalization of Quant Tech at its peak early in 2003 became $1.4 trillion, about ninety times earnings reported for 2002.




<質問9> バフェットさんは以前に、価格水準を評価する基準として、GDP比でみた株式時価総額の割合あるいはGDP比でみた企業利益の割合が高いと言われていました。それでは、現在の市場における評価額は高すぎだと思いますか。(参考記事)

<バフェット> GDPに対する利益水準の割合については、社会のある領域においては問題になるかもしれません。しかし米国のビジネスは、多くの企業が強いられている「ひどく」不利な税率もかかわらず、好調な年がつづいてきました。実のところは、米国企業が見事なほどに発展しつづけてきたからです。もう一方のGDP比での時価総額は、そのときの金利環境に大きく影響されます。現在は米国で極端な低金利になっており、ヨーロッパではマイナス金利です。これは、多くの人がありえないと考えていた状況です。国債の利回りが1%であれば、かつて5%だったときとくらべて[企業]利益はずっと大きな価値があります。機会費用は、実質的に収入の得られない債券を保有するか、株を保有するかのいずれかになるわけです。投資家が株式の価値を見定める際には、金利が信じられないほど低い世界にいるという文脈に立った上で、その低金利がいつまでつづくかを決める必要があります。日本で起きたように何十年も金利が低いままであれば、株価は安いと受けとめられるでしょう。しかし金利が通常の水準まで反転すれば、株価の水準は高いと思われるようになります。

<マンガー> 我々は予想をはずしたわけですよ。ならば、将来どうなるかを我々に訊くのは一体どうしたものですかね。

<バフェット> わたしたちはマクロに基づいて取引を決めません。マクロ要因によって買収をやめた記憶はひとつも思い当たりません。わかっているのは、1年後や2年後にどうなるかわからないことです。しかしバークシャーがよい事業を保有しているのであれば、実のところそれで違いが生じるわけではありません。買収を決める上で考慮にいれる重要な点は、事業がどれだけ強力なmoatを有しており、将来の利益率がどうなっていくのかを判断することです。お抱えのエコノミストが一人いる企業は、従業員が一人余計だと思いますね(笑)。

A shareholder noted that several valuation metrics Buffett has mentioned before such as market capitalization as a percentage of GDP and corporate profits as a percentage of GDP are at high levels. He asked if Buffett thought overall stock market valuations were too high?

While profits/GDP might be a concern for segments of society, Buffett remarked that American business has done well in recent years, despite the "terrible" disadvantage of U.S. tax rates claimed by many companies. The fact is American business has prospered incredibly. The stock market capitalization/GDP is very much affected by the fact we live in an interest rate environment that many would have thought was impossible with extremely low interest rates in the U.S. and negative interest rates in Europe. Profits are worth a whole lot more if the Government bond yield is 1% than if the yield were 5%. The opportunity cost is owning bonds earning practically nothing or stocks. Investors need to look at stock values in the context of a world with incredibly low interest rates and determine how long low interest rates will likely prevail. If interest rates remain low for decades like they did in Japan, stocks will look cheap. If interest rates revert to normal levels, stock valuations would appear high.

Charlie asked, "Since we failed to predict what did happen, why would anyone ask us what our prediction is for the future?"

Buffett said they don't make deals based on macro factors. He can't recall a time ever where Berkshire turned down an acquisition due to macro factors. He said, "We know we don't know what the next 12 or 24 months will look like." It really doesn't make a difference if Berkshire is holding a good business. The important consideration in making acquisitions is determining how strong the competitive moat of the business is and what will be the profitability over time. He joked, "We think any company that has an economist has one employee too many."



ときどき取りあげるミューチュアルファンドFPAは「ディープ・バリュー」という言葉が当てはまるバリュー志向のファンドです。一般的に、強気相場が深まるにつれてバリュー志向のファンドは相対的な成績が低迷し、顧客や資金が引き揚げられがちです。スティーブン・ローミック氏がマネージャーを務めるFPAの旗艦ファンドCrescentの成績も、3月末時点での年間リターンが4.67%と、S&P500の12.73%を大きく下回りました。しかし、手持ちの現金等価物の比率が44%であることを考えれば、納得できる数字です。手腕が高く評価されているせいか資金の流出はみられないようですが、顧客は微妙な心境でしょう。今回ご紹介するのは、そんな彼が第一四半期のレターで転載していた図で(原典はソシエテ・ジェネラルのAlbert Edwards氏)、S&P500の強気相場がつづいた期間を示すものです。現在の市場は、第2次世界大戦以降の70年間で最長のブル・マーケットだそうです。


引用元: Quarterly Commentaries: Capital Fund 3/31/2015 [PDF] (FPA)

もうひとつ、こちらはYahoo! Financeからで、S&P500指数のチャートです。上の図とほぼ同じ期間を示しています。







Berkshire Hathaway 2015 Annual Meeting Notes BY INGRID R. HENDERSHOT, CFA [PDF] (Hendershot Investments, Inc.)


<質問7> 医療コストが増加するなかで、砂糖を大量に消費する影響を社会はますます認知するようになりました。これはコカ・コーラ社やハインツやクラフトを囲むmoat[モート; 経済的な堀]を狭めることになるでしょうか。

<バフェット> 現在の潮流にもかかわらず、コカ・コーラにはとてつもなく大きなmoatがあります。世界で今日消費されているコカ・コーラ製品は、[約]250ml換算で19億8,000万杯になります。どの食品会社や飲料会社も、消費者の示す好みに合わせながらやっていくものです。消費者を無視してうまくいく企業はありません。20年後には、今以上に大量のコカ・コーラ製品が消費されていると思います。1940年代にはコカ・コーラの成長は終わったと言う人たちがいました。1988年にバークシャーがコカ・コーラ社の株式を買ったときにも、世間の心は同社の利益率のほうを向いていませんでした。わたしの場合、日々摂っているカロリーの1/4はコーラを飲んでまかなっています(笑)。どの1/4かはわかりませんが(笑)。もしブロッコリーと芽キャベツが出てきたら、きっと長生きできません。食事が近づくたびに牢屋に入れられるようなものです。

<マンガー> 砂糖は非常に有用な物質ですよ。動脈が軟化するのを早期から予防しますからね(笑)。それによって私の人生が縮まっていれば、養老院でのヨダレ生活が何カ月か短くて済んだはずです。

<バフェット> 食事はいつも楽しんできましたが、その手の緑黄色野菜を食べさせられた祖父のものは例外でした。ところで食品に対する嗜好は変化してきましたが、ある種の食品がいかに長続きするかは注目に値します。バークシャー・ハサウェイは30年以上前にジェネラル・フーズの最大株主でした。まさにそのすばらしいブランドが、今ではクラフトの一部になっています。ハインツというブランドは1869年にさかのぼります。ケチャップは1870年代から始まりました。コカ・コーラは1886年からです。「たくさんの人が今後何十年にもわたって、これまでと同じものを好みつづける」、そうなる可能性のほうがかなり高いと思います。コカ・コーラとくらべると、ホール・フーズ[オーガニック食品などをあつかうスーパー]で買ったものを飲む人たちには笑顔がみられません(笑)。わたしが好きなのは、みんなが買っているブランドのほうです。


With society attuned to greater sugar consumption in rising health costs, Buffett was asked whether this was narrowing the moat around Coke, Heinz and Kraft.

Buffett answered that Coke has an enormously wide moat, despite current trends. Buffett said 1.98 billion 8 oz. servings of Coke products were consumed in the world today. All food and beverage companies will adjust to expressed preferences of consumers as they go along. No company does well ignoring consumers. Twenty years from now, there will be more Coke cases consumed than there are now. In the 1940's, folks also said Coke's growth was over. In 1988, when Berkshire bought its Coke shares, people again were not enthused over the company's profitability. Buffett noted that a quarter of the calories he consumes each day come from Coke. He joked, "If I'd been eating broccoli and Brussels sprouts, I wouldn't have lived as long. It would be like going to jail when I approached meals."

Charlie said sugar is an enormously helpful substance that prevents premature softening of the arteries. He dryly added, "If it shortens my life, I've avoided a few months dribbling at a nursing home."

Buffett remarked, "I have enjoyed every meal I had except at my grandfather's when he made me eat those damn green vegetables." Buffett noted while there have been shifts in preferences for food; it is remarkable how durable some foods are. Berkshire Hathaway was the largest shareholder of General Foods 30-plus years ago. Those same terrific brands are at Kraft today. Heinz brands go back to 1869. Ketchup came out in the 1870s. Coke brands go back to 1886. It's a pretty good bet a lot of people will like the same things decades from now. Buffett joked, "When I compare drinking Coke to something that someone would sell me from Whole Foods, I don't see smiles on the people at Whole Foods." Buffett concluded, "I like the brands we are buying."









First, they wanted to be able to continue their "dollop by dollop system" without major discontinuities for twenty years.

Second, they wanted Quant Tech's reported earnings to go up by roughly the same percentage each year throughout the whole twenty years because they believed that financial analysts, representing institutional investors, would value Quant Tech's stock higher if reported annual earnings growth never significantly varied.

Third, to protect credibility for reported earnings, they never wanted to strain credulity of investors by reporting, even in their twentieth year, that Quant Tech was earning more than forty percent of revenues from designing power plants.

With these requirements, the math was easy, given the officers' assumption that Quant Tech's non-phony earnings and revenues were both going to grow at twenty percent per year for twenty years. The officers quickly decided to use their "dollop by dollop system" to make Quant Tech's reported earnings increase by twenty-eight percent per year instead of the twenty percent that would have been reported by the founder.

And so, the great scheme of "modern financial engineering" went forward toward tragedy at Quant Tech. And few disreputable schemes of man have ever worked better in achieving what was attempted. Quant Tech's reported earnings, certified by its accountants, increased regularly at twenty-eight percent per year. No one criticized Quant Tech's financial reporting except a few people widely regarded as impractical, overly theoretical, misanthropic cranks. It turned out that the founder's policy of never paying dividends, which was continued, greatly helped in preserving credibility for Quant Tech's reports that its earnings were rising steadily at twenty-eight percent per year. With cash equivalents on hand so remarkably high, the Pavlovian mere-association effects that so often impair reality recognition served well to prevent detection of the phony element in reported earnings.












また速報形式の文章は、Wall Street Journalなどで公開されています。

Recap: The 2015 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting (WSJ)

<質問4> IBMからは手を引くように、とウォーレンに話しましたか。

<マンガー> していません。IBMは非常に興味深い企業ですよ。すごい適応力があります。あの会社はパンチカードの商売を席巻していましたが、やがてPCのビジネスも手がけました。非常に信頼できる会社です。強大で称賛に足る企業ですね。一時的な逆風下にあったので、十分納得できる値段で買いましたよ。

<バフェット> (IBMに対する二人の)投票結果は2対0です。手の内は明かさないほうがうまくいきます。わたしどもや同社がこれからも株を買うでしょうから、値段は安いほうがうれしいです。手の内を明かすのであれば、持ち株上位4社については悲観的な話をしたいところです。自分の売買状況を語りたがる人は理解に苦しみますね。

<マンガー> ウォーレン、そのとおり。世間がちょくちょくまちがってくれなかったら、我々はそれほどの金持ちにはなれなかったね。(笑)

Q4: Question for Charlie. Did you try to talk Warren out of IBM?

CM: I did not. I think IBM is a very interesting corporation, very adaptable. They dominated the punch card business but it has been a mixed bag with the PC business. I think IBM is a very creditable company, an enormous enterprise, and an admirable enterprise. They were undergoing a temporary reversal and we bought at a very reasonable price.

WB: It was a two to nothing vote [on IBM]. [We are] better off not talking our book. Either we or the company will be buying back stock in the future and we'd like the price to be lower. If we were to [talk our book], we would rather say pessimistic things about all four of our biggest holdings. I am not sure why people keep talking their book.

CM: Warren, if people weren't so often wrong, we wouldn't be so rich. [Laughter]


Watson enormously valuable future: Buffett (Yahoo! Finance; CNBC video)




Are We the Stranded Asset? (and other updates) [PDF] (GMO Quarterly Letter 1Q 2015)

米国市場に関する現時点での短評: まだバブルではないが、いずれそうなるとの私見


A brief update on the U.S. market: still not bubbling yet, but I think it will

The key point here is that in our strange, manipulated world, as long as the Fed is on the side of a strong market there is considerable hope for the bulls. In the Greenspan/Bernanke/Yellen Era, the Fed historically did not stop its asset price pushing until fully-fledged bubbles had occurred, as they did in U.S. growth stocks in 2000 and in U.S. housing in 2006. Both of these were in fact stunning three-sigma events, by far the biggest equity bubble and housing bubble in U.S. history. Yellen, like both of her predecessors, has bragged about the Fed's role in pushing up asset prices in order to get a wealth effect. Thus far, she seems to also share their view on feeling no responsibility to interfere with any asset bubble that may form. For me, recognizing the power of the Fed to move assets (although desperately limited power to boost the economy), it seems logical to assume that absent a major international economic accident, the current Fed is bound and determined to continue stimulating asset prices until we once again have a fully-fledged bubble. And we are not there yet.




チャーリー・マンガーの推薦書"The Outsiders"(過去記事)の翻訳書が出ていたことを指摘してくれたのは、いつもコメントをつけてくださるブロンコさんでした(過去記事のコメント欄)。邦題は『破天荒な経営者たち』、発行元はパンローリング社です。別の翻訳書『千年投資の公理』を取りあげたときに同社のことを「わざと売れないように題名をつける会社」と書きましたが(過去記事)、本書もその路線に足を踏み入れていると思います。邦題だけでなく、装丁(表紙のデザイン)のほうも購買意欲を削いでいるようにみえるからです。前置きが長くなりましたが、結論は題名に記したとおりです。バリュー投資家のみなさんには、一読されることを強くお勧めする一冊です。資金を投じる価値がある企業の経営者とはどのような人たちなのか、その実例を示しているからです。












<質問者> 技術やその発展によって職場が奪われていく社会的変化を、どのようにお考えですか。

<マンガー> それこそ、ここで話題にしている事例ですよ。自由貿易を進めるなかで、良好なコミュニケーションやより効率的なコンテナ船などがあれば、新たな競争が生まれます。政府のおろかなシステムやマルサスの罠によって抑圧されていた非常に有能な人たちが、突如解放されたからですね。もちろん競争のせいで傷つく人もいます。かつてはその特権的な地位を占めていた人たちです。しかしそれはFRBが正しく行動しなかったせいではないです。政治家が不公平だったせいでも、金持ちが貧乏人を適切に遇しなかったせいでもないです。世界が変化したからです。自由貿易や現代技術を手放さなかったり、あるいは極貧にあえぐ農民を解放することをあきらめない以上は、当然ながら限られた教育しか受けていない勤勉な人たちの将来を害することにはなるものの、世界は変化していきます。それをとどめるのは非常にむずかしいことです。





Q: What do you think about societal change, because of the labor displacement by technology and the accelerating of that.

Mr. Munger: That's an example of what I'm talking about. If you're going to have free trade and better communication, more efficient container ships and so forth, and there's all this new competition from very talented people who've been held down by stupid governmental systems and Malthusian traps and they're suddenly unleashed, of course that competition hurts the people who formerly were in the privileged position. It isn't because the Federal Reserve didn't do something right, or the politicians are unfair, or the rich people are mistreating the poor. The world has changed. Unless you're going to do away with free trade and modern technology and the liberation of these people who were working in penury on agriculture, of course that's going to hurt the prospects of hard working people with limited education, and it has. It's very hard to fix.

The people are still going, "All you have to do is tinker with the politics and you can fix it." That's what they tried to do in Greece. The Greek solution is idiocy. If we're going to prosper, we have to work. We have to have people subject to carrots and sticks. If you take away the stick the whole system won't work.

You can't vote yourself rich. It's an idiotic idea. Of course, the successful civilizations, they all have a social safety net. Look what happened in Japan. They were the export powerhouse of Asia. Up rose China and Korea, and Germany got way better. All of a sudden they're the export powerhouse.

When you have a wonderful monopolistic position, and then some more talented people work harder, of course you're less rich. These damned economists keep looking for ways to handle the federal reserve system in Japan or something. Think how stupid that is. The solution is really obvious of why they lost. They got huge competition they didn't formerly have when they were the export powerhouse. Japanese were better at quality control and so forth. Then other people learned to play the same game.

Koreans came up from nothing in the auto business. They worked 84 hours a week with no overtime for more than a decade. At the same time every little Korean came home from grade school, and worked with a tutor for four full hours in the afternoon and the evening, driven by these Tiger Moms. Are you surprised when you lose to people like that? Only if you're a total idiot.












Plainly, the new officers saw, it would be prudent to shift bonus payments to employee stock option exercise profits in only a moderate amount per year over many years ahead. They privately called the prudent plan they adopted their "dollop by dollop system," which they believed had four obvious advantages:

First, a moderate dollop of phony earnings in any single year would be less likely to be noticed than a large dollop.

Second, the large long-term effect from accumulating many moderate dollops of phony earnings over the years would also tend to be obscured in the "dollop by dollop system." As the CFO pithily and privately said: "If we mix only a moderate minority share of turds with the raisins each year, probably no one will recognize what will ultimately become a very large collection of turds."

Third, the outside accountants, once they had blessed a few financial statements containing earnings increases, only a minority share of which were phony, would probably find it unendurably embarrassing not to bless new financial statements containing only the same phony proportion of reported earnings increase.

Fourth, the "dollop by dollop system" would tend to prevent disgrace, or something more seriously harmful, for Quant Tech's officers. With virtually all corporations except Quant Tech having ever-more-liberal stock option plans, the officers could always explain that a moderate dollop of shift toward compensation in option-exercise form was needed to help attract or retain employees. Indeed, given corporate culture and stock market enthusiasm likely to exist as a consequence of the strange accounting convention for stock options, this claim would often be true.

With these four advantages, the "dollop by dollop system" seemed so clearly desirable that it only remained for Quant Tech's officers to decide how big to make their annual dollops of phony earnings. This decision, too, turned out to be easy. The officers first decided upon three reasonable conditions they wanted satisfied: