



Inspiration from the World of Sports [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)

ナシーム・ニコラス・タレブは著書の中で、「起こり得た数々の歴史」について触れています。私はこれを「十分起こり得たが、そうならなかった別の事態」と表現しています。たしかに[今年のスーパーボウルで]シーホークスは負けました。しかし彼らが勝利し、[コーチのピート・]キャロルの下した判断がその違いをもたらしていたかもしれないのです。そうであれば彼はやり玉にはあげられず、ヒーローとなっていたでしょう。ですから、下した判断の良否を評価するには結果にもとづくだけでは足りず、以下の点も考慮しなければなりません。第一にその判断を下したプロセスの品質、第二にその判断が当たる先験的確率(当たるかどうかを問うこととは大きく異なります)、第三に下されたかもしれなかった他の諸判断、第四に起こり得る可能性が十分にあった全ての事象、第五に最も成功する確率が高かったのはどの判断か、です。(p. 8)

In his book, Taleb talks about “alternative histories,” which I describe as “the other things that reasonably could have happened but didn't.” Sure, the Seahawks lost the game. But they could have won, and Carroll’s decision would have made the difference in that case, too, making him the hero instead of the goat. So rather than judge a decision solely on the basis of the outcome, you have to consider (a) the quality of the process that led to the decision, (b) the a priori probability that the decision would work (which is very different from the question of whether it did work), (c) the other decisions that could have been made, (d) all of the events that reasonably could have unfolded, and thus (e) which of the decisions had the highest probability of success.





<質問3> 逆張り的なアイデアに対する確信をどのように深めておられますか。リスクをどのようにとらえていますか。

<バフェット> バークシャーではいくつかのフィルターを発展させてきました。提案やアイデアについてプレゼンテーションや評価をしている途中で、その一部がフィルターのどれかにひっかかった場合には、投資に踏み切ることはありません(過去記事)。チャーリーも似たようなフィルターを使っています。案じていることがたくさんあるわけではありません。自分たちが得意とする領域内で、いくつかの点が正しければよいだけです。みなさんが午前中に訪問したネブラスカ・ファニチャー・マートがその好例です。[バークシャーによって買収される際に]ミセスBは現金を受け取ることにしました。株式のことは理解していなかったからですね。大切なのは、自分が何をできるのかを知ることです。今後5年間のうちに自動車業界で支配的な地位を占めるのはどの会社でしょうか。わたしにはわからないので、株を買いません。それよりも、自分の得意領域における単純な物事のほうがいいです。良い意思決定をすれば、自分に怒鳴りかけてくれます。たとえば2008年には、単に資産価格が安かったという理由を恐れるべきではありませんでした。みなさんがおくる投資人生の間に同じようなことが起こって、「金銀小判の雨あられ」となる機会が6回あるかもしれません。


Question#3 How do you develop conviction for contrarian ideas? How do you perceive risk?

Answer#3: At Berkshire we have certain filters that have been developed. If in the course of a presentation or evaluation part of a proposal or of an idea hits a filter then there is no way I will invest. Charlie has similar filters. We don't worry about a lot of things as we only have to be right about a certain number of things - things that are within our circle of competence. A great example is the Nebraska Furniture Mart that you visited this morning. Mrs. B took cash because she didn't understand stocks. It is important to know what I can do. I have no idea which company will dominate in the auto industry in the next 5 years so I don't pick. I prefer simple things in my circle of competence. Good decisions scream at you. For example in 2008 you shouldn't have been afraid just because assets were cheap. In your entire investment lifetime you may have 6 times when this happens and it is 'raining gold'.

With regards to risk, the Berkshire portfolio suffered a 2% loss once and had 1% losses twice in our history. This was all in 1974 and 1975 when we sold assets cheap to buy other assets cheaper. Stocks are riskless if held over a long time frame as you are simply giving up purchasing power now for later. Cash is the risky asset. Risk in stocks is not what the companies will do. Traditional finance teaches that Beta is a measure of risk but volatility isn't risk. Risk is loss of purchasing power. Volatility declines over a long enough timeframe. It is individuals that make investments risky. In our report that is due out tomorrow I talk about how risk needs to be rethought. People think stocks are riskier than bonds, which is not true for a long time horizon.




ハーバード・ロー・レビュー[論文誌; ハーバード・ロー・スクールの学生が発行]で訓練を積んだ聡明で立派な人がいました。彼はソロモン・ブラザーズで法務担当役員を務めていたものの、職を失うことになりました。私はその様子を目の当たりにしたのです。同社の有能なるCEOが、下っ端の社員がなにかあやまちを犯していると告げられました。その法務担当役員氏は彼に対して次のように言ったのです。「私たちには、その件を報告する法的義務はありません。しかし私としてはそうすべきだと思います。それが道徳上の責務だからです」。法務担当役員氏の発言は実務的にも道徳的にも正しいものでした。しかし、忙しいCEOに向かって非常に不快なことをやるように勧めたものですから、説得力のないやりかたでした。当然理解できると思いますが、そのCEOは問題をずっと先送りしたままでした。悪意があってそうしたわけではないですよ。やがて、即座に通知しなかった事実を強力な規制当局が知って憤慨したときには、CEOは退任となり、その法務担当役員も共に去っていきました。


I watched the brilliant and worthy Harvard Law Review-trained general counsel of Salomon Brothers lose his career there. When the able CEO was told that an underling had done something wrong, the general counsel said "Gee, we don't have any legal duty to report this, but I think it's what we should do. It's our moral duty." The general counsel was technically and morally correct. But his approach didn't persuade. He recommended a very unpleasant thing for the busy CEO to do and the CEO, quite understandably, put the issue off, and put if off, and not with any intent to do wrong. In due course, when powerful regulators resented not having been promptly informed, down went the CEO and the general counsel with him.

The correct persuasive technique in situations like that was given by Ben Franklin. He said, "If you would persuade, appeal to interest, not to reason." The self-serving bias of man is extreme and should have been used in attaining the correct outcome. So the general counsel should have said, "Look, this is likely to erupt into something that will destroy you, take away your money, take away your status, grossly impair your reputation. My recommendation will prevent a likely disaster from which you can't recover." That approach would have worked. You should often appeal to interest, not to reason, even when your motives are lofty.





<質問2> ご自身としての「成功」とは、何を意味するものですか。それによって、ご経歴の歩みはどう変わりましたか。

<バフェット> 「成功とは、自分が望むものを得ること。幸せとは、自分が得られるものを望むこと」という言葉があります。わたしにとっては幸せのほうが大切です。わたしは、金銭面で他人に頼らず独立できることをずっと目標にしていました。つまり自分のために働くことであり、共に働く称賛すべき人たちの仕事を見つけることです。意思決定の流れを指揮する立場につきたいと考えていました。やっていくのに十分な資金ができたのが、25歳のときです。子供が2人いましたが、今日の価値でおよそ2億円強に相当する金額でした。それ以上は、わたしにとって余剰なものです。


Question 2# What is your personal definition of 'success'? How has it changed over the course of your career?

Answer#2: The saying goes that success is about getting what you want, while happiness is about wanting what you get. For myself happiness is more important. My goal was always financial independence; working for myself and finding a job where I admire the people I work with. I was interested in being in a position to control the decision making process. At age 25, I had enough money to live off of. I had two children and the equivalent of roughly $2M in today's money. Everything since then has been surplus.

As you move along in your career, you always want to consider your inner scorecard - how you feel about your own performance and success. You should worry more about how well you perform rather than how well the rest of the world perceives your performance. The success of Berkshire has always been more important than my own personal success in terms of financial returns. The most important takeaway is that you should always try to be a good person.





バフの世界において、逆張り思考とは廃れてしまった技芸である。群衆の狂気(安全余裕の重要性については言うまでもなく) に関する書籍が無視されて絶版となっている事実は、「長期的に見ると多数派が正しいことはありえない」ことを示唆している 。「非常に早い時期から動くこと」と「間違っていること」は、過ぎ行く時間の99%において、まったく同じようにみえる。バフが就いている職業では、「早く動くこと」は「クビ」を意味する。ともかく、資金全額を投資するのがバフの仕事なのだ。うまくいっていた銘柄から逸脱するのはむずかしい。また小型で流動性の乏しい銘柄を買っても、毎週集まる現金の山をろくに捌けないだろう。たぶんバフは胸中で、自分こそが本物の逆張り屋だと半分信じているのかもしれない。そして株価上昇の余地は大いに残っているだろう、とも。




Lost Art of Contrary Thinking

Lost in Buff's world is the art of contrary thinking. Ignored, out-of-print titles about the madness of crowds (not to mention the importance of a margin of safety) suggest that the majority cannot be right in the long run. Being very early and being wrong look exactly the same 99% of the time, and early in Buff's line of work means unemployed. Anyway, it is Buff's job to be fully invested. It's hard to deviate from what has been working; and buying smaller, less liquid names really wouldn't make a dent in the mountain of cash that comes in every week. Maybe Buff even halfheartedly believes it is he who is the real contrarian, and that the rally has a lot farther to go.

The investment world today is turned upside down; what is seen as risky is almost certainly much safer than what is viewed as rock solid. Not only that, but in the ultimate irony, Warren Buffett's and Buff T. Warren's portfolios look a fair bit alike. Some of Berkshire Hathaway's largest holdings, including international consumer stocks like Gillette and Coca-Cola, now trade at over 40 times earnings and are among the favorite stocks of growth managers like Buff.

The preface to Benjamin Graham's Security Analysis contains the quote from Horace's Ars Poetica : "Many shall be restored that now are fallen and many shall fall that are now in honor." It does not say when.





妬みや恨み、復讐、自己憐憫といった感情を抱くのは、総じて破滅的な考え方をしている状態と言えます。そのうちの自己憐憫は、パラノイア(偏執狂; 強い妄想をいだく症状)にかなり似たものとなることがあります。パラノイアとは脱け出すのが最高に難しいもののひとつですよ。自己憐憫には陥りたくないと思うことでしょう。かつての友人に、麻紙製のカードを分厚い束にして持ち歩いていた男がいました。そして自己憐憫を示す発言をした人がいると、彼は巨大な束をゆっくりと厳かにとり出し、てっぺんのカードを引いて相手に渡したものです。カードには次の言葉が書かれていました。「気の毒なお話、そこまでの不運に見舞われた人は初めてです」。なんとも滑稽だと思うかもしれませんが、私が示唆しているのはこの話が精神衛生を維持する手段になりうるということです。原因がなんであれ、どんな自己憐憫に陥ったところで助けになることはありません。たとえ自分の子供がガンで死を迎えつつある場合でもそうです。そのようなときには、我が友人の出したカードをみずからに差し出すべきでしょう。自己憐憫とは常に逆効果をもたらす間違った考え方です。それを避けることができれば、ほとんどの人よりもずっと優位に立てます。自己憐憫とは通常、反射的行動として生じるものだからです。しかし訓練を積めば、そこから抜け出すこともできます。


Another thing that often causes folly and ruin is the “self-serving bias,” often subconscious, to which we're all subject. You think that “the true little me” is entitled to do what it wants to do. For instance, why shouldn't the true little me get what it wants by overspending its income? Well, there once was a man who became the most famous composer in the world. But he was utterly miserable most of the time. And one of the reasons was that he always overspent his income. That was Mozart. If Mozart couldn't get by with this kind of asinine conduct, I don't think you should try it. (Audience laughs.)

Generally speaking, envy, resentment, revenge and self-pity are disastrous modes of thought. Self-pity can get pretty close to paranoia. And paranoia is one of the very hardest things to reverse. You do not want to drift into self-pity. I had a friend who carried a thick stack of linen-based cards. And when somebody would make a comment that reflected self-pity, he would slowly and portentously pull out his huge stack of cards, take the top one and hand it to the person. The card said, "Your story has touched my heart. Never have I heard of anyone with as many misfortunes as you". Well you can say that's waggery, but I suggest it can be mental hygiene. Every time you find you're drifting into self-pity, whatever the cause, even if your child is dying of cancer, self-pity is not going to help. Just give yourself one of my friend's cards. Self-pity is always counterproductive. It's the wrong way to think. And when you avoid it, you get a great advantage over everybody else, or almost everybody else, because self-pity is a standard response. And you can train yourself out of it.

Of course you also want to get self-serving bias out of your mental routines. Thinking that what's good for you is good for the wider civilization, and rationalizing foolish or evil conduct, based on your subconscious tendency to serve yourself, is a terrible way to think. And you want to drive that out of yourself because you want to be wise not foolish, and good not evil. You also have to allow, in your own cognition and conduct, for the self-serving bias of everybody else, because most people are not going to be very successful at removing such bias, the human condition being what it is. If you don't allow for self-serving bias in the conduct of others, you are, again, a fool.





なお原文は、同校に開設されているThe Ben Graham Centre for Value Investingのサイトに掲載されています。以下のリンク先です。

Notes from the Meeting Dr. George Athanassakos and Ivey MBA and HBA students had with Mr. Warren Buffett [PDF]

(場所: ネブラスカ州オマハ 、日時: 2015年2月27日 午前10時から12時)

<質問1> どのようにして成功者(ふさわしい人)を選ぶのですか。どうすれば、あなたの会社にとってぴったりな人だとわかるのでしょうか。

<バフェット> 称賛に値する人は常にいるはずだと思いますが、その中から当社にふさわしい人を選ぶのは難仕事です。S&P500指数をまちがいなく上回っていくと思われる人を知っていますが、わたしの娘には絶対結婚してほしくない人物です。ですからいちばん肝心なこととして、その人といると友達や家族と同じように気持ちが安らぐことが必要です。彼らが経営する会社を楽しむことも同じです。彼らに対して安らぎを感じるのは、みなさん自身が称賛する性質をその人が持っているからですし、共に歩みたいと考える方向へと進んでいるからです。その人たちは、みなさんがどのような人間になりたいかを表しています。自分自身よりも優れた人だとさえ感じるかもしれません。彼らの友人でありたいと望むときには、彼らの行動や頭の良さを称賛することもあるとは思いますが、人間としてどうかという点で常に判断するものです。そのような人は、一つのことを依頼すると十のことをしてくれます。期待をはるかに超えるのですね。そういった第一級の人物とやっていきたいはずですよ(たとえばウィリアム・ルーアン[投資家]も、そのような最上の人物でした)。

Notes from the Meeting Dr. George Athanassakos and Ivey MBA and HBA students had with Mr. Warren Buffett
Omaha, NB, February 27, 2015, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Question #1: How do you pick winners (the right people)? How do you know they are the right fit for your company?

Answer #1: I believe there are always winners but picking the right winner for my company is a challenge. I know an individual who is definitely going to outperform the S&P but he's the last guy on earth I'd want my daughter to marry. So first and foremost, you have to feel good around them, you must enjoy their company, like a friend or a family member. If you feel good around them, it means they have characteristics you admire and are moving in the direction you want to associate with. These people represent who you'd like to be and you may perceive them even as better than yourself. You can admire their behaviour or intellect but always judge them as a human being if you want to be their friend. These people do 10 things for every 1 thing you ask for; they go above and beyond what you expect of them. You want to associate with first-class people (like William Ruane, one of the classiest individuals).







At the end of the Hall of Greater Fools is a mirror. Buff, unaware of entering the building, actually thinks of himself as a prudent investor. After all, he owns no junk, only the shares of great businesses. And the market's constant vindication of his judgment only reinforces his conviction and self-image. Obviously, selling his best performers to dabble in anything else would be wildly speculative and he has convinced himself that he is a risk-averse investor, even a "value" investor. Buying and holding, using inflows to add to positions, is his watchword.

Occasionally, one of Buff's shooting stars falls to earth; fortunately, his compatriots at other mutual funds probably owned it in about the same proportion. Then he does what you should always do when a stock disappoints and plunges in price: He blows it out. You can't, after all, trust a company that is incapable of massaging earnings into a steady growth pattern; why, the same thing might happen again. And he knows all his compadres are thinking the same thing and blowing it out, too.

Buff has a lot of company. His stocks are going up, not necessarily because they should but because they do. That no one can think of why they wouldn't is taken as evidence that they will rise further.



今週の日経ビジネス誌(2015年10月12日号 No.1811)で最終ページに掲載されている記事は、同誌ではおなじみの日本電産永守社長が、経営者としての心構えを説いたものでした。モーレツ型の彼らしさが表れたよくある内容ですが、企業や個々人や生物が生存する上での競争優位性の本質を突いており、ある種の清々しさを感じました。その箇所を引用します。








Another thing to avoid is extremely intense ideology because it cabbages up one's mind. You see a lot of it in the worst of the TV preachers. They have different, intense, inconsistent ideas about technical theology, and a lot of them have minds reduced to cabbage. (Audience laughs) And that can happen with political ideology. And if you're young, it's particularly easy to drift into intense and foolish political ideology and never get out. When you announce that you're a loyal member of some cult-like group and you start shouting out the orthodox ideology, what you're doing is pounding it in, pounding it in, pounding it in. You're ruining your mind, sometimes with startling speed. So you want to be very careful with intense ideology. It presents a big danger for the only mind you're going to have.

There is a warning example I use whenever I feel threatened by drift toward intense political ideology. Some Scandinavian canoeists succeeded in getting through all the rapids of Scandinavia, and they thought they would continue their success by tackling the big whirlpools in northwest America. The death rate was one hundred percent. A big whirlpool is something you want to avoid. And I think the same is true about intense ideology, particularly when your companions are all true believers.

I have what I call an “iron prescription” that helps me keep sane when I drift toward preferring one intense ideology over another. I feel that I'm not entitled to have an opinion unless I can state the arguments against my position better than the people who are in opposition. I think that I am qualified to speak only when I've reached that state. This sounds almost as extreme as the “iron prescription” Dean Acheson was fond of attributing to William the Silent of Orange, who roughly said, “It's not necessary to hope in order to persevere.” That probably is too tough for most people, although I hope it won't ever become too tough for me. My way of avoiding over-intensity in ideology is easier than Acheson's injunction and worth learning. This business of not drifting into extreme ideology is a very, very important in life. If you want to end up wise, heavy ideology is very likely to prevent that outcome.








Necessary Arrogance

At the root of value investing is the belief, first espoused by Benjamin Graham, that the market is a voting machine and not a weighing machine. Thus an investor must have more confidence in his or her own opinion than in the combined weight of all other opinions. This borders on arrogance, the necessary arrogance that is required to make investment decisions. This arrogance must be tempered with extreme caution, giving due respect to the opinions of others, many of whom are very intelligent and hard working. Their sale of shares to you at a seeming bargain price may be the result of ignorance, emotion or various institutional constraints, or it may be that the apparent bargain is in fact flawed, that it is actually fairly priced or even overvalued and that the sellers know more than you do. This is a serious risk, but one that can be mitigated first by extensive fundamental analysis and second by knowing not only that something is bargain-priced but, as best you can, also why it is so. (You never know for certain why sellers are getting out but you may be able to reasonably surmise a rationale.) This is the position in which investors should, over and over, want to put themselves (and an astonishingly different type of consideration than the great majority of today's investors are bothering to make).

Now consider mega-growth-fund manager Buff T. Warren, who has been racking up year after year of great performance buying and holding the shares of expensive but steadily rising growth companies. Buff has consistently been and remains bullish, since that is what got him where he is today. High stock prices have long since ceased to worry Buff, who is nothing if not flexible. And what choice does he really have, anyway? The fundamentals are excellent as far as the eye can see, so share prices should be high. His portfolio companies are among America's greatest, they are in sync with the times and they beat analysts' earnings expectations every quarter. There is apparently nothing in the great demographic roller coaster to interrupt the steady cash inflows into the stock market. Almost no one, in fact, can even imagine a reason why these large, well-liked companies won't continue to command the greatest share of investor demand.






Another idea that I discovered was encapsulated by that story Dean McCaffery recounted earlier about the rustic who “wanted to know where he was going to die, so he wouldn't go there.” The rustic who had that ridiculous sounding idea had a profound truth in his possession. The way complex adaptive systems work, and the way mental constructs work, problems frequently become easier to solve through “inversion.” If you turn problems around into reverse, you often think better. For instance, if you want to help India, the question you should consider asking is not: "How can I help India?" Instead, you should ask: "How can I hurt India?” You find what will do the worst damage, and then try to avoid it. Perhaps the two approaches seem logically the same thing. But those who have mastered algebra know that inversion will often and easily solve problems that otherwise resist solution. And in life, just as in algebra, inversion will help you solve problems that you can't otherwise handle.

Let me use a little inversion now. What will really fail in life? What do you want to avoid? Some answers are easy. For example, sloth and unreliability will fail. If you're unreliable it doesn't matter what your virtues are, you're going to crater immediately. So, faithfully doing what you've engaged to do should be an automatic part of your conduct. Of course you want to avoid sloth and unreliability.







機関投資家の手中に資金が流入する限り、四半期ごとの報告利益が安定的に成長しており、ほぼ一貫して株価が上昇している数十の銘柄ばかりを注視した投資が行われるのはまちがいないだろう。しかし実際には、すべりやすくて非常に危険な坂道であるのもたしかだと思われる。以前の株価上昇時に優る理由がないのに株価が上昇するときには、いずれ高く売れるからと考えて買う連中がいる。インターネット株にみられる熱狂を考えてみてほしい。株式分割の単なるうわさがあがると、まったくもって価値とは無関係なのに株価が飛翔しただけでなく、そのグループ全体の株が同調して上昇した。 このような投資のやりかたは、投資候補のファンダメンタルズをみるのではなく、市場が将来どうとらえるかに基づいた購入そのものと言える。価値に基づいてはじめから購入する投資家は、すでに割安な株価がさらに下落すれば購入するし、株価が価値の満額に達すれば売却する。しかしインターネット株を買ったり、非常に優れた会社ながらも非常に割高な株価で買った投資家は、価格が上昇あるいは下落した時にどうすればいいのか判断できない。これは大多数の投資家にはジレンマとなる。しかし、わずかな人にとっては真の機会となるのだ。

History Doesn't Quite Repeat

History never repeats itself exactly. So in 1998 investors urgently seeking liquidity are selling not Washington Post but small-cap and emerging-market equities. Investors tired of underperforming don't sell Dell Computer (no one, it seems, sells Dell), which they love for what it has done for them no matter how expensive it has become. It is so much easier for them to sell whatever has recently disappointed investor expectations, no matter how inexpensive it has become. Mutual-fund managers, desperate to put cash to work, don't buy what is cheap but what is working, since what is cheap by definition hasn't been working.

It seems obvious that so long as there are inflows into the hands of institutional investors, there will be a telescoping of investment into the several dozen names that have reliably reported quarter-by-quarter earnings growth and almost constant share-price appreciation. It seems obvious, but is actually a slippery and very dangerous slope. When stocks are rising for no better reason than that they have risen, the greater fool is at work. Consider the Internet-stock mania, where the mere rumor of a stock split, as irrelevant to value as a rumor could be, sends not only that stock flying but a whole group of stocks rising in sympathy. This is no different from the purchase of any investment based on how the market might possibly regard it in the future rather than on investment fundamentals. An investor who initially purchases based on value knows to buy more when an already undervalued stock falls and to sell when it becomes fully valued. An investor in an Internet stock or in the extraordinarily expensive shares of a very good company has no idea what to do when the price moves up or down. This creates a serious dilemma for the great majority of investors and a real opportunity for a few.






Even though I was a great poker player when I was young, I wasn't good enough at pretending when I thought I knew more than my supervisors did. And I didn't try as hard at pretending as would have been prudent. So I gave a lot of offense. Now, I'm generally tolerated as a harmless eccentric who will soon be gone. But, coming up, I had a difficult period to go through. My advice to you is to be better than I was at keeping insights hidden. One of my colleagues, who graduated as number one in his class in law school and clerked at the U.S. Supreme Court, tended as a young lawyer to show that he knew a lot. One day the senior partner he was working under called him in and said, "Listen, Chuck, I want to explain something to you. Your duty is to behave in such a way that the client thinks he's the smartest person in the room. If you have any energy or insight available after that, use it to make your senior partner look like the second smartest person in the room. And only after you've satisfied those two obligations, do you want your light to shine at all". Well, that was a good system for rising in many a large law firm. But it wasn't what I did. I usually moved with the drift of my nature, and if some other people didn't like it, well, I didn't need to be adored by everybody.

Let me further develop the idea that a multi-disciplinary attitude is required if maturity is to be effective. Here I'm following a key idea of the greatest lawyer of antiquity, Marcus Tullius Cicero. Cicero is famous for saying that a man who doesn't know what happened before he's born goes through life like a child. That is a very correct idea. Cicero is right to ridicule somebody so foolish as not to know history. But if you generalize Cicero, as I think one should, there are a lot of other things that one should know in addition to history. And those other things are the big ideas in all the other disciplines. And it doesn't help you much just to know something well enough so that on one occasion you can prattle your way to an A in an exam. You have to learn many things in such a way that they're in a mental latticework in your head and you automatically use them the rest of your life. If many of you try that, I solemnly promise that one day most will correctly come to think, “Somehow I've become one of the most effective people in my whole age cohort.” And, in contrast, if no effort is made toward such multidisciplinarity, many of the brightest of you who choose this course will live in the middle ranks, or in the shallows.




バフェットが割安に購入した証券から利益が早々に生じることはなかった。彼は市場外で購入しなかったし、それなりの利益が手早く得られる少数売却や相対による売却もしなかった。市場で大量に買い付けたのだ。彼は、市場がまちがっていると単純明快に決めていた。売り手は明瞭に考えていないか、おそらくは明瞭に考えるだけの地位にいない者と見ていた。売り手が売却していた理由は、ワシントン・ポスト社の事業価値とくらべて株価が満額あるいは割高だったからではないのは、ほぼ確かだ。意外に思うだろうが、 この件で彼らとバフェットは同じ意見だったようだ。見解の相違は仮にひとつだけだとすれば、株価が事業価値からどれだけ割り引かれていたか、その差が適切な水準かどうかだった。バフェットはそれを広いものと見ていた。


バフェットはリスクを気にしていなかったのだろうか。もちろん気にかけていたが、短期志向かつ硬直さを強いられた投資家にぴったりのリスクとは違っていた。そのような投資家は株式をバフェットに売るたびに、意図せずして彼をますます裕福にしていたのだ。彼らは短期的な成績を過度に心配し、 顧客も同じように受けとめていると考えていた。今日の大規模な投資信託業者は、まさにそのような投資家と言えるだろう。彼らの世界では相対的に劣った成果をあげることが破滅を意味しており、「長期」という言葉は投資の成果が評価される頻度によって定められている。彼らにとっては「愚か者にみえること」がリスクであって、「実際に愚か者であること」ではない。「だれもが保有している銘柄には大枚払ってもいいところを、保有し損ねること」がリスクであって、「払い過ぎること」ではない。多数の企業を保有する以上、大打撃を受けることよりも、 群衆から離れていくことのほうがますますリスクとなるのだ。

And profiting from his bargain purchases was not an immediate occurrence. Buffett was making no off-market purchase, odd lot or private sale he could immediately flip for sizable gain. He in fact bought very much on the market; he had simply decided that the market was wrong. His view was that the sellers were not thinking clearly, perhaps were not in a position to think clearly. In all probability, they were selling not because they believed the shares were fully priced or overpriced compared with the value of Washington Post as a business. On this they and Buffett may, perhaps surprisingly, have agreed. Their disagreement, if there was one, concerned the level of appropriate discount between share price and business value, a gap that Buffett saw as widening.

It is helpful to note that Buffett did not consider whether Washington Post was a component of a stock-market index, or about to be added to one (ironically, in a sense, since the possible inclusion of Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway in the S&P 500 Index is one of the speculative forces lifting that stock today). He did not weigh the market capitalization of the company or its daily trading volume in his purchase decision. He didn't worry about whether the stock was about to split or pay or omit a dividend. He most certainly did not evaluate the stock's beta or use the capital-asset pricing model or consider whether its purchase would move his portfolio to the efficient frontier. He simply valued the business and bought a piece of it at a sizable discount.

Was Buffett not concerned about risk? Of course he was, but not those risks that were most pertinent to the shorter-term-oriented, more rigidly constrained investors who were unwittingly making him wealthier every time they sold him another share. Those investors, quite like today's big mutual-fund complexes, were disproportionately worried about their short-term investment results and their clients' perception of same. In such a world, relative underperformance is a disaster and the longer term is measured by the frequency with which investment results are evaluated. Risk for them is not being stupid but looking stupid. Risk is not overpaying, but failing to overpay for something everyone else holds. Risk is more about standing apart from the crowd than about getting clobbered, as long as you have a lot of company.