



<ウォーレン・バフェット> 飛行機が多すぎるのです。数か月前に発注が下されて合意がなされたときには、そのような状況ではありませんでした。しかし航空会社にとって世界は変化してしまいました。彼らにはうまくいってほしいと思いますが、しかし航空会社は当社が保有する事業のひとつでした。当社が直接保有している企業のなかには、これから大きな傷を負うことになる会社もあります。例のウィルスはバークシャーの資金を奪っていきます。「株式だから資金が減る」という意味ではありません。それは事業によってさまざまです。たとえばXYZという会社の株を保有していて、つまり一事業として保有しており、その会社を気に入っているとします。しかしXYZ社の株価が20%あるいは40%下落しても、その状況で損をしたとは感じません。一方で、今回実際に航空会社に起こったという意味では、まるで100%保有している会社であるかのように、痛手を受けたと感じました。



(Warren Buffett 01:45:26)

So you've got too many planes, but it didn't look that way when the orders were placed a few months ago, when arrangements were made. But the world changed for airlines and I wish them well, but it's one of the businesses we have. We have businesses we own directly that are going to be hurt significantly. The virus will cost Berkshire money. It doesn't cost money because of our stock. And various other businesses moves around. I mean, if XYZ, which say is one of our holdings and we own it as a business and we liked the business. The stock was down 20 or 30 or 40%. We don't feel we're poor in that situation. We felt we were poor in terms of what actually happened to those airline businesses just as if we don't a hundred percent of them. [as if we'd owned?]

(Warren Buffett 01:46:23)

So that explains those sales, which are relatively minor, but I want to make sure that nobody thinks that involves a market prediction. And that pretty well wraps it up for Berkshire. So now we move into the formal part of the meeting, which will be followed by a fairly extended question and answer period if there are a lot of questions with Becky. And while we're doing this formal part of the meeting, it's not too exciting. So feel free to leave whatever you're viewing this through, and if you want to send questions to Becky, we'll keep her contact information up on the screen. Or if you want to fix yourself a sandwich or do anything else, we will now move... Or you can pay attention to the formal part of the meeting. But we will do this, and it won't take too long, and then we will move on to the question and answer meeting.






(Warren Buffett 01:43:01)

I mean, believe me, no joy being a CEO of an airline, but the companies we bought are well managed. They did a lot of things right. It's a very, very, very difficult business because you're dealing with millions of people every day, and if something goes wrong for 1% of them, they are very unhappy. So I don't envy anybody the job of being CEO of an airline, but I particularly don't enjoy being it in a period like this, where essentially nobody... People have been told basically not to fly. I've been told not to fly for a while. I'm looking forward to flying them. May not fly commercial, but that's another question. The airline business, and I may be wrong and I hope I'm wrong, but I think it changed in a very major way, and it's obviously changed in the fact that there're four companies are each going to borrow perhaps an average of at least 10 or 12 billion each.

(Warren Buffett 01:44:11)

You have to pay that back out of earnings over some period of time. I mean, you're 10 or $12 billion worse off if that happens. And of course in some cases they're having to sell stock or sell the right to buy a stock at these prices. And that takes away from the upside down. And I don't know whether it's two or three years from now that as many people will fly as many passenger miles as they did last year. They may and they may not, but the future is much less clear to me, [inaudible 00:02:52], how the business will turn out through absolutely no fault of the airlines themselves. That's something that was a low probability event happened, and it happened to hurt particularly the travel business, the hotel business, cruise business, the theme park business, but the airline business in particular. And of course the airline business has the problem that if the business comes back 70% or 80%, the aircraft don't disappear.



バークシャー・ハサウェイの株主総会より、ウォーレン・バフェットの実質的な謝罪会見です。 このように誠実な態度を示せるリーダーのもとでは、真っ当な文化が育まれていると期待したいものです。前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)

<ウォーレン・バフェット> そうしたのは基本的に、だれかが目標価格を変更したり、今期の利益予想を変更したことで、「株式市場は下落するか、今の状態で進むだろう」と考えるようになったからではありません。「企業の価値を評価する際に自分がまちがっていた」と判断したからです。それは原因が究明できる失敗でした。株式を買ったときには、確率で重みづけした上で決定をくだしました。そして航空業界にわたって投資していた時には、十分な見返りを得ていました。



(Warren Buffett 01:41:07)

And that's basically, that isn't because we thought the stock market was going to go down or anything of this order because somebody changes their target price or they change this year's earnings forecast. I just decided that I'd made a mistake in evaluating. That was an understandable mistake. It was a probability-weighted decision when we bought that, we were getting an attractive amount for our money when investing across the airlines business.

(Warren Buffett 01:41:43)

So we bought roughly 10% of the four largest airlines, and we probably... This is not 100% of what we did in April, but we probably paid $7 or $8 billion and then somewhere between $7 and $8 billion to own 10-

(Warren Buffett 01:42:03)

And somewhere between seven and eight billion to own 10% of the four large companies in the airline business, and we felt for that, we were getting a billion dollars roughly of earnings. Now we weren't getting a billion dollars of dividends, but we felt our share of the underlying earnings was a billion dollars and we felt that that number was more likely to go up than down over a period of time. It would be cyclical obviously, but it was as if we bought the whole company. But we bought it through the New York Stock Exchange, and we can only effectively buy 10% roughly of the four. And we treat it mentally exactly as if we were buying a business. And it turned out I was wrong about that business because of something that was not in any way the fault of four excellent CEOs.







ROIIC. We now turn to seeing the impact of changing assumptions about ROIIC. We’ll revert back to our 10 percent baseline NOPAT growth and consider the warranted P/E multiples assuming different ROIICs.

ここでいったん、文中で登場する用語を説明する文章に移ります。「標準PER倍率(commodity P/E multiple)」という用語についてです。

標準PER倍率(commodity P/E multiple)の基礎的な例から始めよう。この値は「年あたり1ドルの利益を生み出すが、今後は新たな価値を創出しない永久債として扱うべきもの」に対して支払う金額の倍率である。これを求めるには、資本コストの逆数を乗算すればよい。たとえば資本コストが8%であれば、標準PER倍率は12.5になる(1 / 0.08 = 12.5)。

Let’s start with the basic example of the commodity P/E multiple. This is the multiple you should pay for $1 of earnings into perpetuity assuming no value creation. You calculate the multiple by taking the inverse of the cost of equity capital. For example, if the cost of equity is 8 percent, the commodity P/E multiple is 12.5 (1/.08 = 12.5).






Exhibit 4 shows the results. Recall that the commodity P/E is 14.9. Here’s the way to think about it: ROIIC tells you how much you have to invest to achieve an assumed growth rate. A high ROIIC means you don’t need to invest much to grow, which means there’s more cash left over for shareholders. A low ROIIC means you have to invest a lot of capital to grow, leaving little for the owners.

Buffett added that the impact of growth “can be negative as well as positive.” Growth is a negative when the ROIIC is below the cost of capital. In that case, a company is spending $1 worth of capital to attain less than $1 of value. The faster the company grows the more wealth it destroys.

The exhibit shows that an ROIIC below the cost of capital of 6.7 percent yields a P/E multiple below the commodity multiple. Acquisitions are again a case in point. For buyers, M&A deals commonly add to earnings growth but subtract from value. You can think of low-ROIIC investments as pushing down the P/E multiple of a company’s stock toward the commodity multiple.




<ウォーレン・バフェット> しかし、わたしどもはバークシャーで準備をしていました。あれほどまでに行動できる議長がFEDにいない場合を想定して、つねに備えてきました。わたしどもはあらゆることに備えたいと考えています。そのことが、現金や債券で1,240億ドル分を保有している説明の一部になっていると思います。ですから当社には、そのすべてが必要なわけではありません。



(Warren Buffett 01:39:16)

But we're prepared at Berkshire. We always prepare on the [ad 01:39:20], on the basis that maybe the Fed will not have a chairman that acts like that. And we really want to be prepared for anything. So that explains some of the $124 billion in cash and bills. We don't need it all.

(Warren Buffett 01:39:39)

But we never want to be dependent on not only the kindness of strangers but the kindness of friends. Now, in the next slide, we have the what we did in equities, and these numbers are tiny when you get right down to it. I mean, for having $500 billion or so in net worth and... I mean, not net worth, but in market value at the start of the year or something close to that. We bought in $1.7 billion of stock, and our purchases were a couple of billion more than our sales of equities.

(Warren Buffett 01:40:26)

But as you saw in the previous slide, we had operating earnings of $5, almost $6 billion. So we did very little in the first quarter. And then I've added in another figure, which I wouldn't normally present to you. But I want to be sure that if I'm talking to you about investments and stocks more than I usually have, I want you to know what Berkshire's actually doing. Now, you'll see in the month of April that we net sold $6 billion or so of securities.




<ウォーレン・バフェット> そして3月に市場が基本的に凍りついたときに、中旬過ぎには若干閉場されましたが、FEDが3月23日に各種の行動を起こしたことで、わたしの記憶では社債発行額が史上最大となった月間になりました。そして4月にはさらに増加しました。あらゆる種類の企業が市場に現れ、金利スプレッドが狭まるなかで闇雲につかんでいきました。3月後半や4月に社債を発行したあらゆる者たちの一員として、わたしはFEDへ感謝の手紙を送りました。もしもFEDが実際に破格の速度と決断をもって実行していなければ、そうはならなかったからです。

今後はFEDの膨張したバランス・シートが何をもたらすのか、その成り行きをみていくことになります。そのバランス・シートは毎週木曜日に更新されますので、わたしと同じようなちょっと変わった人には楽しく読めると思います(笑)。毎週木曜日にインターネット上で更新されていますが[H.4.1, トレンド図]、この6,7週間で劇的に変化したことがみてとれます。


(Warren Buffett 01:37:17)

And then March, when the market had essentially frozen, closed a little after mid-month, ended up, because the Fed took these actions on March 23rd, it ended up being the largest month for corporate debt issuance I believe in history. And then April followed through with even a larger month. And you saw all kinds of companies grabbing everything, coming to market and spreads actually narrow then. And every one of those people that issued bonds in late March and April, I sent a thank you letter to the Fed because it would not have happened if they hadn't operated with really unprecedented speed and determination.

(Warren Buffett 01:38:10)

And we'll know the consequences of swelling the Fed's balance sheet. You can look at the Fed's balance sheet. They put it out every Thursday. It's kind of interesting reading if you're sort of a nut like me. But it's up there on the Internet every Thursday. And you'll see some extraordinary changes there in the last six or seven weeks.

(Warren Buffett 01:38:35)

And like I say, we don't know what the consequences of that, and nobody does exactly. And we don't know what the consequences of what they undoubtedly will have to do. But we do know the consequences of doing nothing. And that would've been the tendency of the Fed in many years past, not doing nothing, but doing something inadequate. But more [inaudible 01:39:00] brought the whatever it takes to Europe and the Fed, then with March, sort of did whatever it takes, squared, and we owe them a huge thank you.






しかし亡くなった時期からそれほど離れていない頃に、彼は"Keeping at it"(邦訳『ボルカー回顧録』)という題名の本を著していました。[先述した]ブックワーム書店でわたしの友人に聞いてみればその本が手に入りますので、ぜひ楽しんでください。ポール・ボルカーは数多くの点で巨人でしたし、魅力的な人物でもありました。彼とジェイ・パウエルは過敏さなどに対してそれほど注意を払いませんでしたが、それでもわたしとしては、ジェイ・パウエルはボルカーと共に台座に据え奉るべき人物だと考えています。なぜなら彼は3月中旬に行動を起こしたからです。おそらくは2008年と2009年に目撃した出来事によって、いくぶん導かれたのでしょう。彼らは甚大な策を講じました。そして、その後に起きたことについてはその歩みに任せることを、基本的に許可したのです。  

(Warren Buffett 01:35:13)

We got to the point where the U.S. Treasury market, the deepest of all markets, got somewhat disorganized. And when that happens, believe me, every bank and CFO in the country knows is, and they react with fear. And fear is the most contagious disease you can imagine; it makes the virus look like a piker.

(Warren Buffett 01:35:41)

And we came very close to having a total freeze of credit to the largest companies in the world who were depending on it. And to the great credit of Jay Powell, I've always had Paul Volcker up on a special place, special pedestal in terms of Federal Reserve chairman over the years. We've had a lot of very good Fed chairmen, but Paul Volcker, I had him at the top of the list. And I'll recommend another, but Paul Volcker died about, I don't know, less than maybe a year ago or a little less.

(Warren Buffett 01:36:18)

But not much before he died, he wrote a book called Keeping at it. And if you call my friends at the Bookworm, I think you'll enjoy reading that book. Paul Volcker was a giant in many ways. He was a big guy too. He and Jay Powell, couldn't see more in temperament or anything, but Jay Powell, in my view, in the Fed board belong up there on that pedestal with him because they acted in the middle of March, probably somewhat instructed by what they'd seen in 2008 and '09. They reacted in a huge way and essentially allowed what's happened since that time to play out the way it has.





10% → 7%$110 $107 32.3 24.9




Growth. Let’s start by reducing the growth rate from 10 percent to 7 percent. We’ll assume the base year earnings are $100.

Next year’s earningsP/E
10% → 7%$110 $107 32.3 24.9

Note that the change in growth reduces next year’s earnings by only 2.7 percent, but that the warranted P/E multiple drops a more precipitous 22.9 percent. Investors often calculate the P/E multiple using the current price and next year’s earnings. As a result, they sometimes believe that the market overreacts to what appear to be modest changes in the near-term earnings. But if expectations for the trajectory of growth really do shift down, the large apparent drop in the P/E multiple is completely justified.


This calculation substantiates Buffett’s point that, “Growth is always a component in the calculation of value, constituting a variable whose importance can range from negligible to enormous.” Growth makes little difference for businesses that earn a return close to the cost of capital but is a huge amplifier of value for high-return businesses.




<ウォーレン・バフェット> ですから、わたしどもがバークシャーに望んでいる位置とは..、『欲望という名の電車』に登場するブランチ・デュボアを覚えておられますか。多くの方が生まれるよりもずっと前の作品ですね。しかし彼女は「あの人たちを望んではいない」と言いました。ブランチの場合、「私はいつも他人のやさしさを頼りにしてきた」と言っていましたが、当社は友人の好意に頼りたいとは考えていません。なぜならば、資金がほとんど止まってしまう時期というものがあるからです。おもしろいことに、そういった例がひとつありました。もちろん2008年から2009年のことです。




(Warren Buffett 01:32:44)

So we want to be in a position at Berkshire where... Well, you remember Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire - That goes back before many of you. But she said she didn't want them. In Blanche's case, she said that she depended on the kindness of strangers. And we don't want to be dependent on the kindness of friends even because there are times when money almost stops. And we had one of those, interestingly enough. We had it, of course, in 2008 and '09.

(Warren Buffett 01:33:32)

But right around in the day or two leading up to March 23rd, we came very close but fortunately we had a Federal Reserve that knew what to do, but money was... investment-grade companies were essentially going to be frozen out of the market.

(Warren Buffett 01:34:03)

CFOs all over the country had been taught to sort of maximize returns on equity capital, so they financed themselves to some extent through commercial paper because that was very cheap and it was backed up by bank lines and all of that. And they let the debt creep up quite a bit in many companies.

(Warren Buffett 01:34:22)

And then of course they had the hell scared out of them by what was happening in markets, particularly the equity markets. And so they rushed to draw down lines of credit. And that surprised the people who had extended those lines of credit; they got very nervous. And the capacity of Wall Street to absorb a rush to liquidity that was taking place in mid-March was strained to the limit to the point where the Federal Reserve, observing these markets, decided they had to move in a very big way.