


慎重派ファンド・マネージャーのボブ・ロドリゲスは、最近の上昇相場では声がかからないのか、マスメディアには登場していないようです。しかし彼のファンドFPA Capital Fundの四半期報告書を読むとあいかわらずで、手綱をひきしめている様子がうかがえます。今回は同報告書の一部をご紹介します(日本語は拙訳)。

FPA Capital Fund, Inc. Quarterly Commentary (March 31, 2013) (PDFファイル)

なおFPA Capital Fundのマネージャーとしてはボブ・ロドリゲス氏以外の2名が署名していますが、彼も裏方としてマネージャーを務めているようです。










We are often asked “why not just buy more of what you own and be fully invested?” Our answer is the same today as it was almost thirty years ago. That is we do not target a specific level for cash, rather cash is a residual of investment opportunity. We build the Fund one stock at a time, and each investment achieves a certain weighting based on its risk-to-reward ratio. The higher our confidence in a company executing its business plan, coupled with more upside potential than downside risk, the larger its weighting will be.

We monitor each stock position in the portfolio every day. When a stock meets all of our strict investment criteria and reaches an attractive valuation level, we establish a new holding or add to an existing position. When a stock attains a premium to our estimate of its intrinsic value, we reduce or eliminate the holding depending on how large the premium is to its value. At the end of the process, we generally end up with 20-40 stocks in the Fund. If the number of companies that qualify for a position in the Fund is at the lower end of the range, or our conviction in the existing holdings is not at the highest level, the portfolio will have an elevated level of liquidity. On the other hand, if it is a target-rich environment and our convictions are exceptionally high, the Fund will have very little liquidity.

In our opinion, there is currently a dearth of investment opportunity in the U.S. Small-Mid Cap stock universe. For example, our core valuation screen shows just sixty-four companies passing. We have looked at all these companies. We either own them or deem them not to be investment-worthy. Over the past three decades, this screen has ranged between the low 40s to over 400 companies. Additionally, we have conscientiously reviewed the 52-week new low list for NYSE-listed1 companies over the past few decades to source potential new ideas. At the end of the first quarter, fewer than twenty companies of the more than three thousand listed companies on the Big Board were trading at their 52-week low, excluding ETFs, ADRs, and Preferred stocks.

Moreover, if one were to examine the P/E5 multiples for the broad indices, particularly the Small-Mid Cap universe such as the Russell 2000 and 2500, one should be alarmed at the extraordinarily high valuations investors are paying to own stocks. For instance, at the end of the March quarter, the trailing-twelve month price/earnings ratio for the aforementioned indices were 26.3x and 23.2x, respectively. Clearly, current market conditions are not ideal for us value investors.

Growth and momentum investors, and some pension consultants, will so say “so what?” These people will point out that the market and many stocks are tracking higher, and it is not wise not to be fully invested. Yes, the market has been robust and the invested portion of the Fund has performed very well, but we have a couple of questions about the wisdom of allocating capital to very expensive stocks.

The first question is, “What is one’s required growth rate of profits for paying such large multiples for these companies?” The academic texts books and many growth investors will tell you all about the PEG ratio. This metric is defined as the P/E ratio divided by the expected growth rate in earnings. Generally, these investors want a PEG ratio of 1 or less to commit capital. Thus, with the current P/E for the Russell 2000 at 26.3x these growth investors need earnings to grow faster than 26%, or they will be merely speculating by having to pay a PEG ratio greater than 1x.

If one accepts that paying 1x for the PEG ratio makes reasonable investment sense, and we do not because we believe no investor can predict with 100% confidence what the future holds, then what is the consensus for earnings growth? The latest reports we have read is that the consensus for earnings growth for 2013 is projected to be 4-7%.

Interestingly, earnings for Small-Mid Cap companies are currently growing at about 1.6% per quarter, or less than 7% annualized. This a far cry from the 26% required per the widely-held view that a PEG of 1 or less makes eminent sense. It is analogous to that iconic 1984 Wendy’s commercial with the actress Clara Peller, who asks, “Where’s the beef?” If you do not remember the commercial, Peller receives an enormous hamburger bun with a tiny piece of beef inside. Her elderly friends ridicule the bun by saying, “It’s a very big bun. It’s a big fluffy bun. It’s a very big fluffy bun.” If Clara and her friends were around today, we could hear them saying, “It’s a very big P/E. It’s a big fluffy P/E. It’s very big fluffy P/E.” But not enough of beef, ahem, earnings growth.








Let’s take bad debt reserving for banks. That is a really important subject in a world where Gresham’s Law is going to cause a lot of terrible cognition and terrible behavior. The accountants want a system and they ordained we have to use it that says you compute your bad debt reserve actuarially -- you look at your bad debt losses in past years, and you use that in judging what your future bad debt losses will be. But, of course, if you are making a totally different kind of loan to a different kind of borrower, using the past experience is insane. It is not just slightly insane, it is really insane. Nobody would do this with his own money who had any sense - judge his future exposure in lending based on his past exposure in making a totally different kind of loan which is obviously way safer than what he is doing now. But once the accountants chose this crazy accounting convention, then people have a wonderful opportunity to game the system. If you want your bank to look like a big earner for two or three years, just make a bunch of lousy loans that will take a while to be diagnosed as such. Your accountants will cause the loans to stay on your books accruing a lot of wonderful income and you will report it to the analysts, and the credit agencies will believe in the income, and so on and so on and so on and you’ll look fine for quite a while. You can say this will eventually come home to roost? Oh no, when it starts coming home to roost, we’ll just do twice as much more and that will swamp the old troubles coming home and when that gets in trouble we’ll double again and if you are deposit insured you can do it ad infinitum as long as your accountants will let you because you are using the government’s credit to attract the new money. And, of course, that credit is unlimited.











Buffett Nebraska Business Interview 2001 (PDFファイル) (scribd)

<質問者> MBAは今日の学生にとって重要な学位だとお考えですか。

<ウォーレン> ビジネスに興味があったり、その世界に進むのでしたら、MBAはとても役に立ちます。しかし本当に大切なのは、どのような心持ちで授業に臨むか、この主題に興味を持てるかということです。会計などの授業を苦役や必須要件とみているのでしたら、全体像を見失っています。どんな授業でも楽しむことはできるものです。会計学を習得するのは新しい外国語を身につけるのと同じようなもので、けっこう楽しいですよ。必要なのは、さぐり出そうとする姿勢です。対象に近づいて、発見するのです。会計学はビジネスを解き明かすロゼッタ・ストーンと言えるでしょう。いっぽう経済学というのも、人間はいかに貪欲な望みに対処し、そういった望みを満たすためのシステムをつくりだしたかが冒頭から記述されており、魅力的な学問です。すばらしい内容です。まさに世界はそのように動いています。ビジネスは日常のできごとであり、経済学の一部分を占めるものです。ブラックホールのような表現しかねるものではなく、それなりに理解できるものです。ですからビジネスを通じて、世界がどのようにして動いているかを学ぶことができます。18か19歳で世界のことを学び、この広い世の中の動きを理解できるようになります。我が国の一人あたりのGDPは20世紀の間に6倍になりました。6倍というのがどういうことが考えてみてください。なぜこの国でそうなったのに、よそではそうならなかったのか。アメリカは世界の一部分を占めるにすぎませんが、非常に重要な位置づけにあります。そういったことを理解し、これからの人生という観点に立ってあらゆるものごとをみつめるのは、すばらしいことだと思います。

Cynthia: Do you think an MBA is an important degree for students to have today?

Warren: If you are interested in business, or likely to be in business, an MBA is very useful. But, what is really important is what you bring to a class in terms of being interested in the subject. If you view a course like accounting as a drudge and a requirement, you are missing the whole game. Any course can be exciting. Mastering accounting is like mastering a new language, it can be so much fun. The attitude should be one of discovery, that you are coming there and discovering. Accounting is the Rosetta Stone of business. Economics is fascinating, the first page of economics describes how mankind deals with insatiable wants and creates the systems to fulfill these wants. It’s great stuff. Really how the world works. Business is a subsection, a fairly understandable subsection, not like black holes, which are fairly hard to visualize, but business is every day stuff and you are learning how the world works. You are 18-19 years old and learning about the world, understanding how this great world works. The GDP per capita in the 20th century increased 6 to 1. Think of that, six times. Why does that work here in the U.S., why doesn’t it work other places? The U.S. is a small part of the universe, but a very important part and understanding that and seeing everything else against that backdrop for the rest of your life is fabulous. (PDFファイル5ページ目)

<質問者> わたしどもの学生は常々、あなたがどんな人を雇うのか知りたがっています。どのような点にご注目されているのですか。

<ウォーレン> 3つのことに留意しています。知性とエネルギー、それから誠実さです。知性面はずば抜けている必要はなく、そこそこあれば十分でしょう。たとえばレイ・クロック[マクドナルドの創業者]は頭のいい人でしたがそれだけではなく、商売における正しい原則に従い、情熱をもって仕事に勤しみ、自分のビジネスと向き合いました。みなさんの学校でビジネスを勉強している学生は、知性とエネルギーのどちらもお持ちかと思います。しかし誠実さというものは人間のDNAには刻み込まれていません。学生のみなさんの年頃でしたら、還暦をむかえる頃にどんな人間になっていたいか、いろいろ選べるでしょう。ですが誠実さが欠けていれば、それを体現することはできません。習慣という鎖は、ときに重すぎて外せなくなるからです。学生のみなさんは自分の鎖をこしらえることができます。自分が尊敬する人に質問してみてください、あなたが称賛する人というのはどういう人ですか、と。寛大で慎みがあり、思いやりのある人、そんな答えがかえってくるものです。真似をするならそういう人が一番です。

Cynthia: Our students are always interested in knowing what you look for when you hire someone? What specific qualities do you seek?

Warren: You look for three things, you look for intelligence, you look for energy and you look for integrity. You don’t need to be brilliant, just reasonably intelligent, Ray Kroc, for example, has good intelligence, which he combined with good business principles and passion for business and a passion for his particular business. Every business student you have has the requisite intelligence and requisite energy. Integrity is not hard wired into your DNA. A student at that age can pretty much decide what kind a person they are going to be at sixty. If they don’t have integrity, they never will. The chains of habit are sometimes too heavy to be broken. Students can forge their own chains. Just pick a person to admire and ask why you admire them, usually it is because they are generous, decent, kind people, and those are the kind of people to emulate. (PDFファイル6ページ目)











「自己批判」がいかに強力かをさらに称揚するために、学卒でおわった月並みな才能のチャールズ・ダーウィンがどこに葬られているか思い出してみましょう。ウェストミンスター寺院はアイザック・ニュートンの墓石の、ちょうどとなりです。ニュートンこそ、他に比類なき才能を授かった学究でした。彼の墓石にはラテン語の八つの単語で口を極めた称賛が刻まれています。「アイザック・ニュートン、ここに眠る」(Hic depositum est, quod mortale fuit Isaaci Newtoni)。



Even though this regrettable blindness and lassitude is now the normal academic result, are there exceptions providing hope that disgraceful shortcomings of the education establishment will eventually be corrected? Here, my answer is a very optimistic yes.

For instance, consider the recent behavior of the economics department of the University of Chicago. Over the last decade, this department has enjoyed a near monopoly of the Nobel prizes in economics, largely by getting good predictions out of “free market” models postulating man's rationality. And what is the reaction of this department after winning so steadily with its rational-man approach?

Well, it has just invited into a precious slot amid its company of greats a wise and witty Cornell economist, Richard Thaler. And it has done this because Thaler pokes fun at much that is holy at the University of Chicago. Indeed, Thaler believes, with me, that people are often massively irrational in ways predicted by psychology that must be taken into account in microeconomics.

In so behaving, the University of Chicago is imitating Darwin, who spent much of his long life thinking in reverse as he tried to disprove his own hardest-won and best-loved ideas. And so long as there are parts of academia that keep alive its best values by thinking in reverse like Darwin, we can confidently expect that silly educational practice will eventually be replaced by better ones, exactly as Carl Jacobi might have predicted.

This will happen because the Darwinian approach, with its habitual objectivity taken on as a sort of hair shirt, is a mighty approach, indeed. No less a figure than Einstein said that one of the four causes of his achievement was self-criticism, ranking right up there alongside curiosity, concentration, and perseverance.

And, to further appreciate the power of self-criticism, consider where lies the grave of that very “ungifted” undergraduate, Charles Darwin. It is in Westminster Abbey, right next to the headstone of Isaac Newton, perhaps the most gifted student who ever lived, honored on that headstone in eight Latin words constituting the most eloquent praise in all graveyard print: “Hic depositum est, quod mortale fuit Isaaci Newtoni” - “Here lies that which was mortal of Isaac Newton.”

A civilization that so places a dead Darwin will eventually develop and integrate psychology in a proper and practical fashion that greatly increases skills of all sorts. But all of us who have dollops of power and see the light should help the process along. There is a lot at stake. If, in many high places, a universal product as successful as Coca-Cola is not properly understand and explained, it can't bode well for our competency in dealing with much else that is important.

Of course, those of you with fifty percent of net worth in Coca-Cola stock, occurring because you tried to so invest ten percent after thinking like I did in making my pitch to Glotz, can ignore my message about psychology as too elementary for useful transmission to you. But I am not so sure that this reaction is wise for the rest of you. The situation reminds me of the old-time Warner & Swasey ad that was a favorite of mine: “The company that needs a new machine tool, and hasn't bought t, is already paying for it.”

文中に登場するリチャード・セイラーの本はいくつか翻訳が出ていますね。『実践 行動経済学』は私も読みましたが、それなりに楽しめた一冊です。


The Burial of Charles Darwin (AboutDarwin.com)














Now we turn to the accounting profession. Now you think accounting is something we can trust? Accounting is one of the glories of modern civilization. In the heyday of Venice, they really made double entry bookkeeping popular. They taught it in all the math books of that era just the way people draw arithmetic now. Anybody who was anybody in Venice knew double entry bookkeeping the way you know how to scratch your ear. This was very helpful to Venice, which at one time was the most important commercial city in the world. And so these accountants with this glorious background got into establishing their accounting principles. What did they finally come to? This is relatively new once sort of after the mess unfolded. They came up with this loon. They said if you are on the edge of extinction, your credit is utterly destroyed, you have no cash to do anything, to buy anything, but your outstanding bonds are selling at 50 percent of their face value - you have made a profit equal to 50 percent of the face value of the bonds. It’s not a profit you can eat or use because you don’t have any cash with which to buy the bonds, but in terms of the financial statement, as your real [financial] health gets worse and worse your profits get higher and higher. I’m not kidding! This is accounting the way it is ordained in this country as we sit here. They are teaching this kind of stuff to our children and forcing it on our companies. It is absolutely insane.



銀(シルバー)の話題は久しぶりになります。昨日の銀CMEスポットの終値は$22.66(-3.23, -12.48%)、銀ETFのSLVは$22.09(-3.19, -12.62%)でした。これで2010年秋の水準まで戻したことになります。動くのが早すぎると毎度感じているのですが、SLVの買い増しを始めました。以前に$15以下ならば現物を買いたいと書きましたが(過去記事)、もう少し前倒しでもいいかという思いもあります(たとえば$18)。





Arnold Van Den Berg interviewed by Money Manager Review in spring 2013 issue (PDFファイル)



Why do you believe that value investing is a better way to manage money?

Value investing does not appeal to the masses. If it did, you would never be able to buy a bargain. Stocks selling below their intrinsic value or below what an experienced businessman knows his company is worth, bargain stocks, are usually only found during times of great uncertainty. Because of the fear surrounding uncertainty, many people are willing to sell stocks well below their intrinsic values and often times at bargain-basement prices. Typically this happens because a company, an industry, or in some cases the market at-large has a problem, which is usually temporary. Regardless, history has proven that investors who buy these bargains will frequently be rewarded when the uncertainty clears. This is as fundamental as it gets, and you can use this approach for any investment, whether it’s stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, or a private business. As Benjamin Graham said, “Price determines return.” And, as his famous disciple, Warren Buffett, stated, “Uncertainty is the friend of the long-term investor”.

余談ですが、最近はインテル(INTC)の株を少しずつ買っています。マイクロソフト(MSFT)と同じように、PC市場が低調なだけでなく、スマートフォンやタブレット市場における出遅れも不安視されています(NY Times記事など)。明日4/16(火)には四半期決算が発表されますが、CEOの交代を5月に控えていることもあり、不透明感たっぷりの状況です。












This brings me, at last, to the main purpose of my talk. Large educational implications exist, if my answer to Glotz’s problem is roughly right and you make one more assumption I believe true - that most Ph.D. educators, even psychology professors and business school deans, would not have given the same simple answer I did. And, if I am right in these two ways, this would indicate that our civilization now keeps in place a great many educators who can’t satisfactorily explain Coca-Cola, even in retrospect, and even after watching it closely all their lives. This is not a satisfactory state of affairs.

Moreover - and this result is even more extreme - the brilliant and effect executives who, surrounded by business school and law school graduates, have run the Coca-Cola company with glorious success in recent years, also did not understand elementary psychology well enough to predict and avoid the “New Coke” fiasco, which dangerously threatened their company. That people so talented, surrounded by professional advisers from the best universities, should thus demonstrate a huge gap in their education is also not a satisfactory state of affairs.

Such extreme ignorance, in both the high reaches of academia and the high reaches of business, is a lollapalooza effect of a negative sort, demonstrating grave defects in academia. Because the bad effect is a lollapalooza, we should expect to find intertwined, multiple academic causes. I suspect at least two such causes.

First, academic psychology, while it is admirable and useful as a list of ingenious and important experiments, lacks intradisciplinary synthesis. In particular, not enough attention is given to lollapalooza effects coming from combinations of psychological tendencies. This creates a situation reminding one of a rustic teacher who tries to simplify school work by rounding pi to an even three. And it violates Einstein’s injunction that “everything should be made as simple as possible - but no more simple.” In general, psychology is laid out and misunderstood as electromagnetism would now be misunderstood if physics had produced many brilliant experimenters like Michael Faraday and no grand synthesizer like James Clerk Maxwell.

And, second, there is a truly horrible lack of synthesis blending psychology and other academic subjects. But only an interdisciplinary approach will correctly deal with reality - in academia as with the Coca-Cola company.

In short, academic psychology departments are immensely more important and useful than other academic departments think. And, at the same time, the psychology departments are immensely worse than more of their inhabitants think. It is, of course, normal for self-appraisal to be more positive than external appraisal. Indeed, a problem of this sort may have given you your speaker today. But the size of this psychology-department gap is preposterously large. In fact, the gap is so enormous that one very eminent university (Chicago) simply abolished its psychology department, perhaps with an undisclosed hope of later creating a better vision.

In such a state of affairs, many years ago and with much that was plainly wrong already present, the “New Coke” fiasco occurred, wherein Coke’s executives came to the brink of destroying the most valuable trademark in the world. The academically correct reaction to this immense and well-publicized fiasco would have been the sort of reaction Boeing would display if three of its new airplanes crashed in a single week. After all, product integrity is involved in each case, and the plain educational failure was immense.

But almost no such responsible, Boeing-like reaction has come from academia. Instead academia, by and large, continues in its balkanized way to tolerate psychology professors who mis-teach psychology, non-psychology professors who fail to consider psychological effects obviously crucial in their subject matter, and professional schools that carefully preserve psychological ignorance coming in with each entering class and are proud of their inadequacies.










We continue in our Rip Van Winkle mode: Five of our six top positions at yearend 1994 were left untouched during 1995. The sixth was American Express, in which we increased our ownership to about 10%.

In early 1996, two major events affected our holdings: First, our purchase of the GEICO stock we did not already own caused that company to be converted into a wholly-owned subsidiary. Second, we exchanged our Cap Cities shares for a combination of cash and Disney stock.

In the Disney merger, Cap Cities shareholders had a choice of actions. If they chose, they could exchange each of their Cap Cities shares for one share of Disney stock plus $65. Or they could ask for - though not necessarily get - all cash or all stock, with their ultimate allotment of each depending on the choices made by other shareholders and certain decisions made by Disney. For our 20 million shares, we sought stock, but do not know, as this report goes to press, how much we were allocated. We are certain, however, to receive something over 20 million Disney shares. We have also recently bought Disney stock in the market.

One more bit of history: I first became interested in Disney in 1966, when its market valuation was less than $90 million, even though the company had earned around $21 million pre-tax in 1965 and was sitting with more cash than debt. At Disneyland, the $17 million Pirates of the Caribbean ride would soon open. Imagine my excitement - a company selling at only five times rides!

Duly impressed, Buffett Partnership Ltd. bought a significant amount of Disney stock at a split-adjusted price of 31> per share. That decision may appear brilliant, given that the stock now sells for $66. But your Chairman was up to the task of nullifying it: In 1967 I sold out at 48> per share.

Oh well - we're happy to be once again a large owner of a business with both unique assets and outstanding management.


1. コカ・コーラ
2. ジレット(P&Gに吸収合併された)
3. キャップ・シティーズ(ディズニーに吸収合併された)
5. ウェルズ・ファーゴ(吸収合併されたが、社名は継続)
6. アメリカン・エキスプレス








When you talk about liberal use of credit, the derivative game was just unbelievable. The things people would agree to, thinking they were making money. For sure, they had these corporate finance types who did this work showing from the risk management department, the exposure of the firm. You want to talk about childish, high IQ childish. This is right up there. It’s hard to think of anything much worse. I suppose the eighth husband of Zsa Zsa Gabor or something would be competing for similar honors of cognition.

What they did was, they said, ‘Well, financial outcomes in securities markets must be plottable on a normal curve,’ - [a] so-called Gaussian curve, named for probably the greatest mathematician that ever lived. Gauss must be turning over his grave now with what’s happening. Of course, the math was very helpful because you could come up with numbers and results that would make people feel confident with what they were doing. There was only one trouble with the math: The assumption was wrong. Financial outcomes in securities markets are not plottable. It is not a law of God that outcomes in securities prices will fall over time on a curve and [follow] reality according to Gauss’s curve. Quite the contrary, the tails are way fatter. Warren and I always knew this by doing what might be called Monte Carlo simulation in our heads, just roughly. We could just see it didn’t fit, too many extreme things happened that the math didn’t correctly predict, and so we just thought they were all damn fools. Of course, we never bothered to learn the math. We used to sit at Salomon when they made these presentations in the risk management crowd with all these figures, all the daily trading and the disaster, blah blah blah and so forth. We would just roll eyes at one another that grown men could be doing this. And yet we were only two when the whole culture was into this craziness. People were actually making decisions about how much risk to take, based on the application of correct math, based on an assumption that wasn’t true. And by the way, people gradually knew it wasn’t true. But by that time they had gotten so enculturated in the math and they were so good at it they couldn’t give it up. It’s like a friend of mine who said he couldn’t give up the Catholic Church, he’s too invested in it. You know he’s 75 years old. We all get that way with our best-loved ideas, and it happens to people who get ideas about risk management. So there was just a lot of serious irrationality.




ファンド・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』からの引用で、今回は第2章「投資家と利益相反するウォール街の性質」(The Nature of Wall Street Works Against Investors)からご紹介します。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)




Two New York Stock Exchange circuit breakers apply only to market declines. If the Dow Jones Industrial Average falls 250 points below the previous day's close, trading is stopped for one hour. If stocks fall another 150 points after trading resumes, there will be an additional two-hour halt. It is noteworthy that there is no similar provision regarding upward price movements, regardless of magnitude. This is another example of how the rules favor bulls over bears and militate toward higher stock prices. Although high stock prices cannot be legislated (something that many on Wall Street may secretly wish), regulation can cause overvaluation to persist by making it easier to occur and more difficult to correct. The upward bias of market regulators, illustrated by the uneven application of circuit breakers, may itself encourage investors to purchase and hold overvalued securities.

Many of the same factors that contribute to a bullish bias can cause the financial markets, especially the stock market, to become and remain overvalued. Correcting a market overvaluation is more difficult than remedying an undervalued condition. With an undervalued stock, for example, a value investor can purchase more and more shares until control is achieved or, better still, until the entire company is owned at a bargain price. If the value assessment was accurate, this is an attractive outcome for the investor. By contrast, overvalued markets are not easily corrected; short-selling, as mentioned earlier, is not an effective antidote. In addition, overvaluation is not always apparent to investors, analysts, or managements. Since security prices reflect investors' perception of reality and not necessarily reality itself, overvaluation may persist for a long time.











This brings us to a final reality check for our business plan. We will, once more, think in reverse like Jacobi. What must we avoid because we don’t want it? Four answers seem clear:

First, we must avoid the protective, cloying, stop-consumption effects of aftertaste that are a standard part of physiology, developed through Darwinian evolution to enhance the replication of man’s genes by forcing a generally helpful moderation on the gene carrier. To serve our ends, on hot days, a consumer must be able to drink container after container of our product with almost no impediment from aftertaste. We will find a wonderful no-aftertaste flavor by trial and error and will thereby solve this problem.

Second, we must avoid ever losing even half of our powerful trademarked name. It will cost us mightily, for instance, if our sloppiness should ever allow sale of any other kind of “cola,” for instance, a “peppy cola.” If there is ever a “peppy cola,” we will be the proprietor of the brand.

Third, with so much success coming, we must avoid bad effects from envy, which is given a prominent place in the Ten Commandments because envy is so much a part of human nature. The best way to avoid envy, recognized by Aristotle, is to plainly deserve the success we get. We will be fanatic about product quality, quality of product presentation, and reasonableness of prices, considering the harmless pleasure it will provide.

Fourth, after our trademarked flavor dominates our new market, we must avoid making any huge and sudden change in our flavor. Even if a new flavor performs better in blind taste tests, changing to that new flavor would be a foolish thing to do. This follows because, under such conditions, our old flavor will be so entrenched in consumer preference by psychological effects that a big flavor change would do us little good. And it would do immense harm by triggering in consumers the standard deprival super-reaction syndrome that makes “take-aways” so hard to get in any type of negotiation and helps make most gamblers so irrational. Moreover, such a large flavor change would allow a competitor, by copying our old flavor, to take advantage of both (1) the hostile consumer super-reaction to deprival and (2) the huge love of our original flavor created by our previous work.

Well, that is my solution to my own problem of turning $2 million into $2 trillion, even after paying out billions of dollars in dividends. I think it would have won with Glotz in 1884 and should convince you more than you expected at the outset. After all, the correct strategies are clear after being related to elementary academic ideas brought into play by the helpful notions.

How consistent is my solution with the history of the real Coca-Cola company? Well, as late as 1896, twelve years after the fictional Glotz was to start vigorously with two million 1884 dollars, the real Coca-Cola Company had a net worth under $150,000 and earnings of about zero. And thereafter, the real Coca-Cola Company did lose half its trademark and did grant perpetual bottling franchises at fixed syrup prices. And some of the bottlers were not very effective and couldn’t easily be changed. And the real Coca-Cola Company, with this system, did lose much pricing control that would have improved results, had it been retained. Yet, even so, the real Coca-Cola Company followed so much of the plan given to Glotz that it is now worth about $125 billion and will have to increase its value at only eight percent per year until 2034 to reach a value of $2 trillion. And it can hit an annual physical volume target of 2.92 trillion servings if servings grow until 2034 at only six percent per year, a result consistent with much past experience and leaving plenty of plain-water ingestion for Coca-Cola to replace after 2034. So I would guess that the fictional Glotz, starting earlier and stronger and avoiding the worst errors, would have easily hit his $2 trillion target. And he would have done it well before 2034.



マイケル・モーブッシンを以前とりあげたときは「レッグ・メイソンのストラテジスト」とご紹介しましたが、同氏自身のWebサイトによれば、現在はクレディスイスに戻ったとあります。彼の最新作『The Success Equation: Untangling Skill and Luck in Business, Sports, and Investing』が翻訳されるのは年内かと楽しみに待っておりますが、今回は同サイトに載せられている抜粋の一部をご紹介します。同書の冒頭部になります。(日本語は拙訳)









MY CAREER WAS LAUNCHED by a trash can.

Like many seniors in college, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do for a living, but I knew that I needed a job. Drexel Burnham Lambert, an investment bank that was hot at the time, came on campus to recruit students for a new training program. My interview went well enough that I was called to the firm's headquarters in New York City. I put on my best suit and tie, polished my shoes, and headed to the Big Apple.

Early the next morning, we candidates gathered in a vast conference room and listened intently as the leader of the program told us what to expect for the day. “You will have full interviews with six members of our staff,” she informed us, “and then each of you will have ten minutes with the senior executive in charge of our division.” When it was clear that she had everyone's attention, she added, “If you want the job, you'll have to shine in that interview.”

My half dozen interviews went as well as could be expected. When they were over, a member of the staff led me down a long corridor to an office paneled in dark wood, with deep wall-to-wall carpeting and a picture window overlooking a panorama of downtown Manhattan. A sharp-eyed administrative assistant ushered me in, and the senior executive greeted me warmly. Then I saw it.

Peeking out from underneath a huge desk was a trash can bearing the logo of the Washington Redskins, a professional football team. As a sports fan who had just spent four years in Washington, D.C., and had attended a game or two, I complimented the executive on his taste in trash cans. He beamed, and that led to a ten- minute interview that stretched to fifteen minutes, during which I listened and nodded intently as he talked about sports, his time in Washington, and the virtues of athletics. His response to my opening was purely emotional. Our discussion was not intellectual. It was about a shared passion.

I got the job. My experience in the training program at Drexel Burnham was critical in setting the trajectory of my career. But after a few months in the program, one of the leaders couldn't resist pulling me aside. “Just to let you know,” he whispered, “on balance, the six interviewers voted against hiring you.” I was stunned. How could I have gotten the job? He went on: “But the head guy overrode their assessment and insisted we bring you in. I don't know what you said to him, but it sure worked.” My career was launched by a trash can. That was pure luck, and I wouldn't be writing this if I hadn't benefited from it.

The purpose of this book is to show you how you can understand the relative contributions of skill and luck and how to use that understanding in interpreting past results as well as making better decisions in the future. Ultimately, untangling skill and luck helps with the challenging task of prediction, and better predictions lead to greater success.
