



<ウォーレン・バフェット> しかし申し上げておきましょう。もしもアメリカに賭けることにして、その持ち株を何十年間と保有し続ければ、米国債を保有するよりもはるかにずっと良い成績をおさめられると、わたしは考えています。そして助言者、すなわち「あの農夫が次になにをわめき立てるのかを教えてくれる人」の世話になるよりも、はるかに良い成績をあげられるでしょう。実のところ不要な助言や、「妙案かもしれないが、少なくとも助言者自身は独自のものだと思い込んでいる」助言など、そういったものに対して支払われている報酬は莫大な金額にのぼっています。しかし本当のことを言えば、事業の周りで売買するだけでは、卓越した成績をすべての人にもたらすことはできません。



(Warren Buffett 01:20:51)

But I will tell you, if you bet on America and sustain that position for decades, you're going to do better than, in my view, far better than owning Treasury securities or far better than following people who tell you that what the farmer's going to yell out next... There's huge amounts of money that people pay for advice they really don't need and for advice where the person giving it could be very well-meaning in it and believe their own line. But the truth is that you can't deliver superior results to everybody by just having them trade around a business.

(Warren Buffett 01:21:39)

If you bought into a business, it's going to deliver what the business produces. And the idea that you're going to outsmart the person next to you, or the person advising you can outsmart the person sitting next to you is, well, it's really the wrong approach.

(Warren Buffett 01:21:57)

So find businesses. Get a cross section. And in my view, for most people, the best thing to do is to own the S&P 500 index fund. People will try and sell you other things because there's more money in it for them if they do. And I'm not saying that that's a conscious act on their part.

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