




<質問> バークシャーの本源的価値は、これまでに複利換算で年間何パーセント増加してきましたか。また今後はどうなりそうですか。

<バフェット> 本源的価値は、過去にさかのぼる形でしか算出できません。しかし本来の定義はそうではなく、未来を向いています。つまり、現在から判定最終日までのあいだに創出されると予想した現金を、その期間において適切と思われる利率で割り引いた金額です。30年や40年間でみると、金利はとても広い幅で変動します。たとえば10年という期間をえらび、開始時期が[今から10年前の]2007年5月としたときに、「本源的価値が増加する割合は複利ベースでどうなるか」と問われれば、年間10%になるだろうと答えたと思います。しかし現実には、ありがたくない状況がやってきた期間でした。




<マンガー> 当社の現在の規模を考慮すると、過去にあげた栄光とくらべれば、今後のリターン率には陰りが生じるでしょうね。しかし以前からそう発言してきましたし、今やそれを証明している最中です(笑)。

<バフェット> チャーリー、そんな想いのまま人生お別れでいいのですか(笑)。

<マンガー> 当社の保有する事業は平均してみれば、たとえばS&P500各社の平均よりも高い投資価値があると思います。ですから、みなさんのような株主諸氏がひどい問題をかかえているとは思いませんね。

<バフェット> S&P500の各社を全体としてとらえると、株主志向の面では当社のほうが強いです。当社には、私企業のオーナーと同じようにものごとを決定する文化があります。これは多くの企業が持っていない贅沢品です。公開企業のCEOにお会いするたびに、いくつか質問をしています。そのひとつが、「会社全体を自分だけで保有しているとしたら、どのようにやりかたを変えますか」という質問です。たいていは、「あれをしたり、これをしたり、あるいは何とやら」といった答えが返ってきます。しかし、その相手から同じ質問を受けたとしたら、わたしならば次のように答えます。「自分たちだけで全株式を保有している場合にやることと、まったく同じように実行してきました」と(拍手)。

<マンガー> もうひとつ優位がありますよ。才気煥発であろうとする人は、世間に大勢います。しかし我々は、合理的でありつづけようとするだけです。これは大いなる優位ですね。利発であろうとするのは危険ですよ。賭けに出ているときは、なおさらです(拍手)。

(PDFファイルのp.11。Yahoo! Finance映像では1:26:00)


Q. At what rate has Berkshire compounded intrinsic value and at what rate can intrinsic value be compounded in the future?

Warren Buffett: Intrinsic value can only be calculated in retrospect, but the true definition would be the cash to be generated between now and judgment day discounted at an interest rate that seems appropriate at the time. That’s varied enormously over a 30 or 40-year period. If you pick out 10 years, and you’re back to May of 2007, we had some unpleasant things coming up. I’d say we’ve probably compounded intrinsic value about 10% annually since then.

I think that’s tough to achieve - almost impossible to achieve if we continue in this low interest rate environment. If you ask me to give the answer to the question - if I could only pick one statistic to ask you about the future before I gave the answer, I would not ask you about GDP growth or who was going to be president, I’d ask you what the interest rate is going to be over the next ten or twenty years on average. If you assume our present interest rate structure is likely to be the average, I would say it would be very difficult to get the 10%. If I were to pick for the whole range of probabilities on interest rates, I would say that that rate might be doable.

If you’d say we can’t continue these low interest rates for a long time, I’d ask you to look at Japan 25 years ago. We couldn’t see how their low interest rates could be sustained. We are still looking at the same thing - I don’t think it’s easy to predict the course of interest rates at all. Unfortunately, predicting interest rates is embedded in giving a good answer to you.

I’d say the chances of getting a terrible result in Berkshire are about as low as anything you could find. Chances of getting a sensational rate are also about as low as anything you could find. My best guess would be in the 10% range, but that assumes somewhat higher interest rates, not dramatically, but somewhat higher interest rates in the next 10 or 20 years than we experienced in the last seven years.

Charlie Munger: The future with our present size in terms of percentage rates of return is going to be less glorious than in the past. We keep saying that and now we are proving it.

Warren Buffett: Do you want to end on that note, Charlie?

Charlie Munger: I think we have a collection of businesses that on average has better investment values than say the S&P 500 average. I don’t think you shareholders have a terrible problem.

Warren Buffett: We do have more of a shareholder orientation than the S&P 500 as a whole. This company has a culture where decisions are made as a private owner would make them. That’s a luxury we have that many companies don’t have. One of the questions I ask the CEO of every public company that I meet: “What would you be doing differently if you owned it all yourself?”The answer is usually this, that and a couple of other things. If he would ask us, the answer is, we are doing exactly what we would be doing if we owned all the stock ourselves.

Charlie Munger: I think we have one other advantage. A lot of other people are trying to be brilliant. We are just trying to stay rational. It’s a big advantage. Trying to be brilliant is dangerous, particularly when you are gambling.






<質問> お二人は、世界中の何百万もの人たちからとても尊敬され、敬愛されていらっしゃいます[上海から来た質問者]。さて質問が2つあります。ひとつめはEBITDA(エビッダー; 利払い税引き償却前利益)についてです。事業を評価するのにふさわしい指標ではないと断言されていますが、なぜでしょうか。ふたつめは、お二人が人生で後悔されたことはありますか。人生や家族、個人的あるいは仕事の上でひとつだけ違うことをしていたら、と思われることは何ですか。

<バフェット> 個人的な問題についてのお返事は期待されないほうがよいかと思います。仕事の話ですと、チャーリー[・マンガー]ともっと早くから出会えていれば、とは何度も話したことがあります。出会った時のわたしは29歳で、彼は35歳でした。それ以降は愉快なことばかりでした。もっと早くから付き合い始めていれば、ずっと楽しかっただろうと思います。実はそうなる機会はありました。同じ商店で働いていたのです。ただし時期がちがっていました。


<マンガー> この問題の恐ろしさや、事業評価に対してその用語をもたらした人々の嫌悪すべき性質について軽くお考えだったように思いますが、どうですかね。まるでリース物件の不動産を扱う仲介業者が、1000平方フィートの一連の部屋をリースしようとする際に、実際は2000平方フィート分だったと言い出すようなものですよ。尊敬に値する行動ではないですね。そのようなやりかたで、かの言葉も広く使われるようになったのです。しかし公正な心を持った人間であれば、減価償却費は費用だと考えますよ。

<バフェット> ウォール街にとっては、とても有益な考えです。

<マンガー> だから連中はそうするのですよ。株価倍率が低くなりますから。

<バフェット> 奇妙なのは、実際にそれが受け入れられた方法です。それはともかく、この用語がどのように使われ、自分たちが使ってみせて概念を売りこむ様子がありありと残されています。2%と20%が同じ種類のものとなるわけです。この用語が通用する間は、この用語で押し通していくでしょう。

<マンガー> 今やビジネス・スクールでも使っています。おぞましくもおぞましいことですよ(笑)。盗人がその用語を使うだけでもうんざりなのに、広まったことでビジネス・スクールも真似をするとなれば、好ましい結末にはならないですね(拍手)。

(PDFファイルのp.45。Yahoo! Finance映像では6:18:40)


Q. You are highly respected and loved by millions globally. You believe EBITDA (is not a good parameter to evaluate a business. Do you have regrets in life, one thing you would have done differently in life, family, personal or business, what is it?

Warren Buffett: I don’t think you should expect us to answer that on personal matters. In business, I’d say I wished I met Charlie earlier. We’ve had a lot of fun ever since I was 29 and he was 35. It would have been even more fun if we started many years earlier. We had a chance to. We worked in the same grocery store but not at the same time.

In respect to EBITDA, it’s the worst kind of expense. We love to talk about float and float is where you get the money first and have the expense later. Depreciation is where you spend the money first and then record the expense later. It’s reverse float. It’s not a good thing. It’s much better to buy a business, everything else being equal, and it has no depreciation because it has essentially no investment in fixed assets. EBITDA is a very misleading statistic that can be used in very pernicious ways.

Charlie Munger: I think you understated the horrors of the subject and the disgusting nature of the people that brought that term when I was in business. It would be like a leasing broker of real estate who has a 1,000 square feet suite to be leased and says there’s 2,000 feet in it - that’s not honorable behavior and that’s the way that term got into common usage. Nobody in his right mind would think depreciation is not an expense.

Warren Buffett: It’s very much in the interest of Wall Street.

Charlie Munger: That’s why they did it. It made the multiple seem lower.

Warren Buffett: What’s amazing is the way it’s accepted actually. It just illustrates how people use language and sell concepts that work to their own use. 2% and 20% has the same sort of thing. As long as it can get sold, it will get sold.

Charlie Munger: Now they use it in the business schools. That is horror-squared. It’s bad enough when the thieves are using the term, but when it gets so common that the business schools copy it, that’s not a good result.





Berkshire Hathaway 2017 Annual Meeting Notes BY INGRID R. HENDERSHOT, CFA [PDF] (Hendershot Investments, Inc.)

またYahoo! Financeで公開されている映像も適宜参考にします。

Berkshire Hathaway 2017 Annual Shareholders Meeting Livestream (Yahoo! Finance 放映時間:7時間30分16秒)



<質問> [バークシャーの投資先である]ウェルズ・ファーゴ(営業面でのスキャンダル)、アメリカン・エクスプレス(コストコ社向け事業の契約解除)、ユナイテッド航空(顧客サービス[暴力による乗客の強制降機])、コカ・コーラ(炭酸飲料の売上増の鈍化)の各社は問題を抱えていますが、バークシャーが株式投資をしている企業の現状確認にはどれだけ時間をかけていますか。

<バフェット> それらの企業の株は大量に保有しています。アメリカン・エクスプレスやウェルズ・ファーゴは、数百億ドル以上の時価総額へと見事に登りつづけています。それら各社は、わたしたちがとても好んでいる事業を手がけています。ただし、その性質はそれぞれ異なっています。







<マンガー> 言い加えることは何もないですね。(笑)

<バフェット> 話に加わらないようですから、今度から給料を減らしましょう。(笑)

(PDFファイルのp.6。Yahoo! Finance映像では50:00過ぎ)


Q. Given issues at Wells Fargo (sales scandal), American Express (loss of business with Costco), United Airlines (customer service) and Coca-Cola (slowing soda sales), how much time is spent reviewing Berkshire stock investments?

Warren Buffett: Those are very large holdings. American Express and Wells Fargo, you are getting up well into the high tens of billions of dollars. Those are businesses that we like very much - they have different characteristics.

United Airlines, we are the largest holder of the four largest airlines, but all businesses have problems and some of them have very big pluses.

You mentioned American Express. If you read their first quarter report, they talk about their platinum card, it is doing very well.

There's competition in all of these businesses. We didn't buy them with the idea that they would never have problems or never have competition. We bought them because we thought they had very strong hands. We liked their position. We do look to see where they have durable competitive advantages. If you've got a very good business, you will have plenty of competitors who will try to take it away from you. Then you make a judgment as to the ability of your particular company and product and management to ward off the competitors. They won't go away. I'm not going to get into the specific names. Those companies are very well positioned.

If you have a wonderful business, even if it's a small one like See's Candies, you basically have an economic castle. In capitalism, people are going to try to take away that castle from you. You want a moat around it protecting it in various ways, and you want a knight in the castle that's pretty darn good at warding off marauders. There will be marauders that will never go away.

Coca Cola was established in 1886, American Express was started in 1851 or 1852, Wells Fargo, I don't know what year they started -- American Express was started by Wells Fargo as well. These companies had lots of challenges over the decades. Our insurance business had challenges, but we have leaders like Tony Nicely and Ajit Jain, who has added tens of billions of dollars of value to Berkshire. There will always be competition in insurance. There are various things to do to ward off the marauders.

The specific question was how much time is spent reviewing our investments? I do it every day.

Charlie Munger: I don't think I have anything to add to that either.

Warren Buffett: We will cut his salary if he doesn't participate.














The low fees and expenses that make passive investments attractive mean their organizers have to emphasize scale. To earn higher fees than index funds and achieve profitable scale, ETF sponsors have been turning to "smarter," not-exactly-passive vehicles. Thus ETFs have been organized to meet (or create) demand for funds in specialized areas such as various stock categories (value or growth), stock characteristics (low volatility or high quality), types of companies, or geographies. There are passive ETFs for people who want growth, value, high quality, low volatility and momentum. Going to the extreme, investors now can choose from funds that invest passively in companies that have gender-diverse senior management, practice "biblically responsible investing," or focus on medical marijuana, solutions to obesity, serving millennials, and whiskey and spirits.

But what does "passive" mean when a vehicle's focus is so narrowly defined? Each deviation from the broad indices introduces definitional issues and non-passive, discretionary decisions. Passive funds that emphasize stocks reflecting specific factors are called "smart-beta funds," but who can say the people setting their selection rules are any smarter than the active managers who are so disrespected these days? Bregman calls this "semantic investing," meaning stocks are chosen on the basis of labels, not quantitative analysis. There are no absolute standards for which stocks represent many of the characteristics listed above.

Importantly, organizers wanting their "smart" products to reach commercial scale are likely to rely heavily on the largest-capitalization, most-liquid stocks. For example, having Apple in your ETF allows it to get really big. Thus Apple is included today in ETFs emphasizing tech, growth, value, momentum, large-caps, high quality, low volatility, dividends, and leverage.

Here's what Barron's had to say earlier this month:

With cap-weighted indexes, index buyers have no discretion but to load up on stocks that are already overweight (and often pricey) and neglect those already underweight. That's the opposite of buy low, sell high.

The large positions occupied by the top recent performers - with their swollen market caps - mean that as ETFs attract capital, they have to buy large amounts of these stocks, further fueling their rise. Thus, in the current up-cycle, over-weighted, liquid, large-cap stocks have benefitted from forced buying on the part of passive vehicles, which don't have the option to refrain from buying a stock just because its overpriced.

Like the tech stocks in 2000, this seeming perpetual motion machine is unlikely to work forever. If funds ever flow out of equities and thus ETFs, what has been disproportionately bought will have to be disproportionately sold. It's not clear where index funds and ETFs will find buyers for their over-weighted, highly appreciated holdings if they have to sell in a crunch. In this way, appreciation that was driven by passive buying is likely to eventually turn out to be rotational, not perpetual.

Finally, the systemic risks to the stock market have to be considered. Bregman calls "the index universe a big, crowded momentum trade." A handful of stocks - the FAANGs and a few more - are responsible for a rising percentage of the S&P's gains, meaning the stock market's health may be overstated.

All the above factors raise questions about the likely effectiveness of passive vehicles - and especially smart-beta ETFs.

- Is Apple a safe stock or a stock that has performed well of late? Is anyone thinking about the difference?
- Are investors who invest in a number of passive vehicles described in different ways likely to achieve the diversification, liquidity and safety they expect?
- And what should we think about the willingness of investors to turn over their capital to a process in which neither individual holdings nor portfolio construction is the subject of thoughtful analysis and decision-making, and in which buying takes place regardless of price?

















Passive Investing/ETFs

Fifty years ago, shortly after arriving at the University of Chicago for graduate school, I was taught that thanks to market efficiency, (a) assets are priced to provide fair risk-adjusted returns and (b) no one can consistently find the exceptions. In other words, "you can't beat the market." Our professors even advanced the idea of buying a little bit of each stock as a can't-fail, low-cost way to outperform the stock-pickers.

John Bogle put that suggestion into practice. Having founded Vanguard a year earlier, he launched the First Index Investment Trust in 1975, the first index fund to reach commercial scale. As a vehicle designed to emulate the S&P 500, it was later renamed the Vanguard 500 Index Fund.

The concept of indexation, or passive investing, grew gradually over the next four decades, until it accounted for 20% of equity mutual fund assets in 2014. Given the generally lagging performance of active managers over the last dozen or so years, as well as the creation of ETFs, or exchange-traded funds, which make transacting simpler, the shift from active to passive investing has accelerated. Today it's a powerful movement that has expanded to cover 37% of equity fund assets. In the last ten years, $1.4 trillion has flowed into index mutual funds and ETFs (and $1.2 trillion out of actively managed mutual funds).

Like all investment fashions, passive investing is being warmly embraced for its positives:

- Passive portfolios have outperformed active investing over the last decade or so.
- With passive investing you're guaranteed not to underperform the index.
- Finally, the much lower fees and expenses on passive vehicles are certain to constitute a permanent advantage relative to active management.

Does that mean passive investing, index funds and ETFs are a no-lose proposition? Certainly not:

- While passive investors protect against the risk of underperforming, they also surrender the possibility of outperforming.
- The recent underperformance on the part of active investors may well prove to be cyclical rather than permanent.
- As a product of the last several years, ETFs' promise of liquidity has yet to be tested in a major bear market, particularly in less-liquid fields like high yield bonds.

Here are a few more things worth thinking about:

Remember, the wisdom of passive investing stems from the belief that the efforts of active investors cause assets to be fairly priced - that's why there are no bargains to find. But what happens when the majority of equity investment comes to be managed passively? Then prices will be freer to diverge from "fair," and bargains (and over-pricings) should become more commonplace. This won't assure success for active managers, but certainly it will satisfy a necessary condition for their efforts to be effective.

One of my clients, the chief investment officer of a pension fund, told me the treasurer had proposed dumping all active managers and putting the whole fund into index funds and ETFs. My response was simple: ask him how much of the fund he's comfortable having in assets no one is analyzing.

As Steven Bregman of Horizon Kinetics puts it, "basket-based mechanistic investing" is blindly moving trillions of dollars. ETFs don't have fundamental analysts, and because they don't question valuations, they don't contribute to price discovery. Not only is the number of active managers' analysts likely to decline if more money is shifted to passive investing, but people should also wonder about who's setting the rules that govern passive funds' portfolio construction.











The super-stocks that lead a bull market inevitably become priced for perfection. And in many cases the companies' perfection turns out eventually to be either illusory or ephemeral. Some of the "can't lose" companies of the Nifty Fifty were ultimately crippled by massive changes in their markets, including Kodak, Polaroid, Xerox, Sears and Simplicity Pattern (do you see many people sewing their own clothes these days?). Not only did the perfection that investors had paid for evaporate, but even the successful companies' stock prices reverted to more-normal valuation multiples, resulting in sub-par equity returns.

The powerful multiple expansion that makes a small number of stocks the leaders in a bull market is often reversed in the correction that follows, saddling them with the biggest losses. But when the mood is positive and things are going well, the likelihood of such a development is easily overlooked.

Finally, a rationale often arises to the effect that, thanks to market technicals, investors' powerful buying of the leading stocks is sure to continue non-stop, meaning they can't help but remain the best performers. In the tech bubble of the late 1990's, for example, investors concluded that:

- stocks were doing so well that they would continue to attract capital,
- since tech companies and tech stocks were the best performers, they were sure to continue attracting a disproportionate share of the new buying,
- the superior performance of the tech stocks would cause more of them to be added to the stock indices,
- this would require index funds and closet indexers to direct a rising share of their buying to tech stocks,
- in order to keep up with the returns on the indices, benchmark-conscious active managers would have to respond by increasing their tech stock holdings, and,
- thus tech stocks couldn't fail to attract an ever-rising share of buying, and were sure to keep outperforming.

You can call this a virtuous circle or a perpetual motion machine. It's the kind of thing that fires investors' imaginations in a bull market. But the logic that says it will work forever always collapses, sometimes just under its own weight, as was the case in 2000.

Many of the most important considerations in investing are counterintuitive. One of those is the ability to understand that no market, niche or group is likely to outperform the others forever. Given human nature, "the best" will always come eventually to be overpriced, even for their stellar fundamentals. Thus even if the fundamentals hold up, the stocks' performance from those too-high prices will become ordinary. And if they turn out not really to have been the best - or if their business falters - the combination of fundamental decline and multiple contraction can be really painful.

I'm not saying the FAANGs aren't great, or that they'll suffer such a fate. Just that their elevated status today is a sign of the kind of investor optimism for which we must be on the lookout.





There They Go Again... Again [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)











上の文に出てくる「重要な戦略的パートナー」のうち、現在も意味のある形で存在している企業は何社あると思われますか(重要なのか、あるいは戦略的なのか、という疑問は別として)。正解は0社です(ヤフー社はその条件を満たしていないはずだと考えるのであれば、正解は1社となるでしょう)。この文章は、アマゾン社の1997年度の年次報告書から抜粋したものです。つまるところ、将来とは予測できないものであり、小さな欠陥に無縁なものや企業なぞ存在しないのです。(p. 6)



Bull markets are often marked by the anointment of a single group of stocks as “the greatest,” and the attractive legend surrounding this group is among the factors that support the bull move. When taken to the extreme - as it invariably is - this phenomenon satisfies some of the elements in a boom listed on page four, including:

- trust in a virtuous circle incapable of being interrupted;
- conviction that, given the companies’ fundamental merit, there’s no price too high for their stocks; and
- the willing suspension of disbelief that allows investors to extrapolate thse positive views to infinity.

In the current iteration, these attributes are being applied to a small group of tech-based companies, which are typified by “the FAANGs”: Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google (now renamed Alphabet). They all sport great business models and unchallenged leadership in their markets. Most importantly, they’re viewed as having captured the future and thus as sure to be winners in the years to come.

True as far as it goes … just as it appeared to be true of the Nifty-Fifty in the 1960s, oil stocks in the '70s, disk drive companies in the '80s, and tech/media/telecom in the late '90s. But in each of those cases:

- the environment changed in unforeseen ways,
- it turned out that the newness of the business model had hidden its flaws,
- competition arose,
- excellence in the concept gave rise to weaknesses in execution, and/or
- it was shown that even great fundamentals can become overpriced and thus give way to massive losses.

The FAANGs are truly great companies, growing rapidly and trouncing the competition (where it exists). But some are doing so without much profitability, and for others profits are growing slower than revenues. Some of them doubtless will be the great companies of tomorrow. But will they all? Are they invincible, and is their success truly inevitable?

The prices investors are paying for these stocks generally represent 30 or more years of the companies' current earnings. There are clear reasons to be excited about their growth in the near term, but what about the durability of earnings over the long term, where much of the value in a high-multiple stock necessarily lies? Andrew points out that the iPhone is just ten years old, and twenty years ago the Internet wasn't in widespread use. That raises the question of whether investors in technology can really see the future, and thus how happy they should be paying prices that incorporate optimistic assumptions regarding long-term earnings power. Of course, this may just mean the best is yet to come for these fairly young companies.

Here's a passage from one company's 1997 letter to shareholders:

We established long-term relationships with many important strategic partners, including America Online, Yahoo!, Excite, Netscape, GeoCities, AltaVista, @Home, and Prodigy.

How many of these "important strategic partners" still exist in a meaningful way today (leaving aside the question of whether they're important or strategic)? The answer is zero (unless you believe Yahoo! satisfies the criteria, in which case the answer is one). The source of the citation is Amazon's 1997 annual report, and the bottom line is that the future is unpredictable, and nothing and no company is immune to glitches.