



<質問者> 累進消費税の政策を支持するとのお話がありました[過去記事]。そのお考えは最善の案だと思いますが、うまくいくのは経済の調子がいいか、あるいは過熱しているときだと思います。もし1981年から82年にあったような厳しい不況の時期だとしたら、どう思われますか。

<バフェット> 累進消費税が制定されれば、法律がいつ施行されようとも、つづく1年間やおそらく2年間は経済が低迷するでしょう。単純にこう考えてみてください。この国で生産された製品の100%を消費していたとします。そこから突如5%を貯蓄しはじめることになれば、すぐには生産が増加しないと仮定すると、まあそうなるでしょうが、消費は95%に落ち込むでしょう。しかし毎月5000ドルを稼いでいる人が、家族のためにもっと貯蓄することに決めれば、その時点では消費を減らします。ですが、後になってから消費を増やすかもしれません、貯蓄した分が投資にまわって、そこから生みだされるものがあるからです。投資をいっそう誘発する消費税はどんな種類のものであっても、つづく1,2年間は経済に悪影響を与えます。だから、この政策は不興を買うわけですね。みなさんの家庭でも同じように、この話は人気がないと思います。つまり「もっと蓄えをして消費を減らそう」と掲げても、必ずしも勝利につながる論拠とはならないのです。しかし長い目でみれば、このやりかたをすれば富を築くことができます。ですから累進消費税がいつ導入されたとしても、しばらくは足をひっぱると思います。



Q. You support a progressive consumption tax policy. I think your idea is the best and works when our economy is booming or overheated. What do you think if our economy is in a severe recession like in 1981-82?

A. A progressive consumption tax, if enacted, would hurt the economy in the following year or maybe a couple of years, regardless of when it was introduced, simply because: If we are consuming 100% of the goods produced in the country and all of the sudden you say we're going to start saving 5%, that would take consumption down to 95%, assuming no immediate increase in output, which there wouldn't be. If you're making $5,000 a month and you decide to save more in your family, you're going to cut consumption at that point. Later on, you may increase consumption because of the product of that investment. Any kind of a consumption tax that induces more investment will hurt the economy in the following year or two, which makes it tough to sell. That makes it tough to sell in your own household, too. If you say we're going to start saving more and consuming less, that's not necessarily a winning argument. But it is the way to build wealth over time. I would say no matter when it was introduced, it would have a bite for a while.

Think back to 1790, when 90% of the people in the country were on farms. If some guy had come along and said we're going to develop tractors, combines, and cultivators that will put 80% of these people out of work so that a small percentage of people will be on farms, people would say, "That's terrifying, you know, we can't have that." Actually, saving and investment frees up people to do all kinds of other things, as you have seen on the long scale of 200 years of this country. It's a terrifying prospect to people in the short run, because they see the unemployment; they don't see those people being freed up to produce all kinds of other things over time. If you could have had a little video tape that you showed all the farmers in the country in 1790, and said, "Use this one tractor instead of needing all of your sons and sons-in-law and everybody else to farm this place, and you will be able to do it yourself. The other eight people will be unemployed," I would have hated to have a referendum on whether people wanted progress, in terms of better farm machinery. That is the problem with increasing the investment rate in the country. And, in a politically charged environment with sound bites on television, I'm not sure it could be sold.

Well, I want to thank you all for coming; it's been a real pleasure to return to the University of Nebraska and I hope we keep our quarterbacks healthy. Thanks.

ちなみに、今日8月30日はウォーレンの誕生日です。84歳になります。現地時間の30日はもう少しあとになりますが、Happy Birthday, Warren!




<質問者> 国際投資についてお聞きします。バフェットさんは会社のカギとなる方ですから、重要な国際投資ポートフォリオを判断する際に、投資先の国を選択する上でどんな要因を思い浮かべますか。現在の「ホットな市場」として、中国はどうお考えですか。

<バフェット> そうですね、たしかに国際的にみて大きなポテンシャルのある企業はいいですね。しかし決してよそには出ていかない会社でも、それこそ喜んで買います。ネブラスカ・ファニチャー・マートでは外国で販売する計画はありませんが、中西部全域にわたって大量に販売していくでしょう。また、違う形で入り込む方法もあります。ジレットは上海レーザーカンパニーの70%を保有したところです。かの地では最大のカミソリ会社です。またコカ・コーラ社が中国で今年販売する計画数量は、1億3500万ケースです。ただし国民一人当たりにすると、2[本/年]ぐらいです。合衆国は325[本/年]ですので、これはとても期待できる数字です。そして中国は非常に速く成長しています。ジレットのかかえる問題のひとつは、中国人はアメリカ人ほどにはヒゲを剃らないことです。ですからコーラに何か添加物を加えて、その習慣を変えられないかと考えているわけです。

Q. Mr. Buffett, this question deals with international investment. Since you are a key person in your corporations, when you make decisions on important international portfolios, what kind of factors come into your mind when selecting a nation to invest in? What do you think about China as a "hot market" right now?

A. Well, we like companies, obviously, that have big international potential. But we're perfectly willing to buy into a company that can never go outside the region. Nebraska Furniture Mart is not going to sell anything internationally, although they will sell a lot throughout the Midwest. It's just one variable that enters in, Gillette just bought 70% of the Shanghai Razor Company, which is the largest razor company over there. Coke will sell 135 million cases this year in China, which is only two per capita, roughly, as compared to 325 per capita in the United States. That's very encouraging and they are moving very fast in China. One problem Gillette has is that the Chinese do not shave as often as Americans. But we plan to put something in Coke to change that!





<質問者> 履歴書は見たくないとのことでしたが、見事な履歴書をみつけるために利用している企業のことはどう思われますか。

<バフェット> もし典型的な大企業について話しているのでしたら、彼らはラベルを見たいのだと思います。言いかえれば、MBAを持っている人には「MBAのラベル」が付いていることになります。ある学校で授与されたとすれば、もちろんそのこともラベルになります。このやりかたを使って、似た人物を採用する事例が驚くほどたくさんあります。そのラベルに経済的な価値があるのは間違いありません。厳密にいくらなのかわたしにはわかりませんが、かなりの経済的価値です。わたしたちの会社ではそうはなりませんが、IBMやGMやメリルリンチに雇われるのであれば、最初にどう受けとめられるかという意味では違いが出ると思います。5年も経てばそれほど違わないとわたしは思いますが、最初の給料には差がつくでしょう。すごくたくさんのポジションを提示される可能性、という点でも差がつきます。しかし本当の勝負は、そこから何をみせられるかです。いずれにせよ、大きな会社に採用されたいときには、とても役に立つラベルですね。


Q. You say that you don't like to look at resumes. What do you think businesses that do use them find impressive about resumes?

A. Well, I would say that, if you are talking about the typical large business, they look at labels. In other words, if you get an MBA, you have the label MBA. If you get it from a certain place, you know, it says that, too. There is an awful lot of hiring clone based on that. The label definitely has an economic value. I can't quantify that exactly, but it has a significant economic value. It just doesn't happen to have it with us. But if you are getting hired by IBM or General Motors or Merrill Lynch, it's going to make a difference in the way they look at you initially. I don't think it makes that much difference five years out. But I do think it makes a difference in starting salary. It makes a difference in your likelihood of getting hired for a great many positions. Then, it's really what you show from that point forward. But it is a very useful label in getting hired by a large company.

We don't even think of ourselves as a large company. We think of ourselves as a collection of medium-sized companies. Incidently, we've got a fellow that runs one of our larger subsidiaries; an MBA might mean quite a bit to him. And he's the one that hires for the group. I do no hiring, except if the top person in one of our companies dies or retires. I make maybe one hiring decision every three years. They also make hiring decisions all the time, and I don't get into what criteria they use. That's entirely up to them. I don't see how you can hold somebody responsible for an operation and then start telling them how to hire people. We have no human resources department at Berkshire. Some of our subsidiaries have somebody in that position, but we have nobody at the top who in turn supervises all that. Most companies do and once they do, they start building empires. They start going to all the conventions and seminars, and then they hire assistants to do this, and it just goes on and on. So we don't start it. Two more questions, okay?





1) 学問分野を根源性の観点によって順序付け、なおかつその順序にしたがって使うこと。

2) 好き嫌いに関わらず、4つの根源的学問分野すべてにおける真に基礎的な部分を、流暢に使いこなせるまで実際に練習し、そして日常的に使うこと。自分が学んだものよりも根源的な学問には、なおさら注意を向けること。

3) 学問分野を超えてアイデアを統合する際には、引用してきた帰属先を必ず明記すること。さらに、「自分あるいは他の分野に含まれるいっそう根源的な素材を使って説明できるのであれば、それ以外の方法で説明してはいけない」としている「経済学の原理」から離れてはならない。

4) しかし手順3)のやりかたをしても有用で新たな洞察が得られないのであれば、何か新しい原理を仮定し、それを立証できるか試すのがよい。その際には、かつて成功裏に原理を生み出せたときと同様のやりかたをとるのが一般的である。しかし既存の原理が真実でないことを現在証明できなければ、新たな原理を既存のものと矛盾させなくてもよい。



After all, hard science has, by a wide margin, the best record for both (1) avoiding unidisciplinary folly and (2) making user-friendly a big patch of multidisciplinary domain, with frequent, good results like those of physicist Richard Feynman when he so quickly found in cold O-rings the cause of our greatest space shuttle disaster. And previous extensions of the ethos into softer fare have worked well. For instance, biology, starting 150 years ago with a descriptive mess not much related to deep theory, has gradually absorbed the fundamental organizing ethos with marvelous results as new generations have come to use better thinking methods, containing models that answer the question: why? And there is no clear reason why the ethos of hard science can't also help in disciplines far less fundamental than biology. Here, as I interpret it, is this fundamental organizing ethos I am talking about:

1) You must both rank and use disciplines in order of fundamentalness.

2) You must, like it or nor, master to tested fluency and routinely use the truly essential parts of all four constituents of the fundamental four-discipline combination, with particularly intense attention given to disciplines more fundamental than your own.

3) You may never practice either cross-disciplinary absorption without attribution or departure from a "principle of economy" that forbids explaining in any other way anything readily explainable from more fundamental material in your own or any other discipline.

4) But when the step (3) approach doesn't produce much new and useful insight, you should hypothesize and test to establishment new principles, ordinarily by using methods similar to those that created successful old principles. But you may not use any new principle inconsistent with an old one unless you can now prove that the old principle is not true.

You will note that, compared with much current practice in soft science, the fundamental organizing ethos of hard science is more severe. This reminds one of pilot training, and this outcome is not a coincidence. Reality is talking to anyone who will listen. Like pilot training, the ethos of hard science does not say "take what you wish" but "learn it all to fluency, like it or not." And rational organization of multidisciplinary knowledge is forced by making mandatory (1) full attribution for cross-disciplinary takings and (2) mandatory preference for the most fundamental explanation.

This simple idea may appear too obvious to be useful, but there is an old two-part rule that often works wonders in business, science, and elsewhere: (1) Take a simple, basic idea and (2) take it very seriously. And, as some evidence for the value of taking very seriously the fundamental organizing ethos, I offer the example of my own life.


(その1) 資金を決して失わないこと。
(その2) 原則(その1)を忘れないこと。


2014年バークシャー株主総会; 企業買収について


<質問47> 借入や買収についての質問

<マンガー> アメリカにおけるこれまでの買収は、合算して考えるとお粗末な結果でしたね。おろかな取引に口説かれてしまうのは、成功した企業が持つ本性です。我々にとっては富を築く道のりでした。しかし、我々のような変わったやりかたをしようと望むところは、幸運にもそれほどありませんね。

<バフェット> わたしたちが保有してはいるものの支配してはいない企業が、買収を起こそうとする。そんな記事を読んだときは、にやりとするよりも不満の声をあげるほうが多いですね。そうは言っても、わたしたち自身も買収を好んでいますが。わたしからは指揮できない会社の人たちが買収を検討する場に、何百回と参加したことがあります。しかし、ほとんどは悲惨なものでしたね..。

<マンガー> 良くて平凡、というのもいくらかはありましたがね。

<バフェット> ガイコ(GEICO)の例をみてください。1970年代以前はすばらしいビジネスでした。低迷から回復した後に彼らはいくつか買収をしたものの、肝心なことに集中していませんでした。2件の買収で払った会計上の費用はまずいものでしたが、致命的ではありませんでした。しかし[肝心なことに集中しなかった]2次的な影響は甚大で、元に戻るのに何年もかかりました。そのおかげでわたしたちは同社の半分を買い、バークシャーにとってはすばらしいものとなったのです。血気盛んなCEOが事を起こしたがり、補助するスタッフがそれに気づくのは、どちらも人間の本性です。案件はいつも舞い込みますし、投資銀行は毎日のように連絡をよこしてきます。そういったあらゆる力が取引実行へ向けて後押しをします。わたしたちは取引を望むのではなく、妥当な取引だけを望むようにと、非常な努力を払ってきました。もし経営企画のような部署があれば、わたしたちを後押しするわけですから、ますます大変だったと思います。経営する組織をどのように構成するかが、とても重要になることがあるのです。

<マンガー> 私とくらべて、彼がどれだけ手際よくやっているものか、よく考えてください。

<バフェット> それはむずかしくない比較ですね(笑)。

Q47: JB: Leverage and acquisitions?

CM: Sum total of all acquisitions in America has been lousy. It is the nature of successful companies that they will be talked into dumb deals. It has been path to wealth for us, but luckily many don't want to be peculiar in our way.

WB: When we read that a company we own but don't control is going to make an acquisition, I'm more likely to cry than smile. But we love them ourselves. I have sat in on hundreds of acquisition discussions conducted by people I didn't control. Most have been disasters…

CM: Some are mediocre.

WB: Look at GEICO ‐ it had been an incredible business until the 1970s. They made acquisitions after getting back on track and then took their eyes off the ball. Accounting cost of those two acquisitions was poor but not disastrous. But secondary effects were huge. It was a dozen years there that they couldn't get back. We bought half the company, so it was wonderful for Berkshire. It is human nature, CEOs have animal spirits and supporting staff senses that they like to do things. They keep coming in with deals. Investment bankers are calling them daily. All these forces push towards deals. We've tried very hard to not be eager to do deals, just to be eager to do deals that make sense. That would be harder if we had strategy departments pushing us. The setting in which you operate can be very important.

CM: Note how he is much more tactful than me.

WB: The comparison is not difficult. [laughter]









Hedge funds may have more tools at their disposal. They can go long and short. They can leverage. They have the resources to hire the cream of every crop. But going long and short involves risks and even the cream of the crop, the best and the brightest, can make mistakes or become impatient. Hedge funds are big business, and every investment business, be it the stodgiest of old line investment firms or the savviest hedge fund, faces pressure, short-term pressure, to perform. That pressure, from within and from without, dictates that investment firms will always be putting capital to work - even when there is little worth doing.

In addition to solid investment performance, many hedge funds strive for low volatility. While low volatility is pleasing to clients, fulfills marketing promises, and satisfies certain kinds of clients who measure risk this way, this emphasis can become an over-emphasis. At its worst, this results in excessive diversification, technically-based and irrational risk reduction techniques such as stop-loss orders, and, because of the perceived volatility, avoidance of certain fundamentally attractive investments. Hedge funds tend to avoid investments that are hard to explain to clients. Finally, instead of rationally assessing new developments, they are prone to seizing up in the face of adversity - slavishly gyrating to the dictates of Mr. Market instead of soberly profiting from them. In short, market efficiency is a fine academic theory unlikely ever to bear meaningful resemblance to the real world of investing.

In 1984, Warren Buffett penned an essay entitled The Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville, making the case that numerous disciples of Benjamin Graham's school of value investing were profiting fabulously, yet independently from each other, by following the precepts of a particular investment philosophy. Even then, it was apparent that there was little, if any, academic interest in understanding and analyzing the astonishing market outperformance of the nine value investors that Buffett examined. How fortunate for the latest two decades of value investors that this was so!

The challenge for academics is simple. Select in advance a group of investors to be studied. Verify with a panel of value investing experts that the individuals to be studied are, in fact, value investors (and not simply those who call themselves value investors). Determine in advance a sufficiently long period over which they will be studied (but not so long that most of them will be retired by the end of the period). Perhaps choose a group of "growth stock" investors to also be examined over the same period. Finally, establish criteria in advance for an analysis of risk, illiquidity, and other considerations which academics are prone to using after the fact to explain away any market outperformance. Then, let the investing begin.








What about going forward? Will all the money pouring into super-aggressive hedge funds finally make the stock market efficient? With so many hedge funds, so many people diligently looking to identify mispricings, and so much capital desperate to crowd into even marginally mispriced situations, it might seem that market efficiency will soon be at hand. But it is doubtful that the stock market will ever achieve efficiency.

Let me offer a simple thought experiment. Imagine that every adult in America became a securities analyst, full time for many, part-time for the rest. (With close to half the adults in this country already investing in stocks or mutual funds, this may not be quite as ludicrous as it sounds.) Every citizen would scour the news for fast-breaking corporate developments. The numerate ones would run spreadsheets and crunch numbers. The less numerate would analyze competitive factors for various businesses, assess managerial competence, and strive to identify the next new thing. Now, for sure, the financial markets would have become efficient. Right? Actually, no. To my way of thinking, the reason that capital markets are, have always been, and will always be inefficient is not because of a shortage of timely information, the lack of analytical tools, or inadequate capital. The Internet will not make the market efficient, even though it makes far more information available at everyone's fingertips, faster than ever before. Markets are inefficient because of human nature - innate, deep-rooted, and permanent. People do not consciously choose to invest according to their emotions - they simply cannot help it.

So if the entire country became security analysts, memorized Ben Graham's Intelligent Investor, and regularly attended Warren Buffett's annual shareholder meetings, most people would, nevertheless, find themselves irresistibly drawn to hot initial public offerings, momentum strategies and investment fads. Even if they somehow managed to be long-term value investors with a portion of their capital, people would still find it tempting to day-trade and perform technical analysis of stock charts. People would, in short, still be attracted to short-term, get-rich-quick schemes. People would notice which of their friends and neighbors were becoming rich - and they would quickly find out how. When others did well (if only temporarily), people would find it irksome not to be participating and begin to copy whatever was working today. There is no salve for the hungry investor like the immediate positive reinforcement that comes from making money instantaneously.

A country of security analysts would still overreact. They would shun stigmatized companies, those experiencing financial distress, or those experiencing accounting problems. They would still liquidate money-losing positions as they were making new lows. They would avoid less liquid securities, since those are the last to participate in a rally and hard to get out of when things go wrong. In short, a country full of well-trained investors would make the same kind of mistakes that investors have been making forever, and for the same immutable reason - that they cannot help it.







一方、株式市場でまずインターネット・バブルが生じ、次にそれがはじけたことで混乱が生じた事実そのものは、効率的市場仮説に反している。ナスダック指数は2000年の春に5000を付けていたものの、それからたった2年半後には1100近くになった。ローウェンスティーンが言ったように、「ナスダック指数はどちらの時期でも適正に評価されていた」と納得する人などいないだろう 。たとえ後知恵でしかないとしても、市場がこのような大変動を経験したこと自体が、株式市場は効率からはるかに遠いことを示している。

In his article, Professor Lowenstein apparently calls for an investigation into the success of leading value investors. On the whole, his article demonstrates that for the five-year period ending December 31, 2003, a group of value mutual funds spectacularly outperformed the market, making the market seem highly inefficient. Believers in market efficiency will quibble with Lowenstein's analysis. His selection of ten value managers, although picked by someone else, is tainted because they were chosen ex post. For any five-year period, there will, of course, be numerous managers who perform better than the market. Lowenstein's point would be considerably more effective if the managers had been picked ex ante, and not after, the period under review.

His choice of the 1999-2003 period will also be problematic for some. While the overall market indices such as the S&P 500 Index were essentially flat during that time frame, this was a highly unusual period. From 1999 to early 2000, large capitalization and especially technology stocks performed particularly well. The Internet bubble was near its peak, and old economy stocks - the apparent losers in the New Economy - were under relentless selling pressure. By 2000, these forces started to reverse, with the market selling off sharply from 2000 to 2002 before rallying sharply in 2003. These upheavals played into the hands of value investors, who, by dint of their disciplined philosophy, were virtually required to invest in inexpensive and undervalued Old Economy stocks as they were being dumped in 1999 and early 2000. Most of these stocks fully recovered their losses and reached new highs over the next several years. Few five-year periods were as heaven-made for value investors as 1999-2003.

One could also quibble with Lowenstein's after-the-fact critique of Fortune's 10 Stocks to Last the Decade. Yes, the stocks on the list performed miserably in the years following the article. Yes, most of the value investors Lowenstein surveyed managed to avoid the names on that list. But again, there are always some articles that look stupid with 20/20 hindsight. There are always lists of stocks that performed horribly in the past that someone owned and others did not.

On the other hand, the very fact that the stock market was roiled first by an Internet bubble and then by its bursting goes against the efficient market hypothesis. As Lowenstein says, no one could reasonably believe the NASDAQ Composite Index was fairly valued both at 5000 in the spring of 2000 and then barely 1100 only two and a half years later. That the market could experience fluctuations of this magnitude is itself, even if only in hindsight, an argument that the stock market is far from efficient.






この頑迷さは今になって始まったことではない。ここで私が興味をそそられた賢明な人物の話をしよう。1世紀前の人物である彼は、自分の仕事がそれほど重要でなければ、卓越したバリュー投資家になっていただろう。私が注目したその人物とは、ウィルバー・ライトである[ライト兄弟の兄のほう]。彼の成した空中飛行の偉業は、ジェームズ・トービンの著作『To Conquer the Air』で語られている。ライトは飛行を学ぶ方法として2つのやりかたを対比させた。彼の家族が実地を通じてやった方法と、ずっと注目を集めていたサミュエル・ピエールポント・ラングレーの方法だ。スミソニアン協会の当時の会長だったラングレーは、有人飛行の分野では国内におけるライト兄弟の手ごわい競争相手と広くみなされていた。ライトは、人間が空中飛行に向けて歩みだした最初の一歩を、馬に乗るというずっとありふれた挑戦になぞらえて、次のように力説した。



Decades after market efficiency was first hypothesized, there remains little apparent interest among academics in seriously challenging the theory’s precepts. Dozens of professional investors, running value-oriented mutual funds and hedge funds, have achieved stellar records of market outperformance, many with considerably less volatility than the market as a whole. It seems obvious that these professional investors should be carefully studied in order to develop a true and complete understanding of how the stock market works. Are they simply lucky? Are they incurring hidden risks that explain their returns? Or are there systemic factors that enable some investors to reliably outperform? Warren Buffett, the second richest man in the country, is a value investor; he built his net worth gradually over nearly fifty years of successful investing. Moreover, his net worth continues to grow handsomely. Yet his record is explained away by academics as aberrational! Rather than studying Buffett exhaustively to see what lessons could be learned, academics cling desperately to their faulty theories.

It turns out that this inflexibility of thinking is nothing new. I am intrigued by the observations of a brilliant man who probably would have been an exceptional value investor had he not had something more important to do one century ago. This man was Wilbur Wright, whose aeronautical accomplishments are recounted in James Tobin’s To Conquer the Air. Wright contrasted his family’s hands-on approach to learning to fly with the more cerebral efforts of Samuel Pierpont Langley, the Secretary of the Smithsonian in that era, who was generally considered the Wright brothers’ most formidable domestic competitor in manned flight. Wright compared man’s first steps toward flight with the more ordinary challenge of riding a horse. He declared:

There are two ways of learning how to ride a fractious horse; one is to get on him and learn by actual practice how each motion and trick may be best met; the other is to sit on a fence and watch the beast a while, and then retire to the house and at leisure figure out the best way of overcoming his jumps and kicks. The latter system is the safest; but the former, on the whole, turns out the larger proportion of good riders. It is very much the same in learning to ride a flying machine; if you are looking for perfect safety, you will do well to sit on a fence and watch the birds, but if you really wish to learn, you must mount a machine and become acquainted with its tricks by actual trial.

So, too, for the stock market. It is easy to study stock tables in solitude from the comfort of your office and declare the market efficient. Or you can be a full-time investor for a number of years and, if your eyes are open, learn that it is not. As with the Wrights, the burden of proof is somehow made to fall on the practitioner to demonstrate that he or she has accomplished something the so-called experts said could not be done (and even he may find himself explained away as aberrational). Almost none of the burden seems to fall on the armchair academics, who cling to their theories even in the face of strong evidence that they are wrong.




(写真の借用元: Smarter Investing)

本ブログでは彼の著作『安全余裕(Margin of Safety)』(1991年)の文章を継続的にご紹介していますが、固い印象を受けたり、あるいは少し年代がかった風合いを感じられているかもしれません。そこで今回から数回に分けて、彼がバリュー投資について書いた比較的近年(2005年)の文章をご紹介します。基本的な思想は彼の書いた本と変わっていません。しかし2000年代中盤の株価上昇期に書かれたことや、ちょっとした逸話やたとえ話も楽しめるので、目を通す価値がある文章だと思います。原文は5ページの文章なので難なく読める長さです。いつものように日本語訳もご紹介します。

A Response to Lowenstein’s Searching for Rational Investors In a Perfect Storm
[PDF] (掲載サイト: アイオワ大学法学部)







A Response to Lowenstein’s Searching for Rational Investors In a Perfect Storm

Seth A. Klarman

Stock market efficiency is an elegant hypothesis that bears quite limited resemblance to the real world. For over half a century, disciples of Benjamin Graham, the intellectual father of value investing, have prospered buying bargains that efficient market theory says should not exist. They take advantage of the short-term, relative performance orientation of other investors. They employ an absolute (not relative) valuation compass, patiently exploiting mispricings while avoiding overpaying for what is popular and trendy. Many are willing to concentrate their exposures, knowing that their few best ideas are better than their hundredth best, and confident in their ability to tell which is which.

Value investors thrive not by incurring high risk (as financial theory would suggest), but by deliberately avoiding or hedging the risks they identify. While efficient market theorists tell you to calculate the beta of a stock to determine its riskiness, most value investors have never calculated a beta. Efficient market theory advocates moving a portfolio of holdings closer to the efficient frontier. Most value investors have no idea what this is or how they might accomplish such a move. This is because financial market theory may be elegant, but it is not particularly useful in formulating a successful investment strategy.

If academics espousing the efficient market theory had no influence, their flawed views would make little difference. But, in fact, their thinking is mainstream and millions of investors make their decisions based on the supposition that owning stocks, regardless of valuation and analysis, is safe and reasonable. Academics train hundreds of thousands of students each year, many of whom go to Wall Street and corporate suites espousing these beliefs. Because so many have been taught that outperforming the market is impossible and that stocks are always fairly and efficiently priced, investors have increasingly adopted strategies that eventually will prove both riskier and far less rewarding than they are currently able to comprehend.

One of the biggest trends in recent years, indexing, emanates directly from a belief in market efficiency. If the markets are efficient, why try to outperform? Paying minimal commissions and minuscule management fees puts investors two steps ahead of everyone else. Reasonable enough if the market is efficient, but what if it is not?


Searching for Rational Investors In a Perfect Storm [PDF]
(著者: ルイス・ローウェンスティーン、掲載サイト: アイオワ大学法学部)




<質問者> 近年になって会計事務所が顧客から訴えられる例がみられるようになりました。監査業務が期待にこたえていないという理由です。バフェットさんやバークシャー・ハサウェイは外部の監査人に対して何を期待されていますか。

<バフェット> いい質問ですね。何年か前に連邦会計標準委員会(FASB)に言ったことがあります。会計士は訴訟されても仕方がないですよ、と。それというのも、当時の典型的な会計証明は誇張されていたからです。多くの企業において彼らがそのような意見を表明する立場にいたとは思えませんでした。「会計士の意見は立証できない」という事実に対して金銭的な責任を問われたときには、まさしくそのとおりだと思いました。場合によってはやりすぎがあったかもしれませんが、彼らの意見表明は信頼されていたのです。銀行や保険会社などの多くの例で、彼らは証明しようにも単にそうできる立場にいませんでした。さて当社の場合、規模が小さく統制されてもいます。また内部監査の要員もいます。もし外部の監査人が何かしてくれるのならば、税務面で他にいい案を検討してもらったり、管理統制上のシステムについて社内の監査役が指摘できなかった弱点をみつけたり、あるいは明らかなまちがいを指摘するなどをお願いします。これまでにそういったことはなかったですが、彼らにお金を払っているのはそれを期待しているからです。証券取引委員会(SEC)とニューヨーク証券取引所によって義務付けられているので、何はともあれ彼らを使っているという事実は別としてですよ。ちなみに、監査をしたことがないという大きな会社を買収したことがありますが、気になりませんでした。


Q. Mr. Buffett, in recent years, several public accounting firms have been sued by their clients because they have not met their expectations on their auditing services. I was wondering what you and Berkshire Hathaway expect from your external auditors?

A. Well, that's a good question. I said to the Federal Financial Accounting Standards Boards some years ago that I thought accountants deserved to be sued, because I thought the typical accountant certificate in those days was overstated. I did not think they were in a position in many companies to deliver that opinion and when they have been held financially accountable for the fact that they couldn't back up that opinion, I really thought that was appropriate. It may have gone overboard in some cases, but they were stating something there that people relied on. In many cases - take banks or insurance companies - they were simply not in a position to attest as they did. In our own case, we are small and controlled, and we have an internal audit staff. I'm hoping, if an outside auditor comes up with anything, it may be a potential tax idea, or it might be things our internal auditors did not spot in terms of weaknesses in the control system, or they might spot outright fraud of some sort. We haven't had that, but that's what I'm paying them to do, aside from the fact I have to have them anyway because I'm required to by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Stock Exchange. Incidentally, we have bought big firms that never had an audit, and that doesn't bother me.

When I made the deal with Mrs. Blumkin, it was on August 30, 1983. I know that because it was my birthday. I didn't want to tell her that early on, because I thought she might think I was over-eager. I told her afterwards and she said, "You bought an oil well on your birthday!" She had no audit and she just told me she owned all the land, all the buildings, and all the inventory. She told me about what the receivables were, what the business was about, that all the bills were paid, and they didn't owe any money. We never had an audit. We bought that business with a contract that was one page long.

<質問者> ヘルスケア(医療制度)の改革が、経済全般やバークシャー・ハサウェイに対してどのような影響を及ぼすのか、何かご意見や予想されていることがありますか。

<バフェット> 前の質問でも話しましたが、ヘルスケアの話題で6,7年前に総会を一度やりました。たとえばこの国でGDPの14%分を何かのことに費やしているとして、他の国が9%以下で済んでいるとしたら、競争上の位置に影響が出てきます。稼いだお金はなるべく多く自分のものにしたいと感じるものですからね。これは経済の1/7を占める話題で、感情的にもなりやすく、議論がどのような結末をむかえるのか、わたしにはわかりません。医療費の増加率はかなり弱まったと考えていますが、必ずしも恒久的になるとは思いません。数年間は続くかもしれませんが、医療費が全般的なインフレ率を大幅に超えて増加しはじめれば、元に戻ってしまうでしょう。医療制度のことはこれから何度も耳にすると思いますし、ぜひそうするべきだと思います。

Q. Do you have any opinions or predictions on how health care reform is going to affect the economy, in general and Berkshire Hathaway, specifically?

A. Well, as I said earlier, we had our one general meeting on health care about six or seven years ago. When you are spending 14% of the Gross Domestic Product on something that other countries are spending 9% or less, it affects your competitive position. You would like to feel that you are getting a whole lot more for your money. I have no idea how the debate is going to come out because you are talking about one-seventh of the economy and something that is emotionally charged. I do think the rate of increase in health cost has dampened considerable, but I don't think that is necessarily permanent. I think it can last for a few years and it will come back if we start getting increases in health care costs significantly above the general rate of inflation. You are going to hear a lot about health care, again, and you should.
















Let me turn to some of the probable reasons for present bad education. Part of the trouble is caused by the balkanization of academia. For instance, psychology is most powerful when combined with doctrines from other academic departments. But if your psychology professor doesn't know the other doctrines, then he isn't capable of doing the necessary integration.

And how would anyone get to be a psychology professor in the first place if he were good with nonpsychology doctrines and constantly worked nonpsychology doctrines into his material? Such a would-be professor would usually offend his peers and superiors.

There have been some fabulous psychology professors in the history of the world. Cialdini of Arizona State was very useful to me, as was B.F. Skinner - for his experimental results, if divorced from his monomania and utopianism. But averaged out, I don't believe that psychology professors in America are people whose alternative career paths were in the toughest part of physics. And that may be one of the reasons why they don't get it quite right.

The schools of education, even at eminent universities, are pervaded by psychology. And they're almost an intellectual disgrace. It's not unheard of for academic departments - even at great institutions - to be quite deficient in important ways. And including a lot of material labeled as psychological is no cure-all.

And given academic inertia, all academic deficiencies are very hard to fix. Do you know how they tried to fix psychology at the University of Chicago? Having tenured professors who were terrible, the president there actually abolished the entire psychology department.

And Chicago, in due course, will probably bring back a new and different psychology department. Indeed, by now, it probably has. Perhaps conditions are now better. And I must admit that I admire a college president who will do something like that.

I do not wish to imply in my criticism that the imperfections of academic psychology teaching are all attributable to some kind of human fault common only to such departments. Instead, the causes of many of the imperfections lie deep in the nature of things - in irritating peculiarities that can't be removed from psychology.

Let me demonstrate by a "thought experiment" involving a couple of questions: Are there not many fields that need a synthesizing super-mind like that of James Clerk Maxwell, but are destined never to attract one? And is academic psychology, by its nature, one of the most unfortunate of all the would-be attractors of super-minds? I think the answers are yes and yes.

One can see this by considering the case of any of the few members of each generation who can, as fast as fingers can move, accurately work through the problem sets in thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and physical chemistry. Such a person will be begged by some of the most eminent people alive to enter the upper reaches of hard science.

Will such a super-gifted person instead choose academic psychology wherein lie very awkward realities: (A) that the tendencies demonstrated by social psychology paradoxically grow weaker as more people learn them, and, (B) that clinical (patient-treating) psychology has to deal with the awkward reality that happiness, physiologically measured, is often improved by believing things that are not true? The answer, I think, is plainly no. The super-mind will be repelled by academic psychology much as Nobel laureate physicist Max Planck was repelled by economics, wherein he saw problems that wouldn't yield to his methods.


2014年バークシャー株主総会; 歩みが遅いと、やる気をくじく


<質問45> 経営者は本源的価値をどのように考慮して算出しているのですか。あのコカ・コーラ社にもペプシがあるように、どの企業が当社にとっていちばん脅威ですか。

<バフェット> 実のところベン・グレアムは、本源的価値の計算という点ではあまり細かくは示しませんでした。ちょうど相対取引価値と比較されるものです。はじめてその問題に取り組んだ人がイソップでした。未来のことがわかるのであれば、本源的価値とは現在から審判の日までに分配されるすべての現金の現在価値になります。それに対して資金を投じ、そしてお金を受け取るわけですね。手元の1羽は、茂みに隠れた2羽に相当します。ここで問題となるのは、茂みに2羽いることをどこまで確信できるか、茂みまでどれだけ離れているか、そして金利はいくらかです。イソップは、我々が検討する余地を残そうと考えました。ですから彼はすべてを細かくは説明せず、その後2000年にわたって我々は試行錯誤しているわけです。ベンはその計算方法として「茂みに潜む2ドルのために、1ドルなら支払う」と言ったものです。一方、[フィル・]フィッシャーは茂みにいる鳥の数を評価する際に定性的な要因を使いました。はじめのころはグレアムから大きな影響を受けていたので、以前のわたしは定量的にやっていました。しかしチャーリーに出会って、もっと定性的に考えるようにと言われました。マクドナルドのフランチャイズを買うときには、資金の出入りがいつ発生するか、そしてその割引率をどうするか考えるものです。しかし決め手となる質問「どんな脅威が想定されるか」の答えはどうかと言えば、バークシャーには大いなる強敵がいるとは思えません。プライベート・エクイティー(私募のファンド)は安い借入金を使って事業を買収しているので、彼らとは競合しています。この領域がわたしとチャーリーの主な仕事になっています。しかし、わたしたちが達成しようとしている後につづくモデルを持っていたり、築こうとしている会社は見当たりません。

<マンガー> さきほども言いましたが、これまでに築いてきたバークシャーのモデルは、ショー・ビジネスで言われるのと同じように、これからもしっかりと長続きすると思います。そう信じられるのは、長期にわたって持続するのに足る優位があるからです。巨大な企業でそれを有するところはほとんどありません。巨大になった後でもずっとそのままでいられる会社は稀です。すでに我々も、どこの会社もなかなかうまく進まない領域へと入りました。それでも我々は、ロックフェラーが築いたスタンダード石油[業界史上最強の石油会社]のようになると思います。ですから、この演壇に上がっている人間はもう重要ではないのです。聴衆のお若いみなさんは、急いでバークシャー株を売らないほうがいいですよ。

<バフェット> なぜ真似するところがもっと出てこないのでしょう。

<マンガー> それは、外科医である我らが友人エド・デイヴィスと同じことです。彼は自分で作りだした機器を使って手術する方法を考えだしました。他のやりかただと死亡率が20%のところ、彼は2%です。見学に来た他の外科医が「これはとてもできない」と嘆息したものです。非常にゆっくりとやっていたからです。そして、我々がバークシャーでやっていることを教えているビジネス・スクールも皆無ですね。

<バフェット> 歩みが遅いと、やる気をくじくわけですね。

<マンガー> なぜゆっくりやるのがむずかしいかと言えば、終える前に死んでしまうからです(笑)。

<バフェット> なぜ楽しいのでしょうね(笑)。

Q45: Station 4, Los Angeles. How does management factor into valuing instrinsic value. Which company do you fear the most, as even Coca‐Cola has their Pepsi?

WB: Actually Ben Graham didn't get too specific about intrinsic value in terms of calculations. Now it is equated rightly with private business value. Aesop was the first who came up with it. It is intrinsic value if you can foresee the future, the present value of all cash that will be distributed between now and Judgment Day. You put money in and you take money out. One in hand is worth two in bush. The question is how sure are you that two are in the bush, how far away is bush, what are the interest rates ‐ ‐ Aesop wanted to leave us something to play with over next two thousand years so he didn't spell it all out. In calculating it, Ben would say he wanted two dollars of cash in the bush and pay a dollar. Fischer would use qualitative factors to estimate the number of birds in the bush. I started out very influenced by Graham, so more quantitative, but Charlie came along and said look more at qualitative. If you buy McDonalds franchise, you think about the cash in, the cash out, when, and at what discount. Silver bullet question - are there any threats? I don't see big competitor to Berkshire. Private equity is buying businesses and leverage is cheap - so they are competing with us. That is main occupation for me and Charlie. I don't see anyone who has a model or is trying to build model which is going after what we are trying to achieve.

CM: As I said earlier, the Berkshire model as it is now constructed, as they say in show business, has legs and will go a long time. It is credible. It has enough advantage it will go a long time, and most big businesses don't have it. Of those who have gotten big, few have stayed big. We are in territory where many stop going well, but I think we'll be like Standard Oil. The people up here are no longer that important. You young people in the audience ‐ don't be too quick to sell the stock.

WB: Why not more copycats?

CM: It's like our friend Ed Davis, the surgeon, he figured out how to do an operation with instruments of his own creation, and death rate was 2% versus others who were 20%. Surgeons came to watch and they said well that looks too hard to do and it was slow. There is nothing in business school that teaches people to do what we do at Berkshire.

WB: Slowness deters more people.

CM: The difficulty with being slow is you're dead before it's finished. [laughter]

WB: Why so cheerful? [laughter]



前回ご紹介した『人類5万年 文明の興亡』では過去の歴史を振り返るだけでなく、将来の世界についても言及されています。その中で興味ぶかい話題を2つご紹介します。


国防総省高等研究事業局(DARPA)は、人間改造の研究に多額の資金を提供している機関の一つだ。1970年代にはインターネット(当時はアーパネットと呼ばれていた)を開発した。同局のブレイン・インターフェース・プロジェクトは現在、シリコンではなく酵素とDNA分子で作られた超小型コンピューターに注目している。兵士の脳に埋め込めるものだ。最初の分子コンピューターは2002年に発表され、2004年には改良版ががん治療に使われるようになった。しかしDAPRAは、もっと高度なモデルによってシナプスの結びつきが加速され、記憶容量が増え、ワイヤレスのインターネット・アクセスが可能になると考えている。同じようにDAPRAのサイレント・トーク・プロジェクトは、脳内の言語化前の電子信号を解読してインターネット経由で送ることで、兵士が無線機やEメールなしで通信できる装置の開発に取り組んでいる。全米科学財団のレポートによれば、このような「ネットワーク化が可能なテレパシー」は、2020年代には実現するという。(下巻 p.325)

インターネット技術が民生に転用されて発展するまでのタイムラグは、たとえば30年間ほどと言えそうです(1970年 -> 2000年)。その数字をそのまま敷衍すると、一般市民の脳がインターネットに直結する時代がやってくるのは、2050年か60年ぐらいになりそうですね。


1949年、アインシュタインはジャーナリストに言った。「第3次世界大戦がどのように戦われるのかはわからない。しかし、第4次世界大戦で人々が何を使うかはわかるよ……石、だ」。(下巻 p.340)


『人類5万年 文明の興亡: なぜ西洋が世界を支配しているのか』

人類5万年 文明の興亡: なぜ西洋が世界を支配しているのか』(著者:イアン・モリス)を読みました。原書のタイトルは"Why The West Rules - For Now"で、和訳では副題に回っています。本書では西洋がここ数世紀にわたって国際社会を支配している理由を、東洋文明圏と対比しながら迫っています。この手の歴史書を読むのは、国家や文明の栄枯盛衰をモデルとして学びとりたいからですが、その意味では十分に満足できる作品でした(そして後述するように、もっと満足できました)。





このアプローチには、分析が偏る、表面的になる、ありがちな間違いを犯すなど様々な危険が伴う。私は、中国文化をその道何十年という研究者ほどには理解できないし、遺伝学者のように進化についての最新情報に精通しているわけでもない。(サイエンス誌は平均13秒に一度ウェブサイトを更新しているらしい。この文章を書いている間にも遅れを取ってしまっただろう)。しかし一方で専門領域に留まり続ける者は、決して全体像を見ることができない。本書のような本を書く場合、学際的アプローチを用いて一人でまとめるのは最悪の方法かもしれないが、私には一番ましに思える。私が正しいかどうかは、読者の判断にゆだねるしかない。(上巻 p.31)





それでも「後進性の優位」が明確に示しているのは、第一に、各コア内の最も先進的な地域は時とともに移動するということだ。西洋では、初期の農業時代には、ティグリス・ユーフラテス川流域の丘陵地帯が最も進んでいたが、やがて国家の出現に伴って南のメソポタミアやエジプトの川の流域へと移り、貿易が重要になり、帝国が拡大するにつれ、西部の地中海沿岸地域へと移った。一方東洋では、先進地域は黄河と長江に挟まれた地域から長江流域へ、さらには西の渭水や四川へと移っている。(上巻 p.42)



