The Definition of a Bubble and a Superbubble
We have defined investment bubbles at GMO for over 20 years now by a statistical measure of extremes - a 2-sigma deviation from trend. For a random, normally distributed series, like the sum of tosses of a fair coin, a 2-sigma event should occur once every 44 trials in each direction. This measure is arbitrary but seems quite reasonable.
In real life, though, humans are not efficient (in the economic sense) but are often quite irrational and can get carried away so that 2-sigma outliers occur more often than random - not every 44 years, but every 35 years. We studied the available data across all asset classes over financial history and found a total of more than 300 2-sigma moves. In developed equity markets, every single example of a 2-sigma equity bubble in the last 100 years has eventually fully deflated with the price moving all the way back to the trend that existed prior to the bubble forming.
もうひとつ、こちらは備考です。本投稿の題名『かいじゅうおどりをはじめよう』は、絵本『かいじゅうたちのいるところ』(神宮輝夫訳)から借りたものです。原文の注釈において、タイトル"LET THE WILD RUMPUS BEGIN"は"Where the Wild Things Are."から引用した旨が記されています。