










Well, let me do it for you. Is this a low-priced store or a high-priced store? (Laughter). It's not going to have a runaway success in a strange city as a high-priced store. That would take time. Number two, if it's moving $500 million worth of furniture through it, it's one hell of a big store, furniture being as bulky as it is. And what does a big store do? It provides a big selection. So what could this possibly be except a low-priced store with a big selection?

But, you may wonder, why wasn't it done before, preventing its being done first now? Again, the answer just pops into your head: it costs a fortune to open a store this big. So, nobody's done it before. So, you quickly know the answer. With a few basic concepts, these microeconomic problems that seem hard can be solved much as you put a hot knife through butter. I like such easy ways of thought that are very remunerative. And I suggest that you people should also learn to do microeconomics better.




4) 過度なまでのマクロ経済学の重視




4) Too Much Emphasis on Macroeconomics

My fourth criticism is that there's too much macroemonomics and not enough on microeconomics. I think this is wrong. It's like trying to master medicine without knowing anatomy and chemistry. Also, the discipline of microeconomics is a lot of fun. It helps you correctly understand macroeconomics. And it's a perfect circus to do. In contrast, I don't think macroeconomics people have all that much fun. For one thing they are often wrong because of extreme complexity in the system they wish to understand.

Let me demonstrate the power of microeconomics by solving two microeconomic problems. One simple and one a little harder. The first problem is this: Berkshire Hathaway just opened a furniture and appliance store in Kansas City. At the time Berkshire opened it, the largest selling furniture and appliance store in the world was another Berkshire Hathaway store, selling $350 million worth of goods per year. The new store in a strange city opened up selling at the rate of more than $500 million a year. From the day it opened, the 3,200 spaces in the parking lot were full. The women had to wait outside the ladies restroom because the architects didn't understand biology. (Laughter). It's hugely successful.

Well, I've given you the problem. Now, tell me what explains the runaway success of this new furniture and appliance store, which is outselling everything else in the world? (Pause).












ファンド・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』からのご紹介です。今回は投資成績を評価する際の2つの方針、絶対的基準と相対的基準の話題です。前回同様、第7章「バリュー投資思想の本質をなすもの」(At the Root of a Value-Investment Philosophy)から引用します。(日本語は拙訳)





Absolute-performance-oriented investors usually take a longer-term perspective than relative-performance-oriented investors. A relative-performance-oriented investor is generally unwilling or unable to tolerate long periods of underperformance and therefore invests in whatever is currently popular. To do otherwise would jeopardize near-term results. Relative-performance-oriented investors may actually shun situations that clearly offer attractive absolute returns over the long run if making them would risk near-term underperformance. By contrast, absolute-performance-oriented investors are likely to prefer out-of-favor holdings that may take longer to come to fruition but also carry less risk of loss.

One significant difference between an absolute- and relative-performance orientation is evident in the different strategies for investing available cash. Relative-performance-oriented investors will typically choose to be fully invested at all times, since cash balances would likely cause them to lag behind a rising market. Since the goal is at least to match and optimally beat the market, any cash that is not promptly spent on specific investments must nevertheless be invested in a market-related index.

Absolute-performance-oriented investors, by contrast, are willing to hold cash reserves when no bargains are available. Cash is liquid and provides a modest, sometimes attractive nominal return, usually above the rate of inflation. The liquidity of cash affords flexibility, for it can quickly be channeled into other investment outlets with minimal transaction costs. Finally, unlike any other holding, cash does not involve any risk of incurring opportunity cost (losses from the inability to take advantage of future bargains) since it does not drop in value during market declines.






<質問4> 稀に起こる地政学的イベントのリスクはどうでしょうか。

<マンガー> 近年直面した危機と同じように、過去にも何度か著しく危険なできごとがありました。英国全盛時のドイツは、まさに尊敬に値する場所だったことを忘れてはなりません。そこは、カトリック教会の営む学校で若きアインシュタインが初等教育を終えた土地でした。進んだ文明の社会でしたが、経済危機や混乱がつづいたことで、文明人だったドイツ人たちはカトリックが半数を占めていたものの、ヒトラーを支持するようになりました。そして蛮行や、率直に言って思い出すだけでもぞっとする悪行がなされるようになりました。ですからカトリックの学校が子供のころのアインシュタインを教育したような裕福で品行方正な人たちの住む場所が、なにが起ころうがどれだけ大混乱になろうがずっとそのままだと断言できるとは考えるべきではありません。これは真剣にとらえるべきです。こういったことは自然に元には戻りません。ですから、このハーヴァード・ウェストレイク高校を盛り立てて共に助け合う我々のように、良き意思を持つ人たちが協力して事に当たるべきです。この世の中には、なすべきことは他にもあります。「それを直そうと最善を尽くさない人がすべての責任を負うべきである」、そのような言いぐさがまかりとおる世界に生きているとは考えていません。我々は深刻な問題を抱えているのです。この部屋を見わたすと、顔を知っている投資のプロの方がおられるようです。ハワード・マークス氏もよく存じていますが、彼は非常に頭のいい人ですからぜひ聞いてみましょう。ハワード、私の話はおおげさですか、それとも大筋で合っていますか。

<ハワード・マークス> チャーリーの話は大筋で合っていると思います。我々の抱えている問題は人間の過失からくるものと思いますが、これは治らないものです。あれこれ調整したり、勧告したり、規制によって制止もできますが、しかしたとえば強欲な人が良心に従うようになり、慎重になれるかと言えば、絶対に変われないだろうと思います。

<マンガー> 私が長い間生きてきたのは、金融業界や資産運用業界が正しい振る舞いをしていた世界でした。投資銀行は特にそうでした。現在の気ちがいじみた状況は我々にとって宿命だとは思いません。ですから、そのような時代がいずれもどってくると思います。もし今回の事態が食い止められなかったら、あるいは長引いてもっと大きな混乱になっていたら、どうなっていたでしょう。日本でお祭り騒ぎになっていた頃には、資産の価値が対GDP比率で現在の3倍もありました。その後、心理的な感じ方という意味で、彼らの純資産は転げ落ちていきました。そして日本は20年間ずっと止まったままです。ただし、これは同質的な国の人たちの話です。礼儀が重視され、権威に従順であることが良しとされている人たちです。かの国民は、忍従せざるを得ないことに対して理想的なまでにぴったりの気質を有しているのです。しかし彼らの抱えているやっかいごとが、この国でもうまくいくとは思いません。あのような結末を招いた愚劣さをさらに強めて我々でも試してみようなどとは、とても考えられません。会計基準を変更しようなどと、だれが話しだしたのでしょうか。この件でだれが会計士を追及したでしょうか。これはまさしく認知の面であやまりをおかしています。そういった人たちはみんなをしくじらせたのに、それを誇りとさえ感じています。不自由な脚を誇りにしているニーチェの登場人物のようです(過去記事)。みずからの機能不全を誇りとしているのです。問題に陥っているというのに、それを導いた人が自分の無能ぶりを誇っているのですから、大問題としか言いようがありません。ここで話してきたことは、まさにこの種のことです。正しい種類の人が引き上げられる世界が望まれています。リー・クアン・ユーがもっと力を発揮でき、バカな連中の手からは権力を減らす、そのような世界が望まれています。そのような世界になるにはどうすればよいのか、私にはわかりません。しかし私には次の世代に対して語り継ぐ義務があります。これまで自分の時間を使って、できるだけ最善を尽くそうとしてきました。私の話を聞いて怒り出す人がいるのですから、このようなたわごとをこぼしにくる理由など、実のところはありません。カントリークラブのベランダでのんびり過ごしていてもよいのです。ここにきてこのようなことをするのは、楽しいことではありません。これは、義務感に背中を押されてやっていることです。

Question #4: [Risk of a long tail geopolitical event?]

Munger: Something we came as close to as we came recently to real crisis is deadly serious. You have to remember that Germany during the Pax Britannica was a pretty respectable place, and in that place little Albert Einstein got his entire primary education from the primary schools of the Catholic Church and it was a pretty civilized place. With enough of an economic mess and enough chaos, a bunch of civilized Germans, half of them Catholic, ended up supporting Hitler and creating a barbarism and an evil that frankly makes you shiver in your seat as you remember it. So I don't think you should assume that a prosperous decent place like the one that educated little Albert in the Catholic schools is guaranteed to stay forever no matter what happens or how big the messes get. I think these things are serious and I don't think these things automatically fix themselves. I think that the good people have to join together the way we have all joined together in helping Harvard-[Westlake] School. There are other things that should be done in the world. I don't think we live in the type of world where it is at all responsible not to participate in trying to fix some of these things as best we can. We have serious troubles and I know of the investment professionals I see in the room -- I probably know Howard Marks as well as I know anybody and he is a very smart man and I'd be interested in knowing -- Howard, have I overstated it or is it close to right?

Howard Marks: No, I think Charlie it is close to right. I think that the problems we've had have stemmed from human failings and they are never going to change. You can adjust here and there, and you can encourage and dissuade with regulation -- but the ability, for example, for greed to overcome morals and prudence, will never change.

Munger: Well, I lived in a world for a long time where the behavior was better in finance and investment management -- and in investment banking, particularly. That world could come back. I don't think the present craziness is destined to be our lot. I think if this thing hadn't been checked, if it had just gone on and on and the mess had been greater - in Japan, when they had their mess, the asset values were about three times higher than they were here in relation to GDP so their fall back, in terms of psychological feelings of net worth - and Japan got twenty years of stasis. But that's a homogenous nation of people who believe in courtesy and obeying authority. They are ideally suited by nature for just what they've had to endure and I don't think we are at all well suited for the kind of a mess they had. I don't think we should test our situation with more stupidity that causes results like that. Who is talking about changing accounting? Who has blamed accountants for any of this? That is real cognitive failure. These guys have really failed the rest of us and they are proud of it. It's like Nietzsche's character who had a lame leg and said he was proud of it. They are proud of their dysfunction. It is quite serious when you have troubles and the people who do things are proud of their ignorance. We are talking about that exact kind of a thing. You want a world that elevates the right kind of people. You want a world where the Lee Kuan Yews get more power and the damn fools get less. I don't know how you get there but I have to bequeath that to a new generation. I tried to do the best that I can in my own time. I am not required to go on prattling like this when it makes some people hate me. I could be sitting on the country club porch. It isn't just the fun of doing this that brings me here, it's a feeling of duty.

<質問5> 長期的な未来という意味で、どのような激動が起こると予想していますか。

<マンガー> 長い目で見れば、有史に残されたあらゆるできごとと同じように、これからもひどい大混乱がおこるでしょう。混乱はもう過去のことだと言えるようなすばらしい段階に我々は達したとは思えません。我々の時代に起こった激動があの程度で済んだのは、非常に幸運だったのです。ヒトラーがユダヤ人を追い出す代わりに 、原子力の面で助力を得ることにしていたら、歴史はまったく違うものとなり、ずっとひどいことになっていたかもしれません。悲惨な激動を招くのは、人間が築く文明の本質でしょう。ですから、まったく揺らぎもしない凪ぎの時代が500年もつづくとは思えません。まあ、私が気にすることではないですが。(完)

Question #5: How cataclysmic do you view the longer term future?

Munger: Well, in the longer term future, there will be terrible messes as there have been in all of the reported past history of civilization. I don't think we get to a wonderful stage where all these cataclysms are past forever. I think we were very lucky that our cataclysms weren't a lot worse. Hitler could have supported the Jews in atomic energy instead of kicking them out. I mean, we could have had all kinds of different results that could have made our problems way worse. No, I would say it's probably in the nature of human civilization that there will be terrible cataclysms and I don't think you are going to have 500 years of perfect calm. Won't matter to me. [END]





<質問1> どうして政府は、ブルックスリー・ボーン[クリントン政権時代の商品先物取引委員会委員長]が発したデリバティブに対する警告に耳を貸さなかったのですか。またあまり改革が進まないのはなぜでしょうか。

<マンガー> ブルックスリー・ボーンにはお仲間がいます。オプション取引所が始まったころに、それはひどい着想だとする意見が出されていました。ウォーレン・バフェットからでした。しかしウォーレンのことなど気に留めませんでしたし、我々のようなその他大勢に対しても同じでした。そこに強力な影響力がある以上、人間の行動の上で完璧を期することはできません。10万ドルもの札ビラが紙吹雪のように宙に舞い、金儲けとギャンブルのうずまく瘴気の中で修道院にいるかのように振る舞えと言っても、それは無理な相談です。世界はそのようには動いていませんし、人の認知がそんなにうまく働くことは期待できません。ですから、人の世の定めを非難しているわけですね。もちろん私も同じように非難してきました。しかし、あなたの指摘は的確です。かくあるべきことがそれほど実現しないのではと感じておられますが、そのとおりだと思います。ものごとが変わるには、こういった悲惨なできごとをもう2回ほど繰り返す必要があるのかもしれません。心躍る考えではないですね。

Question #1: [Why didn't the government listen to the warnings about derivatives from Brooksley Born and why isn't there much reform?]

Munger: Brooksley Born has company. When they brought in the options exchanges there was one letter saying it was a dumb idea -- and it was from Warren Buffett. They didn't pay any attention to him, either. There was a lot of us they didn't pay any attention to. These are powerful forces and in human affairs you can't expect perfection. In a miasma of prosperity and gambling with $100,000 bills floating around like confetti, you can't expect people to behave as if they were in a monastery. That is not the way the world works and you can't expect human cognition to be all that good. So you are just decrying a fact of life. Of course, I have been decrying it in the same way. But you diagnosed it correctly. I think [you are] right when [you] suspect not much that [you] want to happen is going to happen. Maybe we have two more of these messes ahead of us before things change. Not a pleasant thought.

<質問2> 重役より下の職位の人が仕事をする際に、量をこなすのではなく質の高さをめざすよう動機づけるにはどうすればよいでしょうか。

<マンガー> まだ若い人は自分のいる場所に満ちているエートス(過去記事)がなんであれ、それに倣うものです。スタンレー・オニールがトップに座って是が非でも勝たねばとやっていれば(過去記事)、エートスだってひどいものでしょう。単純なことです、その場を占めるエートス全体が、指揮系統をつたってその場の行動を変えるべきです。その手のことをひき起こしたのは強欲ではと思うかもしれませんが、それは言葉が違います。妬みです。妬みが発揮する力は強力です。投資銀行だったら、同業他社が大きくなり、うまくやっているのが我慢ならないものです。500万ドルの年収を稼いでいる人であろうと、やはり我慢できないのです。それが妬みです。モーセの戒律にあるように、隣人のロバをむさぼってはなりません(過去記事)。いにしえのユダヤ人は、羊飼いの世界でさえも妬みがあれこれと問題を起こすことをちゃんとわかっていました。妬みを金融システム全体に放りこみ、祭り上げたり煽り立てれば、そこから瘴気が湧き出してくるでしょう。あとは大混乱が待っています。妬みをある程度避ける方法について、アリストテレスがこう書いています。「結果に差がついたとしても然るべきものであれば、きちんと納得できるであろう」。ですから社会を安定させたいと願う人ならだれでも、あらゆるものをきちんと取り計らう義務があります。ほかのものと釣り合いが取れているとみなされるように、自分が受けとる報酬も含めてですよ。アリストテレスがこの世に生きていたら、きっと不機嫌な年寄りに見えるのではないでしょうか。自分の言ったことが、いまだにちゃんと吸収されていないのですから。

Question #2: [Is there a better way to motivate people who are below the executive level to do a better job getting quality business as opposed to high volume?]

Munger: The younger people are going to adopt to whatever the ethos is that suffuses the place. If you've got a Stanley O'Neal at the top that has to win, the ethos is going to be terrible. It's just that simple. The whole ethos of the place has to change for the behavior of the place [to] change down through the chain of command. By the way, you said it was greed that has caused all this, I think you've used the wrong word. It's envy. Envy is the great driver. One investment bank can't stand some other investment bank being bigger and better. Even though the guy is making $5 million a year, he can't stand it. It's envy. And envy was in the laws of Moses, you couldn't even covet your neighbor's donkey. I mean, those old Jews really knew it would cause a lot of trouble even among sheep herders. So you put it in the whole financial system and make it sacred and feed it so you have an envy driven miasma -- well, of course it's going to be a hell of a mess. The way to avoid envy to some extent was described by Aristotle. He said, ‘People will adjust better if the perceived difference in outcomes in society are perceived as just.' Therefore, everybody that wants to help society be stable should have a duty to arrange everything, including his own compensation, [to] be perceived elsewhere as just. Well, all I can say is that if Aristotle were still alive, he'd be a grumpy old man because his message hasn't fully been assimilated yet.

<質問3> 実行すべきとお考えになっている改革案は何かありますか。

<マンガー> ええ、私が統治者であればですが。この合衆国でリー・クアン・ユー[シンガポールの元首相]の立場にいるのであれば、問題を正す腹案があります。しかし当然ながら、そのような権力を持つ人はだれもいませんし、リー・クアン・ユーがこの国に生まれていたとしても、シンガポールでやったようなことは実現できなかったでしょう。大量の合法的なギャンブルが津々浦々に必要だ、資本を配分する仕組みとしてもっとたくさんカネを呼び込めるように、最高に魅力があってすごい合法ギャンブル(全くもってアホらしい)が必要だとする考えは、すべてが節度を欠いています。私ならば法令を改正して、そういった仕事に就いている人たちは別の仕事をするように強制します。しかし現実はそうはならないでしょう。ですが、わずかな改正ではそれほど大きくは変わりません。これから起きることも、そのちょっとした改正が関の山です。いずれはとんでもない惨事になることは私の目には明らかでした。もちろん、いつそうなるかはわかりませんでしたが。やがてひどいインフレがやってくると思いますが、これもいつになるかはわかりません。先のことでしょうが、結局はそうなると思います。

Question #3: [Is there a specific reform you would urge to be adopted?]

Munger: Well, if I were running the world. If I were the Lee Kuan Yew of the United States, believe me I would know how to fix this. But, of course, nobody has that power, and if Lee Kuan Yew -- if he had been born here, [he] wouldn't have been able to do what he did in Singapore. I think the whole idea that we need massive legalized gambling in every hamlet of the world and that our system of capital allocation ought to have the most attractive and powerful legalized gambling of all sucking in more money -- the whole idea is obscene. I would change the laws so that all these people would have to do something else but that isn't going to happen. I don't think minor tinkering is going to change it all that much. And I think minor tinkering is all you are going to get. I knew we'd have a hell of a mess eventually. I just didn't know when it was coming. I think I know eventually we will have a hell of an inflation mess, but I can't tell you when it is coming. It could be way in the future. But I think eventually you'll have it.








This is where the story starts becoming applicable to this group. One of the things I immediately had to do was to find somebody to run the place. This was a company with 8,000 employees; perhaps 500 or more in Tokyo and 1,000 or more in London. And, spread all over the world, we owed $10 or $15 billion in Japan and similar amounts in Europe. So, there was a real problem, in terms of who was actually going to run the place day to day.

This is a company that, because it has a very big government securities operation, now does over $200 billion of business a day. You don't make very much money on it, but that's close to three times as much business as Wal-Mart does in a year. Now, it is a different sort of business. But it does require someone who knows what is going on, and I didn't know the business or the details of the business at all. So, I was faced on that Friday night with the problem of deciding who would run this place and then making a recommendation to the Board, that was going to meet on Sunday. There were about a dozen candidates for that job who were high up in Salomon. I only knew four or five of them by their faces. I knew most of the twelve by name, but I only had met four or five of them. This was the most important hiring decision in my life.

I hope all of you are going to go out and get hired in the next few years. And, it might be interesting to know what went through my mind in making that important hiring decision because it may be going through the minds of some of the people that you will be facing in the next few years. What I did was interview those twelve people. We had one discussion on Friday night because they were in an uproar about something or other, and then the next morning, I interviewed these people serially over a three- or four-hour period. Now, the good news is that I did not ask them their grades in business school. You can relax. But, the bad news is, of course, that I didn't even ask them whether they went to business school. I did not ask for their resume. I never saw a resume on the fellow that I decided on. I really had to decide in that time who was going to be the best person for me to go into a fox hole with and who was going to be able to lead this organization during an extremely difficult period, when people would be quitting, when customers would be badgering them, and when lenders would be pulling out - all of that sort of thing. I didn't give them an IQ test. I had twelve people there who all were smart enough to run the place. And, most of the people in this room, a very significant majority, would be smart enough to run the place.



今回もセス・クラーマンの話題です。顧客向け書簡の一部が引用されている記事(2013年5月6日付)がありましたので、ご紹介します。マクロ経済に触れている箇所もありますが、全般的には1990年代に書いた『Margin of Safety』の主張と変わっていません。(日本語は拙訳)

SETH KLARMAN: 'Investing, When It Looks The Easiest, Is At Its Hardest' (Business Insider)


Investing, when it looks the easiest, is at its hardest. When just about everyone heavily invested is doing well, it is hard for others to resist jumping in. But a market relentlessly rising in the face of challenging fundamentals--recession in Europe and Japan, slowdown in China, fiscal stalemate and high unemployment in the U.S.-- is the riskiest environment of all.



Our willingness to invest amidst failing markets is the best way we know to build positions at great prices, but this strategy, too, can cause short-term underperformance. Buying as prices are falling can look stupid until sellers are exhausted and buyers who held back cannot effectively deploy capital except at much higher prices. Our resolve in holding cash balances--sometimes very large ones--absent compelling opportunity is another potential performance drag.

But we know that in a world in which being anti-fragile is good, what doesn't kill you can make you stronger. Short-term underperforrnance doesn't trouble us; indeed, because it is the price that must sometimes be paid for longer-term outperformance, it doesn't even enter into our list of concerns. Patience and discipline can make you look foolishly out of touch until they make you look prudent and even prescient. Holding significant, low or even zero-yielding cash can seem ridiculous until you are one of the few with buying power amidst a sudden downdraft. Avoiding leverage may seem overly conservative until it becomes the only sane course. Concentrating your portfolio in the most compelling opportunities and avoiding over diversification for its own sake may sometimes lead to short-term underperformance, but eventually it pays off in outperformance.





ファンド・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』からのご紹介です。今回は前回に続く文章で、トップダウン投資とボトムアップ投資を比較する話題です。ひきつづき第7章「バリュー投資思想の本質をなすもの」(At the Root of a Value-Investment Philosophy)から引用します。(日本語は拙訳)


ボトムアップとトップダウン戦略の違いのうち、重要だが必ずしも明確ではないものがある。それは折々で現金を保有しつづけることの理由づけだ。ボトムアップ投資家は、興味をそそる投資候補がみつからなければ現金のまま保有するし、現れたときには現金を投じる。そして全額投資に踏みきるのは、魅力的な投資先へ分散させて投資できる機会が到来したときだけだ。対照的にトップダウン投資家は、市場へ出入りする時期をとらえようとしている風にみえる。市場全体の進む方向を判断し、市場が下落すると信じられるときには株を売却して現金に換え、より強気な見方が出てくるのを待っている。 ボトムアップ投資家はこういったことには近寄らない。




Paradoxically a bottom-up strategy is in many ways simpler to implement than a top-down one. While a top-down investor must make several accurate predictions in a row, a bottom-up investor is not in the forecasting business at all. The entire strategy can be concisely described as "buy a bargain and wait." Investors must learn to assess value in order to know a bargain when they see one. Then they must exhibit the patience and discipline to wait until a bargain emerges from their searches and buy it, regardless of the prevailing direction of the market or their own views about the economy at large.

One significant and not necessarily obvious difference between a bottom-up and top-down strategy is the reason for maintaining cash balances at times. Bottom-up investors hold cash when they are unable to find attractive investment opportunities and put cash to work when such opportunities appear. A bottom-up investor chooses to be fully invested only when a diversified portfolio of attractive investments is available. Top-down investors, by contrast, may attempt to time the market, something bottom-up investors do not do. Market timing involves making a judgment about the overall market direction; when top-down investors believe the market will decline, they sell stocks to hold cash, awaiting a more bullish opinion.

Another difference between the two approaches is that bottom-up investors are able to identify simply and precisely what they are betting on. The uncertainties they face are limited: what is the underlying business worth; will that underlying value endure until shareholders can benefit from its realization; what is the likelihood that the gap between price and value will narrow; and, given the current market price, what is the potential risk and reward?

Bottom-up investors can easily determine when the original reason for making an investment ceases to be valid. When the underlying value changes, when management reveals itself to be incompetent or corrupt, or when the price appreciates to more fully reflect underlying business value, a disciplined investor can reevaluate the situation and, if appropriate, sell the investment. Huge sums have been lost by investors who have held on to securities after the reason for owning them is no longer valid. In investing it is never wrong to change your mind. It is only wrong to change your mind and do nothing about it.

Top-down investors, by contrast, may find it difficult to know when their bet is no longer valid. If you invest based on a judgment that interest rates will decline but they rise instead, how and when do you decide that you were wrong? Your bet may eventually prove correct, but then again it may not. Unlike judgments about value that can easily be reaffirmed, the possible grounds for reversing an investment decision that was made based upon a top-down prediction of the future are simply not clear.




Beyond Buffett: Four Other Investor Letters The Pros Are Reading (Forbes)



「弱気に見ている対象: 米国連邦政府」



"Investing today may well be harder than it has been at any time in our three decades of existence, not because markets are falling but because they are rising; not because governments have failed to act but because they chronically overreact; not because we lack acumen or analytical tools, but because the range of possible outcomes remains enormously wide; and not because there are no opportunities, but because the underpinnings of our economy and financial system are so precarious that the unabating risks of collapse dwarf all other factors."




3) 物理学に対する羨望








3) Physics Envy

The third weakness that I find in economics is what I call physics envy. And, of course, that term has been borrowed from penis envy as described by one of the world's great idiots, Sigmund Freud. But he was very popular in his time, and the concept got a wide vogue.

One of the worst examples of what physics envy did to economics was cause adoption of hard-form efficient market theory. And then, when you logically derived consequences from this wrong theory, you would get conclusions such as it can never be correct for any corporation to buy its own stock. Because the stock price, by definition, is totally efficient, there could never be any advantage. QED. And they taught this theory to some partner at McKinsey when he was at some school of business that had adopted this crazy line of reasoning from economics, and the partner became a paid consultant for the Washington Post. And Washington Post stock was selling at a fifth of what an orangutan could figure was the plain value per share by just counting up the values and dividing. But he so believed what he'd been taught in graduate school that he told the Washington Post it shouldn't buy their own stock. Well, fortunately, they put Warren Buffett on the board, and he convinced them to buy back more than half of the outstanding stock, which enriched the remaining shareholders by much more than a billion dollars. So, there was at least one instance of a place that quickly killed a wrong academic theory.

It's my view that economics could avoid a lot of this trouble that comes from physics envy. I want economics to pick up the basic ethos of hard science, the full attribution habit, but not the craving for an unattainable precision that comes from physics envy. The sort of precise, reliable formula that includes Boltzmann's constant is not going to happen, by and large, in economics. Economics involves too complex a system. And the craving for that physics-style precision does little but get you in terrible trouble, like the poor fool from McKinsey.

I think that economists would be way better off if they paid more attention to Einstein and Sharon Stone. Well, Einstein is easy because Einstein is famous for saying, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no more simple.” Now, the saying is a tautology, but it's very useful, and some economist - it may have been Herb Stein - had a similar tautological saying that I dearly love: “If a thing can't go on forever, it will eventually stop.”

Sharon Stone contributed to the subject because someone once asked her if she was bothered by penis envy. And she said, “Absolutely not. I have more trouble than I can handle with what I've got.” (Laughter).

When I talk about this false precision, this great hope for reliable, precise formulas, I am reminded of Arthur Laffer, who's in my political party, and who takes a mistaken approach, sometimes, when it comes to doing economics. His trouble is his craving for false precision, which is not an adult way of dealing with his subject matter.

The situation of people like Laffer reminds me of a rustic legislator - and this really happened in America. I don't invent these stories. Reality is always more ridiculous than what I'm going to tell you. At any rate, this rustic legislator proposed a new law in his state. He wanted to pass a law rounding pi to an even 3.2 so it would be easier for the school children to make the computations. Well, you can say that this is too ridiculous, and it can't be fair to liken economics professors like Laffer to a rustic legislator like this. I say I'm undercriticizing the professors. At least when this rustic legislator rounded pi to an even number, the error was relatively small. But once you try to put a lot of false precision into a complex system like economics, the errors can compound to the point where they're worse than those of the McKinsey partner when he was incompetently advising the Washington Post. So, economics should emulate physics' basic ethos, but its search for precision in physics-like formulas is almost always wrong in economics.





相当深刻な状況でした。当時のソロモン・ブラザーズは、米国の金融機関の中で巨大銀行シティコープの次に多額の債務を負っていたからです。シティコープの負債総額は2,000億ドル強[=当時のレートで26兆円]でした。ソロモンは1,500億ドル弱[=20兆円弱]で、この金額はその年にニューヨーク証券取引所に上場されていた企業の純利益総額とほぼ同じでした。債務の規模はバンカメを上回っていましたし、アメリカン・エキスプレスやファニー・メイよりも多額でした。これを超えるのはシティコープだけだったのです。その1,500億ドルが問題だった理由は、ほとんどの債務の返済時期が基本的に数週間後に迫っていたからです。シティコープやバンカメ、マニー・ハニー[Manufacturers Hanover銀行]といった大銀行とは違って、ソロモンに融資している取引先にはFDICの預金保険が適用されません。そのような政府の支援は期待できないのです。また「大きすぎてつぶせない方針」にも含まれていませんでした。FRBはこまかく示唆していませんが、本当に大きな銀行はどこであろうと、ポシャることは基本的に認めないだろうとみられていました。FRBは影響が連鎖していくことを憂慮しますからね。ですからシティコープやチェースといった銀行の支払い能力を心配している人でも、FDICの預金保険と「大きすぎてつぶせない方針」の2つがあるので、実のところは自分の預金に不安を抱いてはいないわけです。しかしソロモンは違いました。ですからわたしたちが直面した事態というのは、資金を提供している世界中の場所から金曜日そして週明けの月曜日には総額にして1,400億ドル前後の金額を払い戻すよう要求してくる、ということだったのです。これはたやすいことではありません。


That was a rather serious situation because at that time, Salomon owed more money than any other institution in the United States, with the exception of Citicorp, the big bank. Citicorp owed a little over $200 billion. Salomon’ s total liabilities were just under $150 billion. Now, $150 billion was roughly equal to the profits of all of the companies on the New York Stock Exchange in that year. So, it was more money than the Bank of America owed. It was more money than American Express owed. It was more money than Fannie Mae owed. Only Citicorp owed more money. The problem about this $150 billion was that basically, it almost all came due within the next couple of weeks. Unlike Citicorp or the Bank of America or Manny Hanny or the other big banks, people who had lent money to Salomon were not protected by FDIC insurance, so they could not look to the government that way. And, they were also not protected by what's called the "Too Big To Fail Doctrine". Basically, people feel, although the Fed has not been terribly specific about it, that any of the really big banks will not be allowed to fail because the Fed is worried about a domino effect. So, if people were worried about the solvency of Citicorp or Chase or somebody like that, they didn’t really worry about their deposits there because they had both FDIC insurance and they had this "Too Big To Fail Doctrine". Salomon had neither. So, we were faced with the fact all over the world, because this money was owed all over the world, that people on that Friday and the following Monday were going to want us to pay back $140 odd billion or something close to it, which is not the easiest thing to do.

I went to New York that afternoon, and I met with Mr. Corigan that night. I won’t forget that because when I went in, in kind of a light way, I said to Mr. Corigan, "The only thing I owe personally is $70,000 on a second home I have in California and that is because the interest rate is cheap. I may need a little help," and I smiled kind of weakly. He gave me this steely look and he said, "Prepare for all eventualities". I didn’t know exactly what he meant by that but I certainly thought of strychnine or something of the sort. So anyway, one immediate problem I had was that my basic job was going to be dealing with regulators and Congress and all that sort of thing. And, essentially, we had to reassure the world, between that Friday night and the following Monday morning, that Salomon was not going to collapse or we were going to have a run on the bank.









Now if you take investment banking, I would say that is the part of the investment profession that has gotten the worst hatred. People are not that mad at private equity or conventional investment management, you know, for pension funds or private individuals. But you can cut the hatred against investment bankers with a knife. Somebody like Don Graham says he hasn’t seen anything like it in his 40 years in Washington. I mean, the hatred is very extreme and the criticism [that] hurts the most is the criticism that is true. The truth of the matter is that some of this hatred is deserved and some of the hatred of the commercial banks is deserved. The commercial banks got too aggressive at flim-flamming people on credit cards and then they started loaning to people aggressively because they knew the accountants would let them report the income when they knew the guy had eight cards and was kind of kiting from one card to another.

Well, how smart did you have to be to know that that was dangerous? They didn't care as long as they could report the income. They didn't care about the moral failure of flim-flamming and then when they started losing money, they would just flim-flam a little more to get more revenues. Is this the way a government assisted part of the banking system should behave? It was not only folly, it was sin.

By the way, you aren't supposed to talk about sin in economics, but sin has consequences. The world is a complex place and investment banks of course got into their share of sin. Particularly in the derivative trading and in the clients they took on and the lousy stuff they sold and so forth. Everybody regrets it, and there have been apologies from investment banking which of course were deserved. But, in essence, I don't think they feel that bad about it all. They think, 'Well, we are in a tough aggressive business, we've got to get ahead, we've got to provide opportunities for the young men who come to work here. If something is legally saleable, we have to sell it. We can't let the guy on the street make more money than we do.' These are the guys that had to win the games. Angelides said to one of the investment banks, 'You were like the guy who sold a car knowing the brakes were defective and then went out and bought life insurance on the guy to whom you had sold the car.'

This is not too attractive of a human activity. Well, of course, Angelides was right. The answer was, 'Yeah, well, we've got people in different departments. The department that does the selling wants to do everything that is legal and the department that controls the risk wants to be sure -- they don't even talk to each other. There is no sin here, we are just aggressive people each trying to do his own thing the best he can.'

The other helpful thing about our present condition is that in the past we've had rascals and fools. After their era, we've had the wonderful civilization that you and I can remember. Or at least a lot of us can remember. If you go back to the age of the robber barons, it's a very interesting age. Ambrose Bierce said of Collis P. Huntington, correctly: 'He was scrupulously dishonest and had no more soul than a shark.' That was a pretty accurate description of Collis P. Huntington, but he did create the toughest section of a big transcontinental railroad that we needed. Then, if you get into the investment banking manipulators of a former age, you get into Jay Gould and Russell Sage. They were unbelievable because they controlled railroads -- not for the purpose of earning money from freight, but for the purpose of pushing the railroad down artificially as they shorted the securities and then letting it go up and dumping the securities. They were just shucking suckers by manipulating the companies they were in charge of running. Somebody in Congress accurately described those two men. He said, 'When they are talking, they are lying and when they are quiet they are stealing.' We live in the aftermath of Russell Sage and Jay Gould. They are gone, and we've since had Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. We've had a lot of wonderful achievement and investment banking had a long phase when it behaved better than it has in the recent buildup to sin and folly, and so we can hopefully believe we will go back. We don't have anybody who operates exactly like Jay Gould and Russell Sage now that they are gone. Maybe what I am decrying now will -- maybe it too will pass. Thank you.




ファンド・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』からご紹介します。今回は第7章「バリュー投資思想の本質をなすもの」(At the Root of a Value-Investment Philosophy)からご紹介します。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)









The Merits of Bottom-Up Investing

In the discussion of institutional investing in chapter 3, it was noted that a great many professional investors employ a top-down approach. This involves making a prediction about the future, ascertaining its investment implications, and then acting upon them. This approach is difficult and risky, being vulnerable to error at every step. Practitioners need to accurately forecast macroeconomic conditions and then correctly interpret their impact on various sectors of the overall economy, on particular industries, and finally on specific companies. As if that were not complicated enough, it is also essential for top-down investors to perform this exercise quickly as well as accurately, or others may get there first and, through their buying or selling, cause prices to reflect the forecast macroeconomic developments, thereby eliminating the profit potential for latecomers.

By way of example, a top-down investor must be correct on the big picture (e.g., are we entering an unprecedented era of world peace and stability?), correct in drawing conclusions from that (e.g., is German reunification bullish or bearish for German interest rates and the value of the deutsche mark), correct in applying those conclusions to attractive areas of investment (e.g., buy German bonds, buy the stocks of U.S. companies with multinational presence), correct in the specific securities purchased (e.g., buy the ten-year German government bond, buy Coca-Cola), and, finally, be early in buying these securities.

The top-down investor thus faces the daunting task of predicting the unpredictable more accurately and faster than thousands of other bright people, all of them trying to do the same thing. It is not clear whether top-down investing is a greater-fool game, in which you win only when someone else overpays, or a greater-genius game, winnable at best only by those few who regularly possess superior insight. In either case, it is not an attractive game for risk-averse investors.

There is no margin of safety in top-down investing. Top-down investors are not buying based on value; they are buying based on a concept, theme, or trend. There is no definable limit to the price they should pay, since value is not part of their purchase decision. It is not even clear whether top-down-oriented buyers are investors or speculators. If they buy shares in businesses that they truly believe will do well in the future, they are investing. If they buy what they believe others will soon be buying, they may actually be speculating.

Another difficulty with a top-down approach is gauging the level of expectations already reflected in a company's current share price. If you expect a business to grow 10 percent a year based on your top-down forecast and buy its stock betting on that growth, you could lose money if the market price reflects investor expectations of 15 percent growth but a lower rate is achieved. The expectations of others must therefore be considered as part of any top-down investment decision. (See the discussion of torpedo stocks in chapter 6.)

By contrast, value investing employs a bottom-up strategy by which individual investment opportunities are identified one at a time through fundamental analysis. Value investors search for bargains security by security, analyzing each situation on its own merits. An investor's top-down views are considered only insofar as they affect the valuation of securities.