



<質問9> 投資家が企業を評価する際に、本来問うべきなのにあまり実行されていない質問とは何でしょうか。

<バフェット> まずは業界中の7,8社を調べて、よくあるデュー・ディリジェンス上の質問を経営陣に投げかけます。また各企業の経営陣には、どの競合企業であれば今後10年間をとおして自分の純資産を喜んで投じたいかを質問します。同じように、競争相手のうちショートしたいのはどの会社かも訊きます。そうすることで、その業界一筋で働いてきた人でも認識できないような業界に関する重要な気づきが得られます。



Question #9: What are questions investors should ask but usually don't when evaluating companies?

Answer #9: Start by looking at 7-8 companies in the industry and ask the management typical due diligence questions. Also, ask the management of each company which competitor they would be willing to put their net worth in for the next 10 years. Then ask which of their competitors they would short. This will provide important insights into the industry that even those who work their whole life in the industry would not realize.

On a personal level, I recommend that people do this with the network of people they know.

Among your friends, who is one person you most want to emulate and who would you want to be least like. You can approach this by thinking about which of your peers you would want to own 10% of for the rest of their lives and which ones you would like to short. Then identify the qualities that make you want to emulate them and try to internalize those qualities. Do the opposite for the friends you would want to short. You are currently still young and can get rid of your bad habits, "The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken".



ウォーレン・バフェットがYahoo Financeのインタビューに応じていました。トランスクリプトも掲載されています。今回引用するのは、米国と中国の将来をくらべた話題です。(日本語は拙訳)

Yahoo Finance Exclusive: What Warren Buffett is most optimistic about



Buffett on U.S. vs China

I think both will be good places. I can’t pick one over the other. I don’t know but the Chinese economy is going to be far ahead of where it is now 20 years from now and the United States economy is going to be far ahead of where it is now 20 years from now. Our children are going to live better than we live. During, in a political season to hear people say your children aren’t going to live as well as you do – that is total 100% nonsense. I mean, even at 2% GDP that’s over 1% per capita and in one generation that means the next generation is going to live 25% better than we live per capita in the United States so both countries have a very, very good future.







I frequently tell the apocryphal story about how Max Planck, after he won the Nobel Prize, went around Germany giving a same standard lecture on the new quantum mechanics. Over time, his chauffeur memorized the lecture and said, "Would you mind, Professor Planck, because it's so boring to stay in our routines, if I gave the lecture in Munich and you just sat in front wearing my chauffeur's hat?" Planck said, “Why not?” And the chauffeur got up and gave this long lecture on quantum mechanics. After which a physics professor stood up and asked a perfectly ghastly question. The speaker said, "Well, I'm surprised that in an advanced city like Munich I get such an elementary question. I'm going to ask my chauffeur to reply." (Audience laughs.)

Well, the reason I tell that story is not celebrate the quick wittedness of the protagonist. In this world I think we have two kinds of knowledge: One is Planck knowledge, that of the people who really know. They've paid the dues, they have the aptitude. Then we've got chauffeur knowledge. They have learned to prattle the talk. They may have a big head of hair. They often have fine timbre in the voices. They make a big impression. But in the end what they've got is chauffeur knowledge masquerading as real knowledge. I think I've just described practically every politician in the United States. (Audience claps.) You're going to have the problem in your life of getting as much responsibility as you can into the people with the Planck knowledge and away from the people who have the chauffeur knowledge. And there are huge forces working against you.

My generation has failed you to some extent. More and more, we're delivering to you in California a legislature in which mostly the certified nuts from the left, and the certified nuts from the right, are allowed to serve. And none of them are removable. That's what my generation has done for you. But, you wouldn't like it to be too easy, would you?




<質問8> ソーシャル・メディアが発展したり、情報が常に入ってくるようになったせいで、学生は腰を落ち着けて考えたり、あなたが過去にやっていたような考えをまとめる力を失いつつあると思います。小説よりもちょっとした情報を好むのが現代です。こういった件を問題だとお考えですか。またこれまで経歴を積まれてきた中で、深い独自の考えをめぐらすことで生まれる影響とはどんなものだったのでしょうか。

<バフェット> 考えることに多くの時間を割けるようになったのも、わたしたちが成功できた上で良かった点です。バークシャーでは会議はないですし、委員会もありません。腰を落ち着けて読み物をする以上に知的な方法はないと考えています。実のところ、わたしとチャーリーはそればかりしているのです。



Question #8: With the rise of social media and constant information it seems students are losing the ability to sit down, think, and formulate their own thoughts like you have in the past. We prefer short bits of information to novels. Can you talk about whether you view this as a problem and the impact that deep and independent thought has had on your career?

Answer #8: A good part of our success is that we spend a lot of time thinking. At Berkshire, we don't have any meetings or committees, and I can think of no better way to become more intelligent than sit down and read. In fact, that's what Charlie and I mostly do.

The teaching of efficient markets produces a disadvantage for students and a big advantage for those who read and try to find value. It personally give me an edge when other people are not paying attention to reading and thinking, and are instead on their phones. It means that I gain knowledge from reading a few 10-K's while others are tweeting what they had for breakfast.

I've seen a lot of change in my lifetime, especially among how people spend their time.





Another idea that I found important is that maximizing non-egality will often work wonders. What do I mean? Well, John Wooden of UCLA presented an instructive example when he was the number one basketball coach in the world. He said to the bottom 5 players, "You don't get to play - you are practice partners." The top seven did almost all the playing. Well, the top seven learned more - remember the importance of the learning machine - because they were doing all the playing. And when he adopted that non-egalitarian system, Wooden won more games than he had won before. I think the game of competitive life often requires maximizing the experience of the people who have the most aptitude and the most determinations as learning machines. And if you want the very highest reaches of human achievement, that's where you have to go. You do not want to choose a brain surgeon for your child by drawing straws to select one of fifty applicants, all of whom take turns doing procedures. You don't want your airplanes designed in too egalitarian a fashion. You don't want your Berkshire Hathaways run that way either. You want to provide a lot of playing time for your best players.





AMG Yacktman Focused Fund 2015 Q3 COMMENTARY [PDF]


この数か月の間に、投資比率を大幅に増やすことができたお気に入りの投資先が何件かありました。一方で、好成績だった投資先は縮小あるいは売却しました。本物のバーゲンが到来したときにはもっと積極的かつ楽観的になれるものですが、そうなるのはほとんどの場合下落相場においてです。当ファンドを管理運営するにあたり、私たちはこれまでどおり辛抱強く、慎重に、そして客観的であり続けて参ります。(p. 2)

The investment environment was much more favorable to our approach during the third quarter. We believe the current market is a bit like the late 1990s, near the end of that expensive, long-running bull market. Our value style has lagged so far this year, as investors have chased a few high-priced growth stocks and shunned securities that offered compelling valuations but were undergoing near-term issues. Under a similar set of circumstances in the late 1990s, a period of underperformance set up exceptional outperformance over the long term.

In the last few months we were able to significantly increase our weightings in some of our favorite ideas while reducing or selling investments that have performed well. We become more aggressive and opportunistic when true bargains materialize, and this happens most during declining markets. As always, we will continue to be patient, diligent and objective when managing the AMG Yacktman Focused Fund.




<質問7> 現在の企業統治の状況をどのようにみなしていますか。アクティビスト[物言う投資家]の存在は株主に価値をもたらすのでしょうか。

<バフェット> もしわたしが資産運用者になりたてで、資金を募ることだけを考えていたら、自分はアクティビストだと公言すると思います。すごく流行っていますからね。ですがアクティビスト投資家の数が増えるにつれて、行動を起こす先の企業をみつけるのがむずかしくなります。その一方で、企業における経営陣の自浄作用は失敗しつづけてきました。



Question #7: How would you characterize the state of corporate governance today? Do activist investors bring value to shareholders?

Answer #7: If I were solely interested in attracting money as a new money manager, I would call myself activist investor as they are very popular now. As the numbers of activist investors grow, these managers are having more and more trouble finding companies to be active in. On the other hand, the self-cleansing method of management in companies has continuously failed.

One problem with activist investors is that they are sometimes only looking for a "pop" in the stock, so I personally do not like the short term horizon of some activists and would only back a small handful of activist investors.

The activist phase has not reached its peak yet and will be with us until activist funds stop making money. Wall Street pushes great ideas until they are silly. It is important to remember the limitations of ideas and once there are too many activist investors there will be problems.



今週号の日経ビジネス(2015年11月16日号 No.1816)で日東電工がとりあげられていました。髙﨑社長のインタビュー記事もあり、興味深い内容でした。同社の強みが感じられた文章を以下に引用します。


<問> ニッチを重視すると言っても、ニッチな分野は市場規模も限られます。どう稼ぐのでしょうか。

<答> もうかるかどうかではなく、もうけるんですよ。ニッチと言うと「隙間」というイメージがあるかもしれませんが、我々の考え方はちょっと違います。市場規模が小さいというより、競合がなかなか入れない「居心地の良い場所」が我々の定義するニッチです。

ここを守り続ければいずれ大きな事業に育つ可能性もある。今は大きな収益基盤となっている液晶パネル向けの偏光板だって 、最初は電卓など小さい市場からスタートしているんです。

<問> 模倣対策はどうしているんですか。

<答> そこは、ビジネスモデルから特許でバチッと押さえます。過去にたくさん苦い汁を吸っていますからね。

特許で守らなければ、どんなに良い物ができても、すぐまねされて、あっという間に追いつかれます。それこそ世界中で特許を取っておかないと戦えない。攻めの特許戦略が必要なんです。(p. 80)


「『こんな製品があればいいのに』と思ったお客さんは、それを作ってくれそうな企業に相談する。結果的に、様々な分野で市場シェアの高い製品を抱える我々の元に、顧客ニーズが集まるようになる。そうした情報を照らし合わせることで、ものになりそうな技術、なりにくそうな技術の見極めができる」(p. 75)






Engaging in routines that allow you to maintain objectivity are of course, very helpful to cognition. We all remember that Darwin paid special attention to disconfirming evidence, particularly when it disconfirmed something he believed and loved. Routines like that are required if a life is to maximize correct thinking. And one also needs checklist routines. They prevent a lot of errors, and not just for pilots. You should not only possess wide-ranging elementary wisdom but also go through mental checklist routines in using it. There is no other procedure that will work as well.



遅ればせながら『人と企業はどこで間違えるのか?』を読みました。本書はビル・ゲイツが推薦した本として知られていますが、さらに元をたどればウォーレン・バフェットにたどりつくとのことです。本書では米国経済界で起こった10件の出来事(原書Business Adventuresでは12件)が節度ある文章で語られており、自然と引き込まれました。今回引用するのは1962年5月に起きた株式市場の暴落後に、ある株式ブローカーが書き残した文章です。



(出典) The Intelligent Investor (4th Revised Edition)









<質問5> あなたとマンガーさんは今後50年間の展望を書かれたとのことですが、実のところどうなっていくのでしょうか。

<バフェット> これまでの50年間を通じて、容易に拡張していける事業を買うことに専念してきました。そのように企業を買収したことで、容易に拡張できるものを築けたと信じています。またわたしたちが保有しているのは、妥当な水準で成長することができ、正しい形態や文化を持った事業でもあります。

<質問6> 所得格差[原文はincome inequality]についてどのようにお考えですか。

<バフェット> 所得の平等性[原文はincome equality]はますます悪化すると思います。ですが、「所得格差」という言葉には誤りがあります。平等になることを目指すべきとしているからです。目指すところは機会の平等です。しかし資本主義が発展するほど、下位10%や20%の人はいっそう取り残されていくと感じるでしょう。これは、社会がより専門化してきたからそうなったと言えます。農業の時代だったころには、IQが150の人と80の人で所得の差をみても、ひどくはありませんでした。農作業をする人がほとんどだったからですね。その後、製造業の時代に移って専門化が若干進んだものの、まだ大丈夫でした。そして現在の市場構造は、特定の技能を持った人が有利になっています。たとえばボクシングの場合、TVが登場する前には1回の拳闘試合で最強のボクサーが得ていた金額は6千ドルほどだったでしょう。しかし今やマニー・パッキャオ対フロイド・メイウェザー・ジュニアの試合では、数億ドルになると思います。つまり、まずはTVを発明した人がいましたし、その後にボクシングの試合興行で金を儲ける人がでてきたわけです。



Question 5: Both you and Mr. Munger are writing down your 50-year visions. What are these visions going to be?

Over the past 50 years, we've always focused on buying companies that are scalable. With the companies that we've acquired, we believe we have created something very scalable. We also have the right form, culture and business to grow at a reasonable rate over time.

Question #6: How do you feel about income inequality?

Answer #6: Income equality will get worse but the term income inequality is in itself flawed because implies that equality is something we should aspire to. We should aspire towards equal opportunity. But as capitalism moves forward, the bottom 10% or 20% will find themselves further and further behind. This is because society has become much more specialized. Back in the farming days, the income difference between someone with an IQ of 150 vs. someone with an IQ of 80 would not have been disastrous, since most people could do farm work. Then we moved into manufacturing, a bit more specialized, but still okay. Now the market structure is giving more advantage to people with particular skills. Take the example of boxing. Before the advent of TV, the best boxers may be getting six thousand dollars per fight. Now we have Manny and Mayweather, who will be fighting for hundreds of millions. Someone came along and invented TV, and then someone figured out how to promote the fight and make money.

Another big factor that affects income inequality is the tax code, which is largely skewed to favour the super rich. The top 400 gross income earners based on their tax returns pay less than 20% tax.

So the market system doesn't really address inequality. However, it is the best system that we have.



投資家にウソをついたのではない(『HARD THINGS』)

少し前に『HARD THINGS』という本を読みました。著者のベン・ホロウィッツはネットスケープのマーク・アンドリーセンとITベンチャー企業を経営し、事業を大企業へ売却することに成功した人物です。畏敬すべき経歴に聞こえるかもしれませんが、事業経営の内情はIT企業によくあるドタバタの連続です。IT業界で働く人であれば(ベンチャー企業であればなおさら)、肯きたくなる局面が何度もでてきます。その意味で個人的には「激動の時期を駆け抜けた、あるCEOの回顧録」として読みました。








少し前の投稿でご紹介したハワード・マークスのレター"Inspiration from the World of Sports"から、もう一か所引用します。(日本語は拙訳)





運動選手が平均以上であるためには抜きん出ていなければなりません。レベルの高いテニスの試合では、相手がリターンできないような「ウィナー」ショットを打たないと勝てません。強力なショットで、かつライン際かネットぎりぎりに打ち、相手の「凡ミス」を誘うわけです。しかしそうする能力に欠けていれば成功しないでしょう。つまり、それを試みること自体が賢明でないのです。一方、必要な能力を備えた人であれば、「ウィナーを狙う試合で闘う」際にそれを試みるだけの資格があります (過去のメモ"What's Your Game Plan"をご参照のこと)。







投資家が自信を持つのはすばらしいことですし、そのおかげで大胆に振舞えるのもすばらしいことです。ただし、その自信に裏付けがあるときにかぎります。最後に示したこの条件は、投資家は冷徹かつ率直に自分自身を評価しなければならないことを意味します。自信不足やそれゆえに大胆な行動に及び腰でいるよりも、傲慢さや自己過信のほうが危険だからです。「なにが危ないのかわかっていないのは問題ではない。危なくないと信じきっていることが問題になるのだ」、マーク・トウェインがそう発言した時、彼の胸中も同じだったでしょう。そしてノバク・ジョコビッチが「紙一重だ」と言ったのも、同じことを示していたに違いないと思います。(p. 8)

The Victor's Mindset

It often seems that just as I'm completing a memo, a final inspiration pops up. This past weekend, the Financial Times carried an interesting interview with Novak Djokovic, the number one tennis player in the world today. What caught my eye was what he said about the winner's mental state.

I believe that half of any victory in a tennis match is in place before you step on the court. If you don't have that self belief, then fear takes over. And then it will get too much for you to handle. It's a fine line.

Djokovic's statement reminded me of a conversation I had earlier this month, on a subject I've written about rarely if ever self-confidence. It ranks high among the attributes that must be present if one is to achieve superior results.

To be above average, an athlete has to separate from the pack. To win at high-level tennis, a player has to hit "winners"-shots his opponents can't return. They're hit so hard, so close to the lines or so low over the net that they have the potential to end up as "unforced errors." In the absence of skill, they're unlikely to be executed successfully, meaning it's unwise to try them. But people who possess the requisite skill are right in attempting them in order to "play the winner's game" (see "What's Your Game Plan").

These may be analogous to investment actions that Yale's David Swensen would describe as "uncomfortably idiosyncratic." The truth is, most great investments begin in discomfort - or, perhaps better said, they involve doing things with which most people are uncomfortable. To achieve great performance you have to believe in value that isn't apparent to everyone else (or else it would already be reflected in the price); buy things that others think are risky and uncertain; and buy them in amounts large enough that if they don't work out they can lead to embarrassment. What are examples of actions that require self-confidence?

・Buying something at $50 and continuing to hold it - or maybe even buying more - when the price falls to $25 and "the market" is telling you you're wrong.

・After you've bought something at $50 (thinking it's worth $200), refusing to "prudently take some chips off the table" when it gets to $100.

・Going against conventional wisdom and daring to "catch a falling knife" when a company defaults and the price of its debt plummets.

・Buying much more of something you like than it represents in the index you're measured against, or entirely excluding an index component you dislike.

In each of these cases, the first-level thinker does that which is conventional and easy - and which doesn't require much self-confidence. The second-level thinker views things differently and, as a consequence, is willing to take actions like those described above. But they're unlikely to be done in the absence of conviction. The great investors I Know are confident second-level thinkers and entirely comfortable diverging from the herd.

It's great for investors to have self-confidence, and it's great that it permits them to behave boldly, but only when that self-confidence is warranted. This final qualification means that investors must engage in brutally candid self-assessment. Hubris or over-confidence is far more dangerous than a shortage of confidence and a resultant unwillingness to act boldly. That must be what Mark Twain had in mind when he said, "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." And it also has to be what Novak Djokovic meant when he said, "It's a fine line."






Another thing to avoid is being subjected to perverse incentives. You don't want to be in a perverse incentive system that's rewarding you if you behave more and more foolishly, or worse and worse. Perverse incentives are so powerful as controllers of human cognition and human behavior that one should avoid their influence. And one of the things you're going to find in at least a few modern law firms is high billable-hour quotas. I could not have lived under a billable-hour quota of 2400 hours a year. That would have caused too many problems for me. I wouldn't have done it. I don't have a solution for you for the situation some of you will face. You'll have to figure out for yourselves how to handle such significant problems.

Perverse associations are also to be avoided. You particularly want to avoid working directly under somebody you don't admire and don't want to be like. It's dangerous. We're all subject to control to some extent by authority figures, particularly authority figures who are rewarding us. Dealing properly with this danger requires both some talent and will. I coped in my time by identifying people I admired and by maneuvering, mostly without criticizing anybody, so that I was usually working under the right sort of people. A lot of law firms will permit that if you're shrewd enough to work it out with some tact. Generally, your outcome in life will be more satisfactory if you work under people you correctly admire.




<質問4> 他人のアイデアを参考にして利益をあげたことはありますか。

<バフェット> 自分のアイデアでやるのが好みです。まずまずの金額で売買されている優れた企業がいいですね。シケモク銘柄に投資して利益をあげることはできます。投資金額が小さければうまくいきますし、以前はもっと効果的でした。けれども、シケモクから事業を築くことはできません(参考記事)。アナリストの分析は読みません。いろんなアイデアが差し出されますが、外部からのアイデアを求めてはいません。自分の得意な領域にとどまっていますから。つまり、魅力的な優れたアイデアにあまり注目が集まっていない様子がたびたび見られても、バークシャーの運用資産[原文はAUM; Assets Under Management]にとって潜在的な投資先とは、かなり狭い世界にとどまることを意味しています。たとえば韓国市場について最近調べたところ、おもしろい機会をいくつか見つけました。



Question#4: Have you ever made money on someone else's ideas?

My preference is for my own ideas. I prefer to find good companies trading at fair prices. You can make money on cigarette butt investing but this works better with small amounts of money and was more effective years ago. You can't build businesses out of cigar butts. I don't read analyst reports and, although I get served up many ideas I don't seek outside ideas. I stay within my circle of competence. Berkshire's AUM means the universe of potential investments is smaller even though good, attractively priced ideas are often poorly covered. For instance, recently I did screening of the Korean market and found a few interesting opportunities.

I used a 1950s (1951) Moody's manual by sector. There was some good stuff in the back on page 1433.Western Insurance was a company that I looked at. It had an EPS of $29 and the high price was $13. Nobody showed me this. So I checked it out with insurance brokers and it checked out OK so I bought into the company.

All in all, I prefer to read "raw" financial reports and talk to industry representatives.