


EV(電気自動車)のテスラ・モーターズや米国西海岸の超高速交通システム構想などで名を馳せているイーロン・マスク氏の特集記事が、最新号の日経ビジネス(2014/9/29号, No.1759)で掲載されていました。もしかしたら日本の一般紙では彼をよくとりあげていて、世間のみなさんはすでにご存じのことかもしれません。しかし個人的には彼に関するまとまった文章をはじめて読んだので、いろいろと響くものがありました。今回は、彼にインタビューした記事から印象に残った箇所を引用します。

なお引用元の記事は、日経ビジネスのWebサイトでも公開されていました。登録ユーザーの方は無料で読めるはずです。(2014/9/29 21:30現在)

世界に役立たないなら、会社の存在意義はない (日経ビジネスONLINE)











Munger Hosts Groupies, Mocks Wall Street, Praises Buffett (Bloomberg)


"I think Elon Musk is a genius, and I don't use that word lightly," Munger said in response to a question about whether they'd talked. "He's also one of the boldest men who ever came down the pike. So put me down as saying I've always been afraid of the guy whose IQ is 190 and he thinks it's 250."



本ブログではチャーリー・マンガーの講演を翻訳付きでご紹介しています。今回から始まるこのシリーズでは、1998年の秋に行われた講演を取りあげます。『Poor Charlie's Almanack』に収録されている講演その6(Talk Six)で、慈善財団における投資慣行を話題にしたものです。(日本語は拙訳)


開催日: 1998年10月14日
場所: カリフォルニア州サンタモニカ、ミラマー・シェラトン・ホテル
協賛者: コンラッド・ヒルトン財団、アマチュア・アスレチック財団、J・ポール・ゲッティー信託、リオ・ホンド記念財団





Talk Six

Investment Practices of Leading Charitable Foundations
Speech to the Foundation Financial Officers Group at Miramar Sheraton Hotel, Santa Monica, California, October 14, 1998, sponsored by the Conrad Hilton Foundation, the Amateur Athletic Foundation, the J. Paul Getty Trust, and Rio Hondo Memorial Foundation.

I am speaking here today because my friend, John Argue, asked me. And John well knew that I, who, unlike many other speakers on your agenda, have nothing to sell any of you, would be irreverent about much current investment practice in large institutions, including charitable foundations. Therefore any hostility my talk will cause should be directed at John Argue, who comes from the legal profession and may even enjoy it.

It was long the norm at large charitable foundations to invest mostly in unleveraged, marketable, domestic securities, mostly equities. The equities were selected by one or a very few investment counselling organizations. But, in recent years, there has been a drift toward more complexity. Some foundations, following the lead of institutions like Yale, have tried to become much better versions of Bernie Cornfeld's "fund of funds." This is an amazing development. Few would have predicted that long after Cornfeld's fall into disgrace, major universities would be leading foundations into Cornfeld's system.

Now, in some foundations, there are not few but many investment counselors, chosen by an additional layer of consultants who are hired to decide which investment counselors are best, help in allocating funds to various categories, make sure that foreign securities are not neglected in favor of domestic securities, check validity of claimed investment records, ensure that claimed investment styles are scrupulously followed, and help augment an already large diversification in a way that conforms to the latest notions of corporate finance professors about volatility and "beta."

But even with this amazingly active, would-be-polymathic new layer of consultant-choosing consultants, the individual investment counselors, in picking common stocks, still rely to a considerable extent on a third layer of consultants. The third layer consists of the security analysts employed by investment banks. These security analysts receive enormous salaries, sometimes set in seven figures after bidding wars. The hiring investment banks recoup these salaries from two sources: (1) commissions and trading spreads borne by security buyers (some of which are rebated as "soft dollars" to money managers) plus (2) investment banking charges paid by corporations that appreciate the enthusiastic way their securities are being recommended by the security analysts.



マネー・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』から、価値評価の話題がつづきます。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)





Choosing Among Valuation Methods

How should investors choose among these several valuation methods? When is one clearly preferable to the others? When one method yields very different values from the others, which should be trusted?

At times a particular method may stand out as the most appropriate. Net present value would be most applicable, for example, in valuing a high-return business with stable cash flows such as a consumer-products company; its liquidation value would be far too low. Similarly, a business with regulated rates of return on assets such as a utility might best be valued using NPV analysis. Liquidation analysis is probably the most appropriate method for valuing an unprofitable business whose stock trades well below book value. A closed-end fund or other company that owns only marketable securities should be valued by the stock market method; no other makes sense.

Often several valuation methods should be employed simultaneously. To value a complex entity such as a conglomerate operating several distinct businesses, for example, some portion of the assets might be best valued using one method and the rest with another. Frequently investors will want to use several methods to value a single business in order to obtain a range of values. In this case investors should err on the side of conservatism, adopting lower values over higher ones unless there is strong reason to do otherwise. True, conservatism may cause investors to refrain from making some investments that in hindsight would have been successful, but it will also prevent some sizable losses that would ensue from adopting less conservative business valuations.




A Fireside Chat With Charlie Munger (The Wall Street Journal)

<質問> ウォーレン・バフェットから受けた影響について

<マンガー> ウォーレンは私に法律稼業をやめるよう持ちかけてきました。それは私にとって非常に大きな影響を及ぼしました。フルタイムの投資家になろうとは以前から考えていましたが、そのほうがすごく合っているとウォーレンが言ってくれたのです。彼の言うことは正解でした。いずれ自分で踏み切ったとは思いますが、彼が背中を押してくれました。しかし、かなりの経歴を築くために何年間も賢明に働いてきたあげく、その経歴をあえて葬るというのは容易なことではないですよ(マンガー氏は自らが設立した法律事務所マンガー・トーレス・アンド・オルソンを1965年に離れ、バークシャーでバフェット氏の右腕として仕えるとともに、非公開の投資組合を運営した)。ウォーレンの影響がなければ、そうするのはひどく難儀だったでしょうね。


On how Warren Buffett influenced him:

Warren talked me into leaving the law business, and that was a very significant influence on me. I was already thinking about becoming a full-time investor, and Warren told me I was far better suited to that. He was right. I would probably have done it myself, but he pushed me to it. I have to say, it isn't an easy thing to work very hard for many years to build up a significant career, as I had done, and then to destroy that career on purpose. [Mr. Munger left the law firm he founded, Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP, in 1965 to serve as Mr. Buffett's right-hand man at Berkshire and to run a private investment partnership.] That would have been a lot harder to do if not for Warren's influence on me.

It wasn't a mistake. [Laughter.] It worked out remarkably well for both of us and for a lot of other people as well [the investors in Berkshire].


2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - (付録)企業年金制度について(1)







次の10年間は、公的年金制度に関するニュースをみなさんもいろいろと目にすることでしょう。それも悪いニュースです。問題の存在する箇所において速やかに対応策を講じる必要性があることを理解する上で、わたしの書いた文章がお役に立てれば幸いです。 (p.21)

Local and state financial problems are accelerating, in large part because public entities promised pensions they couldn't afford. Citizens and public officials typically under-appreciated the gigantic financial tapeworm that was born when promises were made that conflicted with a willingness to fund them. Unfortunately, pension mathematics today remain a mystery to most Americans.

Investment policies, as well, play an important role in these problems. In 1975, I wrote a memo to Katharine Graham, then chairman of The Washington Post Company, about the pitfalls of pension promises and the importance of investment policy. That memo is reproduced on pages 118 - 136.

During the next decade, you will read a lot of news - bad news - about public pension plans. I hope my memo is helpful to you in understanding the necessity for prompt remedial action where problems exist.









年金債務では年次費用や現金の支出が累進的に増加していくため、合計すると非常に大きくなる債務です。しかしそれはたやすく作られながらも、直近では財務上の痛みがほとんど生じません。このような債務は、経営上の他の領域ではみられないものです。プレスルームにおける労働慣習のように、小さなあやまりが大きく膨らんでいきます。配慮や注意が望まれます。 (p.118)


There are two aspects of the pension cost problem upon which management can have a significant impact: (1) maintaining rational control over pension plan promises to employees and (2) increasing investment returns on pension plan assets.

The Irreversible Nature of Pension Promises

To control promises rationally, it is necessary to understand the basic arithmetic and practical rules governing pension plans.

The first thing to recognize, with every pension benefit decision, is that you almost certainly are playing for keeps and won't be able to reverse your decision subsequently if it produces subnormal profitability.

As a practical matter, it is next to impossible to decrease pension benefits in a large profitable company - or even a large marginal one. The plan may embody language unequivocally declaring the company's right to terminate at any time and providing that contributions shall be solely at the option of the company. But the law has eroded much of the significance such "out" clauses were presumed to have, and operating practicalities render any residual rights to terminate moot.

So, rule number one regarding pension costs has to be to know what you are getting into before signing up. Look before you leap. There probably is more managerial ignorance on pension costs than any other cost item of remotely similar magnitude. And, as will become so expensively clear to citizens in future decades, there has been even greater electorate ignorance of governmental pension costs. Actuarial thinking simply is not intuitive to most minds. The lexicon is arcane, the numbers seem unreal, and making promises never quite triggers the visceral response evoked by writing a check.

In no other managerial area can such huge aggregate liabilities - which will be reflected in progressively increasing annual costs and cash requirements - be created so quickly and with so little immediate financial pain. Like pressroom labor practices, small errors will compound. Care and caution are in order.




Seth Klarman Cautions Against The Complacency Bubble (掲載元: ValueWalk)


Investors have clearly grown weary of worrying about risky scenarios that never seem to materialize or, when they do, don't seem to matter to anyone else. U.S. GDP, for example, was recently restated to minus 2.9% for the first quarter of 2014. Normally, this magnitude drop signals recession. Equities, nevertheless, marched relentlessly higher.


...Or perhaps things can go on forever exactly as they are: a "Goldilocks" stock market resulting from a tepid economy, dampened volatility, and relentlessly low interest rates. Amidst the market rally, complacent investors continue to ignore a growing array of global trouble spots. Contrary to claims from the Obama Administration, the world is not a tranquil place at present. As such, risks facing investors seem to be rising but are not yet priced into the markets.


Given changes in regulation, Wall Street has far less capital available to support the trading of this burgeoning junk issuance and the corresponding surge in debt ETFs. A sudden change in rates or sentiment could lead to serious market instability. When is harder to predict than if. While we are not predicting imminent collapse (market timing is not our thing), we are saying that a selloff, greater volatility, and investor losses would hardly be surprising from today's levels.


Investors have become numb to risk because such policies continue, seemingly forever, and new measures (such as European and now even Chinese QE) are regularly threatened and claimed to be costless and reliably effective. We are far from convinced of this; indeed, the higher the level of valuations and the greater the level of complacency, the more there is to be concerned about. Even as reported inflation remains quite subdued, signs of incipient cost increases are increasingly evident. We are seeing them, for example, in apartment rents, construction costs, and salaries of newly minted engineering graduates and oilfield workers.


How would everything feel if the S&P 500 were suddenly cut by one-third or one-half? Would such a drop drive astonishing bargains, or would the U.S. economy soon falter, with festering problems such as unemployment, the federal, state and local deficits, the long-term fiscal situation, and the creditworthiness of most sovereigns suddenly seeming ominous? It's not hard to reach the conclusion that so many investors feel good not because things are good, but because investors have been seduced into feeling good - otherwise known as "the wealth effect."



DIAMOND ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー2014/10月号の内容は「特集:2020年のマーケティング」ということで、サンリオ鳩山常務の小論文が掲載されていました。同社で成功した基本戦略が簡潔にまとめられています。結びの文章を一部引用します。







ハワード・マークスの新しいメモ"Risk Revisited"から、最後の引用です。原文(PDFファイル)のリンク先はこちらの投稿にあります。前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)



あくまでも一般論になりますが、最後に指摘しておきたいことがあります。それは、リスク管理は不可欠であるものの、リスク回避を目標としてめざすのは適切ではないという点です。その理由は単純です。リスクを回避すれば、たいていの場合、リターンを回避することと同じ意味になります。リスクを受け入れるだけで利益が得られると期待すべきではありません。しかし、リスクをとらなければ利益を期待することもできません。 (p.14)

Taken together these six observations convince me that Charlie Munger's trenchant comment on investing in general - "It's not supposed to be easy. Anyone who finds it easy is stupid." - is profoundly applicable to risk management. Effective risk management requires deep insight and a deft touch. It has to be based on a superior understanding of the probability distributions that will govern future events. Those who would achieve it have to have a good sense for what the crucial moving parts are, what will influence them, what outcomes are possible, and how likely each one is. Following on with Charlie's idea, thinking risk control is easy is perhaps the greatest trap in investing, since excessive confidence that they have risk under control can make investors do very risky things.

Thus the key prerequisites for risk control also include humility, lack of hubris, and knowing what you don't know. No one ever got into trouble for confessing a lack of prescience, being highly risk-conscious, and even investing scared. Risk control may restrain results during a rebound from crisis conditions or extreme under-valuations, when those who take the most risk generally make the most money. But it will also extend an investment career and increase the likelihood of long-term success. That's why Oaktree was built on the belief that risk control is "the most important thing."

Lastly while dealing in generalities, I want to point out that whereas risk control is indispensable, risk avoidance isn't an appropriate goal. The reason is simple: risk avoidance usually goes hand-in-hand with return avoidance. While you shouldn't expect to make money just for bearing risk, you also shouldn't expect to make money without bearing risk.

攻めと守り、あるいは資金を失う不安と機会を逃す心配のバランスをうまくとることは、投資家の仕事です。今日の段階では、利益を追求するよりも損失を防ぐほうに意識を向けることが重要だと私は感じています。この3年間、オークツリーで唱えていた文句は「前進せよ、ただし注意深く」でした。今となってはその言葉を繰り返す上で、最後の言葉をなおさら強調したいものです。「ただし注意深く」と。 (p.15)

It's the job of investors to strike a proper balance between offense and defense, and between worrying about losing money and worrying about missing opportunity. Today I feel it's important to pay more attention to loss prevention than to the pursuit of gain. For the last three years Oaktree's mantra has been "move forward, but with caution." At this time, in reiterating that mantra, I would increase the emphasis on those last three words: "but with caution."



ハワード・マークスの新しいメモ"Risk Revisited"から、さらに引用します。原文(PDFファイル)のリンク先はこちらの投稿にあります。前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)







・安全な資産からなるポートフォリオに対して「リスキーな」資産を少しばかり加えると、分散度が増していっそう安全になることがあります。この件を指摘したことで、ウィリアム・シャープ[俗に言うノーベル経済学賞の受賞者]は大きな貢献を果たしました。 (p.12)

The first is that risk is counterintuitive.

・The riskiest thing in the world is the widespread belief that there's no risk.

・Fear that the market is risky (and the prudent investor behavior that results) can render it quite safe.

・As an asset declines in price, making people view it as riskier. it becomes less risky (all else being equal).

・As an asset appreciates, causing people to think more highly of it, it becomes riskier.

・Holding only "safe" assets of one type can render a portfolio under-diversified and make it vulnerable to a single shock.

・Adding a few "risky" assets to a portfolio of safe assets can make it safer by increasing its diversification. Pointing this out was one of Professor William Sharpe's great contributions.


ポートフォリオを構成するにあたって、リスクをきちんと管理すると同時に、利益が得られるように考慮することは、見事な功績と言えます。しかしほとんどの場合、努力の痕跡は見えないまま終わります。リスクが生じて損失を出すのは潮が引いたときだけで、時々しか起こらないからです。 (p.13)

The third is that risk is often hidden and thus deceptive. Loss occurs when risk - the possibility of loss - collides with negative events. Thus the riskiness of an investment becomes apparent only when it is tested in a negative environment. It can be risky but not show losses as long as the environment remains salutary. The fact that an investment is susceptible to a serious negative development that will occur only infrequently - what I call "the improbable disaster" - can make it appear safer than it really is. Thus after several years of a benign environment, a risky investment can easily pass for safe. That's why Warren Buffett famously said, "... you only find out who's swimming naked when the tide goes out."

Assembling a portfolio that incorporates risk control as well as the potential for gains is a great accomplishment. But it's a hidden accomplishment most of the time, since risk only turns into loss occasionally … when the tide goes out.



ハワード・マークスの新しいメモ"Risk Revisited"から、もう少し引用します。原文(PDFファイル)のリンク先はこちらの投稿にあります。また前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)

不十分なリターンにとどまる原因は、実は2つ考えられます。ひとつめは、高いリターンを狙ったものの、まずいできごとによって阻まれること。もうひとつは、低いリターンを狙ってそのとおりになることです。言いかえると、投資家が直面している大きなリスクは、ひとつではなくて2つあることになります。それは資金を失うリスクと機会を逃すリスクです。どちらかひとつであれば排除できますが、両方はできません。どちらかを回避することばかり気にしていると、もう片方の餌食になろうと身を差し出しているかもしれません。 (p.7)

There are actually two possible causes of inadequate returns: (a) targeting a high return and being thwarted by negative events and (b) targeting a low return and achieving it. In other words, investors face not one but two major risks: the risk of losing money and the risk of missing opportunities. Either can be eliminated but not both. And leaning too far in order to avoid one can set you up to be victimized by the other.


その一方で投資家は、価格が担っている中核的な役割に対してますます敏感になっています。本質的に最もリスキーなのは、購入する資産に対して(その質に関わらず)払いすぎることです。ですからリスクを抑える最善の方法は、とんでもないほど安値でしか払わないことです(その質に関わらず)。安値はすなわち「安全余裕」を生み出します。「リスクをコントロールした投資」とは、まさにそれがすべてだと言えます。価値評価リスクに対抗するのは簡単です。投資家自身をコントロールできるかどうかに大きくかかっているからです。ファンダメンタルに対して価格が高すぎれば、買うのをやめればよいだけです。「高いとわかって買う人など、いるでしょうかね」と思える人は、テック・バブル時代に買っていた人たちのことを思い出してください。 (p.11)

There are many ways for an investment to be unsuccessful. The two main ones are fundamental risk (relating to how a company or asset performs in the real world) and valuation risk (relating to how the market prices that performance). For years investors, fiduciaries and rule-makers acted on the belief that it's safe to buy high-quality assets and risky to buy low-quality assets. But between 1968 and 1973, many investors in the "Nifty Fifty" (the stocks of the fifty fastest-growing and best companies in America) lost 80-90% of the money. Attitudes have evolved since then, and today there's less of an assumption that high quality prevents fundamental risk, and much less preoccupation with quality for its own sake.

On the other hand, investors are more sensitive to the pivotal role played by price. At bottom, the riskiest thing is overpaying for an asset (regardless of its quality), and the best way to reduce risk is by paying a price that's irrationally low (ditto). A low price provides a "margin of safety," and that's what risk-controlled investing is all about. Valuation risk should be easily combatted, since it's largely within the investor's control. All you have to do is refuse to buy if the price is too high given the fundamentals. "Who wouldn't do that?" you might ask. Just think about the people who bought into the tech bubble.



ハワード・マークスの新しいメモ"Risk Revisited"より、さらに引用します。原文(PDFファイル)のリンク先は、前回の投稿で示してあります。(日本語は拙訳)


2012年に投資した資金を2014年に確かめてみるとしましょう。(どれだけ)失われたかどうかはわかりますが、その投資がリスキーだったのかどうかは判断できません。損失を出す可能性とは、投資した時点での問題だからです。たとえ話を続けると、たとえば明日の天気は雨かもしれないし、ちがうかもしれない。しかし明日の天気が雨の確率は今日の時点でどの程度かは、明日になって起こることが教えてくれるわけではありません。この降雨リスクのたとえ話は、損失リスクを語る上でもってこいの相似だと思います(完全なものではないことはよくわかっていますが)。 (p.2)

While writing the original memo on risk in 2006, an important thought came to me for the first time. Forget about a priori; if you define risk as anything other than volatility, it can't be measured even after the fact. If you buy something for $10 and sell it a year later for $20, was it risky or not? The novice would say the profit proves it was safe, while the academic would say it was clearly risky, since the only way to make 100% in a year is by taking a lot of risk. I'd say it might have been a brilliant, safe investment that was sure to double or a risky dart throw that got lucky.

If you make an investment in 2012, you'll know in 2014 whether you lost money (and how much), but you won't know whether it was a risky investment - that is, what the probability of loss was at the time you made it. To continue the analogy, it may rain tomorrow, or it may not, but nothing that happens tomorrow will tell you what the probability of rain was as of today. And the risk of rain is a very good analogue (although I'm sure not perfect) for the risk of loss.


・将来のできごとに影響しうる要因が数多くあることは、だれもが重々承知しています。政策の実施や、個人消費における意思決定、商品(コモディティー)価格の変化などです。しかしそれらを予測するのは困難です。ですから、それらすべての要因を含めた上で検討できる人がいるとは、とても思えません。(この分類は、ドナルド・ラムズフェルドが言い表した「無知の知」に相当すると言われたことがあります。知らぬを知る、ということですね) (p.2)

On the other hand, I'm solidly convinced the future isn't knowable. I side with John Kenneth Galbraith who said, "We have two classes of forecasters: Those who don't know - and those who don't know they don't know." There are several reasons for this inability to predict:

・We're well aware of many factors that can influence future events, such as governmental actions, individuals' spending decisions and changes in commodity prices. But these things are hard to predict, and I doubt anyone is capable of taking all of them into account at once. (People have suggested a parallel between this categorization and that of Donald Rumsfeld, who might have called these things "known unknown": the things we know we don't know.)

最後の項目[未訳; 因果関係の弱さ]は検討に値するものです。物理学は科学ですので、だから電気のエンジニアは、このスイッチを入れればあの灯りが毎回付くことを保証できるわけです。しかし経済学には「お粗末な科学」と呼ばれるだけの理由があります。事実、立派な科学とは言えないものです。この数年間のうちに、次のような現象を観察する機会がありました。金利水準がほぼ0%になっても、GDPは力強く反転しなかったこと。また連銀も債券買入れを減らしたものの、金利上昇にはつながらなかったこと。これらは、ほぼ一致した見方には沿わない結果でした。経済学や投資では人間の行動がカギとなる役割を果たすので、自然科学のように「ああすれば、こうなる」と言い切ることはできません。原因とそれがもたらす影響の関係性が弱いので、結果は不確かなものとなります。言いかえると、そこにリスクが生じるわけです。

将来に影響を及ぼす要因はほぼ無限にありますし、多数の事象はランダムに生じます。そしてつながりの弱さを考えると、「将来のできごとを一貫して予測することはどうやってもかなわない」というのが私の強く信じるところです。特にトレンドと平均の重大な乖離を、有用な水準まで正確に予測することは、いかなる方法を以ってしてもできないと考えます。 (p.2)

That last point deserves discussion. Physics is a science, and for that reason an electrical engineer can guarantee you that if you flip a switch over here, a light will go on over there... every time. But there's good reason why economics is called "the dismal science," and in fact it isn't much of a science at all. In just the last few years we've had opportunity to see - contrary to nearly unanimous expectations - that interest rates near zero can fail to produce a strong rebound in GDP, and that a reduction of bond buying on the part of the Fed can fail to bring on higher interest rates. In economics and investments, because of the key role played by human behavior, you just can't say for sure that "if A, then B," as you can in real science. The weakness of the connection between cause and effect makes outcomes uncertain. In other words, it introduces risk.

Given the near-infinite number of factors that influence the future, the great deal of randomness present, and the weakness of the linkages, it's my solid belief that future events cannot be predicted with any consistency. In particular, predictions of important divergences from trends and norms can't be made with anything approaching the accuracy required for them to be helpful.




Risk Revisited (Oaktree Capital Management) [PDF]


恒久的な損失とは、価格の変動幅や騰落とは大きく異なるものです。価格の下落局面(downward fluctuation)は、定義上それは一時的なものですが、投資家が待ち続け、やがて取って返せば大きな問題にはなりません。恒久的な損失、つまりそこから反転しないものは、2つの理由のどちらかによって生じます。ひとつは下降中に投資家が売却してしまい、下落を一時的でないものとして確定させることです。つまり投資家が確信を失ったり、みずからに許された投資期間によるものだったり、緊急の金銭的理由だったり、感情が高まることで起きるものです。もうひとつの理由は、投資自体が本質的な理由によって回復できない場合です。価格変動を乗り切ることはできます。しかし、確定させた損失は絶対に取り消せません。(p.1)

However, while volatility is quantifiable and machinable - and can also be an indicator or symptom of riskiness and even a specific form of risk - I think it falls far short as "the" definition of investment risk. In thinking about risk, we want to identify the thing that investors worry about and thus demand compensation for bearing. I don't think most investors fear volatility. In fact, I've never heard anyone say, "The prospective return isn't high enough to warrant bearing all that volatility." What they fear is the possibility of permanent loss.

Permanent loss is very different from volatility or fluctuation. A downward fluctuation - which by definition is temporary - doesn't present a big problem if the investor is able to hold on and come out the other side. A permanent loss - from which there won't be a rebound - can occur for either of two reasons: (a) otherwise-temporary dip is locked in when the investor sells during a downswing - whether because of a loss of conviction; requirements stemming from his timeframe; financial exigency; or emotional pressures, or (b) the investment itself is unable to recover for fundamental reasons. We can ride out volatility, but we never get a chance to undo a permanent loss.







Today, I have no more story. I have finished my talk by answering my own questions as best I could in a brief time. What is most interesting to me in my answers is that, while everything I have said is nonoriginal and has long been obvious to the point of banality to many sound and well-educated minds, all the evils I decry remain grossly overpresent in the best of our soft-science educational domains wherein virtually every professor has a too unidisciplinary habit of mind, even while a better model exists just across the aisle in his own university. To me, this ridiculous outcome implies that the soft-science departments tolerate perverse incentives. Wrong incentives are a major cause because, as Dr. Johnson so wisely observed, truth is hard to assimilate in any mind when opposed by interest. And, if institutional incentives cause the problem, then a remedy is feasible - because incentives can be changed.

I have tried to demonstrate today, and indeed by the example of my life, that it is neither inevitable nor advantageous for soft-science educational domains to tolerate as much unidisciplinary wrongheadedness as they now do. If I could somewhat fix there is an ethos, also from Dr. Johnson, that is applicable. Please remember the word Dr. Johnson used to describe maintenance of academic ignorance that is removable through diligence. To Dr. Johnson, such conduct was "treachery."

And if duty will not move improvement, advantage is also available. There will be immense worldly rewards, for law schools and other academic domains as for Charlie Munger, in a more multidisciplinary approach to many problems, common or uncommon. And more fun as well as more accomplishment. The happier mental realm I recommend is one from which no one willingly returns. A return would be like cutting off one's hands.







I came to Harvard Law School very poorly educated, with desultory work habits and no college degree. I was admitted over the objection of Warren Abner Seavey through the intervention of family friend Roscoe Pound. I had taken one silly course in biology in high school, briefly learning, mostly by rote, an obviously incomplete theory of evolution, portions of the anatomy of the paramecium and frog, plus a ridiculous concept of "protoplasm" that has since disappeared. To this day, I have never taken any course, anywhere, in chemistry, economics, psychology, or business. But I early took elementary physics and math and paid enough attention to somehow assimilate the fundamental organizing ethos of hard science, which I thereafter pushed further and further into softer and softer fare as my organizing guide and filing system in a search for whatever multidisciplinary worldly wisdom it would be easy to get.

Thus, my life became a sort of accidental educational experiment with respect to feasibility and utility of a very gross academic extension of the fundamental organizing ethos by a man who also learned well what his own discipline had to teach.

What I found, in my extended attempts to complete by informal means my stunted education, was that, plugging along with only ordinary will but with the fundamental organizing ethos as my guide, my ability to serve everything I loved was enhanced far beyond my deserts. Large gains came in places that seemed unlikely as I started out, sometimes making me like the only one without a blindfold in a high-stake game of "pin the tail on the donkey." For instance, I was productively led into psychology, where I had no plans to go, creating large advantages that deserve a story on another day.




<質問者> うるおいのある生活と職業人としての務めを果たすことの両者をどのようにトレードオフするか、よく議論します。プロとして仕事をする毎日において、それらのモデルを学ぶ時間や他に興味があることに費やす時間がとれるものでしょうか。また、学ぶこと以外にご自分の楽しみのために時間をとれていますか。

<マンガー> 自分がまさにやりたいと思うことのためには、かなりの時間を常に割いていますよ。単に釣りやブリッジ、ゴルフをする時間などです。




Q: We talk a lot about trade-offs between the quality of our life and our professional commitments. Is there time for a professional life, learning about these models, and doing whatever else interests you? Do you find time to do fun things besides learning?

I've always taken a fair amount of time to do what I really wanted to do - some of which was merely to fish or play bridge or play golf.

Each of us must figure out his or her own lifestyle. You may want to work seventy hours a week for ten years to make partner at Cravath and thereby obtain the obligation to do more of the same. Or you may say, "I'm not willing to pay that price." Either way, it's a totally personal decision that you have to make by your own lights.

But, whatever you decide, I think it's a huge mistake not to absorb elementary worldly wisdom if you're capable of doing it because it makes you better able to serve others, it makes you better able to serve yourself, and it makes life more fun. So if you have an aptitude for doing it, I think you'd be crazy not to. Your life will be enriched - not only financially, but in a host of other ways - if you do.

Now this has been a very peculiar talk for some businessman to come in and give at a law school - some guy who's never taken a course in psychology telling you that all of the psychology textbooks are wrong. This is very eccentric. But all I can tell you is that I'm sincere.

<質問者> あなたのなさっていることは事実上、何年もかけて獲得した知恵を分かち合う責務を果たそうとするものですか。

<マンガー> そうです。バークシャー・ハサウェイをみてください。あれは「教訓とすべき究極の企業」です。ウォーレンは自分のためには金をまったく使わないで、すべて社会に還すつもりでいます。実のところ彼がやっているのは、他人が自分の発言に耳を傾けてくれるための演壇を築くことなのです。彼の意見が非常にすばらしいことは言うまでもありません。そして演壇のほうもそれほど悪くはないです。しかし「ウォーレンやチャーリーは自己流で教えている」と反論されるかもしれませんね。

Q: Are you, in effect, fulfilling your responsibility to share the wisdom that you've acquired over the years?

Sure. Look at Berkshire Hathaway. I call it the ultimate didactic enterprise. Warren's never going to spend any money. He's going to give it all back to society. He's just building a platform so people will listen to his notions. Needless to say, they're very good notions. And the platform's not so bad either. But you could argue that Warren and I are academics in our own way.

<質問者> おはなしのほとんどは、とても説得力があると思いました。知識を探求することは、つまり人間の生き様を御することであり、金銭はまったくもって称賛に値する目標だということですね。

<マンガー> 金銭を追い求めることがそれほど称賛に値するのかは、何とも言えませんね。

<質問者> それでは、理解できるもの、ということでしょうか。

<マンガー> それならわかります。仕事の売り込みだろうが債券契約の校正だろうが、バカにしようとは思いません。必要なお金を稼ぐのは楽しいことですよ。経歴を積んでいく中で数々の訴訟をこなす必要があれば、そのために必要なことを学ぶでしょう。金を稼ぐには何かをしなければなりません。稼ぐという事実があれば、さまざまな行動にも箔がつきます。

Q: Most of what you've said is very compelling. And your quest for knowledge and, therefore, command of the human condition and money are all laudable goals.

I'm not sure the quest for money is so laudable.

Q: Well, then - understandable.

That I'll take. I don't sneer, incidentally, at making sales calls or proofreading bond indentures. If you need the money, it's fun earning it. And if you have to try a bunch of cases in the course of your career, you'll learn something doing that. You ought to do something to earn money. Many activities are dignified by the fact that you earn money.

<質問者> イデオロギーの面で極端な人に対して懐疑的なのは理解できます。しかしあなたのなさっていることにも観念的な部分があると思いますが、どうでしょうか。また、非合理ながらも夢中になっているものがありますか。

<マンガー> なるほど、たしかに私は知恵というものに情熱を傾けています。正確さやある種の好奇心に対して心が向いています。たぶん私には少しばかり寛容なところがあり、自分のはかない人生を超越した価値に対して身を捧げたいと考えているのです。今日はそのことを誇示したと思いますが、まあどうでしょうか。


Q: I understand your skepticism about overly ideological people. But is there an ideological component to what you do? Is there something that you're irrationally passionate about?

Yeah. I'm passionate about wisdom. I'm passionate about accuracy and some kinds of curiosity. Perhaps I have some streak of generosity in my nature and a desire to serve values that transcend my brief life. But maybe I'm just here to show off. Who knows?

I believe in the discipline of mastering the best that other people have ever figured out. I don't believe in just sitting down and trying to dream it all up yourself. Nobody's that smart….