


バークシャー・ハサウェイの株主総会より、 今回はパンデミックなどの危機管理の重要性を啓蒙してきた人物の話題です。前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)

<ウォーレン・バフェット> つづいて最近のニュースのなかから、みなさんがどこか興味を持つかもしれない話題を取り上げます。YouTubeに投稿された、ある映像の話です。投稿日が2015年6月17日付と、4年以上前のものです。サム・ナン氏という人物による映像です。彼は、米国に限らず世界的にみてもわたしがもっとも称賛してやまない人物の一人です。米国に対してかぎりないほどの献身をしてくれた、途方もない上院議員でした。議員を引退してからは報われぬ仕事に打ち込み、「核脅威イニシアティブ」(the Nuclear Threat Initiative)と呼ばれる団体を設立して率いてきました。ほとんどの方がその団体を知らないとは思います。実はわたしも少しだけ関わってきました。


(Warren Buffett 01:03:16)

I would like to context to the present news, point out something you may find kind of interesting. If you go to YouTube, you'll find on June 17th, of 2015, four-plus years ago, you'll find Sam Nunn, that was one of the people I admire the most in the United States and in the world, enormous patriot and tremendous senator, and he's carried on thankless work since leaving the Senate, and heading something called the Nuclear Threat Initiative, which most of you haven't heard of, but I've been slightly involved in it, Sam Nunn founded that.

(Warren Buffett 01:04:12)

And, the Nuclear Threat Initiative is simply organizations that are devoted to trying to reduce the chances of something of a nuclear chemical, biological, and now cyber nature, from either malevolent or accidental or whatever may be, from causing deaths to millions of Americans, and among the things that Sam co-founded it, but he's been the heart and soul of the organization subsequently, and he's talked about, worried about pandemics along with the nuclear threat for decades, and he's participated in war games where they play out various scenarios, including malevolent pandemics that could be started by the same kind of nut that sent the anthrax letters around the 9/11, a little after. Sam paired down this YouTube presentation, and I'm sure he's been on many others I just happened to look this one up, and talked about the dangers of a pandemic, and anybody should listen to Sam Nunn anytime he talks. So he said at that time, "Germs don't have borders," which we certainly learned in the last couple of months, and when I clicked on YouTube, if you'll go to the next, I found out that basically it had 831 views, and this was only a few days ago, I looked it up, but I don't know whether most of those views have just been the last few days or the last few months, I shouldn't say, because of the interest in pandemics, but it is hard to think about things that haven't happened yet. So we can experience, and when something like the current pandemic happens, it's hard to factor that in, and that's why you never want to use borrowed money, at least in my view, and then buy into investments.

Innovating an End to Pandemics (NTI)

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