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(Warrren Buffett 01:25:20)

So we will just now take a quick look. And I see we've got the Becky's email address. So if you have questions on what I've said or other things, you can email these questions. And she is back there probably sort of a madhouse trying to handle questions coming in and pick out the ones she's going to prioritize. But feel free to, anything I've talked about so far, to send a long to her, and we'll keep her address up when I later hold the formal part of the meeting too.

(Warrren Buffett 01:26:03)

Very briefly in terms of Berkshire, in the first quarter, if you'll put up... Do we have the slides on that? There we are. Our operating earnings were... And there's much more about this in the 10-Q, and it's really not worth spending any real time on. But the operating earnings for the first quarter have no meaning whatsoever in terms of forecasting what's going to happen the next year.

(Warrren Buffett 01:26:34)

And I don't know the consequences of shutting down the American economy. I know eventually it will work, whatever we do. We may make mistakes. We will make mistakes, and during this talk and later on, I'm not going to be second- guessing people on this because nobody knows for sure what any alternative action would produce or anything short.

(Warrren Buffett 01:27:06)

But what we do know is that for some period, certainly during the balance of the year, but it could go on a considerable period of time, who knows, but our operating earnings will be less, considerably less than if the virus hadn't come along. I mean, that's just it. It hurts some of our businesses a lot. I mean, you shut down. Some of our businesses effectively have been shut down.

(Warrren Buffett 01:27:41)

It affects others much less. Our three major businesses of insurance and the BNSF railroad, railroad and our energy business, those are our three largest by some margin. They're in a reasonably decent position. They will spend more than their depreciation. So some of the earnings will go, along with depreciation, will go toward increasing fixed assets.

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