




The Anatomy of a Rally (Oaktree Capital Management)









* FEDが金利を下げるほどに、投資家は自分が使う割引率を引き下げます。その結果、将来キャッシュフローを割り引いた現在価値は増加します。これが、金利低下局面で資産価値が増加するからくりのひとつです。

* 無リスク金利は、イールド・カーブおよび資本市場線の原点を表しています。そのため無リスク金利が低下すれば、それらの連続線とともに要求リターンも引き下げられます。あらゆる投資候補における先験的なリターン率は、無リスク金利と連動するとみなされています。そのため無リスク金利が低いと、たとえ低リターンであっても魅力的な投資先として受けとめられます。

* あらゆる資産の価格は、そういった相対的な検討を踏まえた結びつきの末に決定されています。FEDが資産Aを購入して資産Bは購入しない場合を考えてみましょう。資産Aの価格が上昇して期待利益が低下することで、資産Bが以前のようなリターンをあげる必要はないとみなされ、資産Bの価格も上昇する可能性が生じます。それゆえに、FEDによる購入が投資適格債の価格を上昇させれば、そうでない投資不適格な債券の価格もそれに追随しがちです。そしてFEDがBBBの債券格付けからBBへと下落した「堕ちた天使」を購入すれば、格付けBの債券価格も上昇するでしょう。

* 債券の利回りが低下することは、株式等に対する競争力が低下することにつながります。これは「相対的な比較検討が支配的になっている」と言えるもうひとつの面です。絶対的な見込みリターンが低いゆえに購入を拒否する人が、さらに減少します。

・全体としてみるとFEDは資本市場において、「即応的な資金供給体制、記録的水準の債券発行額、応札過多の取引」といった状況を引き起こしました。赤字企業が社債を借換えたり、追加の借入れができる以上、ビジネス・モデルがどれだけ悪くても、彼らは生き長らえて破産を免れます。ゾンビ企業(借入 > EBITDA[利払い税引き償却前利益])やモラル・ハザードは、FEDの悩みには入らないようです。

Monetary and fiscal actions made an enormous contribution to the market rebound:

- The chant went up during the week of March 23: “You can’t fight the Fed.” Certainly the evidence convinced investors that interest rates will be what the Fed wants them to be, and the markets will do what the Fed wants them to do. The higher the market went, the more people believed that it was the goal of the Fed to keep it going up, and that it would be able to.

- The Fed and Treasury demonstrated their dedication to doing absolutely everything they could think of. Fed Chairman Jay Powell and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin acted early and dramatically, and Powell’s assurances that “we will not run out of ammunition” had a very positive effect.

- The Fed said it would continue buying securities “for as long as it takes,” and since its actions suggested it was unconcerned about the ballooning deficits and debt, there was no apparent reason why its ability to keep buying had to have a limit.

- When the Fed buys securities, it puts money into the hands of the sellers, and that money has to be reinvested. The reinvestment process, in turn, drives up the prices of assets while driving down interest rates and prospective returns.

- There’s been a related expectation that the Fed’s buying might be less than discriminating. That is, there’s no reason to believe the Fed insists on good value, high prospective returns, strong creditworthiness to protect it from possible defaults, or adequate risk premiums. Rather, its goal seems to be to keep the markets liquid and capital flowing freely to companies that need it. This orientation suggests it has no aversion to prices that overstate financial reality.

- Everyone is convinced that interest rates will be lower for longer. (On June 10, the Fed strongly indicated that there will be no rate increases through 2021 and possibly 2022.)

- Low interest rates engineered by the Fed have a multifaceted, positive impact:

* The lower the fed funds rate, the lower the discount rate used by investors and, as a result, the higher the discounted present value of future cash flows. This is one of the ways in which declining interest rates increase asset values.

* The risk-free rate represents the origin of the yield curve and the capital market line. Thus a low risk-free rate brings down demanded returns all along these continua. All a priori returns on potential investments are viewed in relation to the risk-free rate, and when it’s low, even low returns seem attractive.

* The pricing of all assets is interconnected through these relative considerations. Even if the Fed is buying asset A but not asset B, the rising price and falling expected return on A mean that B doesn’t have to appear likely to return as much as it used to, so its price can rise, too. Thus if buying on the part of the Fed raises the price of investment grade debt, the price of non-investment grade debt is likely to follow suit. And if the Fed buys “fallen angels” that have gone from BBB to BB, that’s likely to lift the price of B-rated bonds.

* Lower yields on bonds means they offer less competition to stocks, etc. This is yet another way of saying relative considerations dominate. Fewer people refuse to buy just because prospective returns are low in the absolute.

- In all, the Fed created capital market conditions that gave rise to readily available financing, bond issuance at record levels, and deals that were heavily oversubscribed. As long as money-losing companies are enabled to refinance their debt and borrow more, they’re likely to stay alive and out of bankruptcy, regardless of how bad their business models might be. Zombie companies (debt service > EBITDA) and moral hazard don’t appear to trouble the Fed.



I had good company in being skeptical of the May/June gains. On May 12, with the S&P 500 up a startling 28% from the March 23 low, Stan Druckenmiller, one of the greatest investors of all time, said, “The risk-reward for equity is maybe as bad as I’ve seen in my career.” The next day, David Tepper, another investing great, said it was “maybe the second-most overvalued stock market I’ve ever seen. I would say ’99 was more overvalued.”

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