

2020年バークシャー株主総会(22)世界衛生安全保障指標(Global Health Security Index)


<ウォーレン・バフェット> ここで話題に挙げておきたいことがあります。きょう持参してきた分厚い300ページのこの本は、2019年の10月に出版されたものです。ジョンズ・ホプキンズの..


2019 Global Health Security Index [PDF] (NTI)

サム[・ナン]がアーニーと連れだって、11月にわたしのところへ来てくれました。アーニーは少し前の連邦政府エネルギー省長官だった人物で、今はNTIのCEOを務めています。またサムとアーニーは共同会長でもあります。この報告書をまとめるのに尽力したベス・キャメロンも、わたしのところへ来ました。たしか去年の11月だったはずですが、この評価報告書を頂きました。ページをめくると、次のような書き出しがあります。300ページになる大著のはじめの一文です。「どの国から生じる生物的脅威であっても、自然的・作為的・偶発的を問わず、世界的な衛生や、国際的な安全保障や、世界中の経済に対してリスクとなり得る」 。



(Warren Buffett 01:07:42)

Now, I can't resist pointing out that in October of 2019, a large 300-page, I've got it right here, a book was brought out, and Johns Hopkins ...

(Warren Buffett 01:08:03)

And Johns Hopkins, one of the most respected institutions, country, Nuclear Threat Initiative, NTI, and the Intelligence Group at The Economist collaborated to evaluate the problems of the worldwide preparedness for pandemics, essentially.

(Warren Buffett 01:08:31)

And I think in November, Sam came out to see me with Ernie, more recent former Secretary of Energy who now is the CEO of NTI. He and Sam are co-chairmen, and Beth Cameron who did a lot of work on this report came out to see me. And they gave me in November I believe of last year, they gave me this appraisal. And the opening line, if you'll turn the page, this is the opening line of this 300-page tome: "Biological threats - natural, intentional, or accidental - in any country can pose risks to global health, international security, and the worldwide economy."

(Warren Buffett 01:09:24)

And this book was prepared in order to evaluate the preparedness of the various countries and rank them. We ranked pretty well, but all of us got a failing... All of the countries got a failing grade, basically.

(Warren Buffett 01:09:39)

Now, you would think with the prestige of Johns Hopkins and The Economist, along with people like Sam and Ernie, etc., that this would've gotten some attention. And, again, Sam... Turn to the next page. Sam and the others went on YouTube on October 24, 2019, and they have racked up, as of a couple days ago, 1,498 views.


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