



Uncertainty II [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)










Further, in considering expertise, we must be leery of some dangerous tendencies in our society:

to confuse general intelligence with knowledge of the facts relative to a given field,

to confuse factual knowledge with superior insight,

to conflate expertise and insight with the ability to predict the future,

to treat experts in one field as if they're knowledgeable about all others, and

to credit rich and successful people with all of the above.

Thus, as I've described in previous memos, when I travel abroad, I'm often asked what I think of my host countries' economies and their potential. "Why ask me?" I respond, "you live here." Just because I know something about investing and the U.S., why should I necessarily have meaningful insight into other fields and countries?

We see doctors or public health officials on TV who inveigh against quickly reopening the economy. They may well know much more than most about the medical and public health aspects of the coronavirus and how it should be dealt with, and their advice is likely to keep the most people alive. But on the other hand, since they're not economists, we should assume they're only answering from the standpoint of minimizing deaths. They may not take into consideration the importance of restarting the economy or how to balance the two considerations.

On the other hand, we see businesspeople and economists talking about the need to reopen in order to minimize the damage done to the economy by keeping it in a deep freeze. But what do they know about the cost in human lives? And certainly there is no algorithm or accepted process for deciding between the two. It's a matter of judgment, not expertise.

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