



<クラーマン> いつの日か自分の後継者となる人物の職務責任をウォーレン・バフェットが書きくだした際に、その人物に望む条件のひとつとして彼はこう述べています。「かつて起きたことのない事態に対処でき、さらにはその事態さえも予期できること」と。これは予言的な言葉でしたし、投資家にとっては実に重要なことだと思います。(p.5)

Klarman: When Warren Buffett put out his job description for who would replace him some day, he said that one of the criteria he was looking for was somebody who could deal with and even anticipate things that had never happened before. Well, that was prophetic - and incredibly important for investors.





Let me also take this occasion to state that my previous notion of three percent of assets per annum in waste in much institutional investment management related to stocks is quite likely too low in a great many cases. A friend, after my talk to foundation financial officers, sent me a summary of a study about mutual fund investors. The study concluded that the typical mutual fund investor gained at 7.25 percent per year in a fifteen-year period when the average stock fund gained at 12.8 percent per year (presumably after expenses). Thus, the real performance lag for investors was over five percent of assets per year in addition to whatever percentage per year the mutual funds, after expenses, lagged behind stock market averages. If this mutual fund study is roughly right, it raises huge questions about foundation wisdom in changing investment managers all the time as mutual fund investors do. If the extra lag reported in the mutual fund study exists, it is probably caused in considerable measure by folly in constant removal of assets from lagging portfolio managers being forced to liquidate stockholdings, followed by placement of removed assets with new investment managers that have high-pressure, asset-gaining hoses in their mouths and clients whose investment results will not be improved by the super-rapid injection of new funds. I am always having trouble like that caused by this new mutual fund study. I describe something realistically that looks so awful that my description is disregarded as extreme satire instead of reality. Next, new reality tops the horror of my disbelieved description by some large amount. No wonder Munger notions of reality are not widely welcome. This may be my last talk to charitable foundations.




GMO Quarterly Letter 4Q 2015 - Part II: 2015 and 2016, U.S. Equity Bubble Update, and Yet More on Oil [PDF] (GMO)


The most important missing ingredient is a fully-fledged blow-off. This should come complete with crazy speculative anecdotes for your grandchildren, massive enthusiasm from individual investors, an overwrought, overcapacity economy, and, at minimum, a 2-sigma S&P 500 at 2300. Lacking all of this, I still believe it is "likely" that we will reach Election Day more or less intact. I will, though, admit to my definition of "likely" being beaten down by the negative factors listed earlier to something just over 50%. The wild card, as usual these days, is China. The market is discounting lower growth. (I believe 4% a year for the next 10 years would be a reasonable target.) But a deep entry into negative GDP numbers might ruin my relatively positive case for global growth.




Charlie Munger on The Discount Rate (ValueWalk)

<質問> 根源的価値を算出する際に、割引率をどのように使っていますか。

<マンガー> そのようなやりかたで数式を使ってはいませんね。質的な各種の要因を考慮しているからです。ブリッジのハンドと同じで、さまざまなことを考慮にいれなければなりません[参考記事]。


<質問> ですが、企業の価値を判断するには...

<マンガー> 機会費用が大切ですね。それから無リスク金利も、要因のひとつではあります[参考記事の一例]。

<質問> 各企業に対して同じ利率を使うのですか。

<マンガー> もちろん違います。異なるビジネスには異なる利率を使いますね。それらはすべて価値の点から捉えた上で比較検討します。当然ながら、すぐれた企業に多めに払うのはOKです。米国ではお粗末な事業からでも儲けることはできますが、金を稼ぐという意味では骨の折れるやりかたです。ときに私たちも意図せずしてそうすることがありますが、あれは身内に無心するようなものですよ。できる限りの手は打ちますが、次のものを探そうなどとは考えていません。

Questioner: How do you use the discount rate to calculate intrinsic value?

Charlie Munger: We don't use numeric formulas that way. We take into account quality factors. It's like a bridge hand, you have to think about a lot of things.
There is never going to be a formula. If that worked, every mathematical person would be rich, but that's not the way it works.

Questioner: But you value a company…

Charlie Munger: Opportunity cost is crucial, and the risk free rate is one factor.

Questioner: Do you use the same rate for different businesses?

Charlie Munger: The answer is no, of course not, different businesses need different rates. They all are viewed in terms of value and weighed against one another. Of course we're OK paying more for a good business. In the US you can make money out of a lousy business. But it's a painful way to make money. Sometime we do it by accident, and in that case, it's like hitting up a relative, and we deal with those the best we can, but we're not looking for new ones.




トマ・ピケティ[『21世紀の資本』の著者]も、バーニー・サンダース[民主党からの大統領予備選候補者]も、イカれ気味だというのが私の見方です。社会的平等に熱烈な人たちが何をもたらしたのか。ソ連と彼の国で起きた虐殺や、中国共産党支配が招いた大飢饉や、愛すべき北朝鮮もそうですよ。そういった悪しき先例を招いたわけですから、この種の情熱はどれも疑問に思いますね。平等を掲げていた中国では飢饉がありましたが、私有の権利を認めてからは生活水準が10倍向上しました。そのことで多大な不平等を生み出してはいます。サンダースはこの件についてまったくわかっていないのに、その考えを崇拝しているのですから。彼は一本気な人間[原文はJohnny One Note]なのですね。知性ある人間として、恥ずかしい人だと思います。ただし、我らが共和党にも彼より悪い人たちがいます。しかしそのような人たちのイカれかたは、少なくともサンダースとは違っています。サンダースの個人的な性質を考えると、一族のだれかと結婚させたいとは思いませんね。思弁家の一人として、彼はお粗末です。社会的平等は、ある効果を生みます。「得られる結果が相応なものであれば、人はその結果の違いを受け入れるものだ」とアリストテレスは言いました。タイガー・ウッズがあれほどに金持ちであるのは、だれでも承知しています。その一方、現在のアメリカで不相応に財産を得た人間とはだれでしょうか。[ビル・]ゲイツではないですし、起業家たちでもありません。相応ならぬ富を蓄えた一員に含まれる者、それは金融に携わる人たちです。だから彼らは妬まれているのですね。そしてその罪は、今こうして語っている人間にも当てはまります。何もせずに、もしくは非生産的な行動によって、不相応に多くの富を築くべきではないでしょう。不相応に富を成すことの問題を修正できれば、それは大きいと思います。通常の投資パートナーシップでは、含み益には課税されません。課税されない莫大な流動的資産が生み出されることは当然ながら腹立たしいですし、その実情を理解した人はそれ以上に感じるでしょうね。


Income inequality: "My attitude is that both [Thomas] Piketty and [Bernie] Sanders are a little nuts. People passionate about egality gave us the Soviet Union and all those murders and Communist China and the starvation and lovely North Korea. I am suspicious of all this passion that brings about such bad examples. China had egality and was starving but adopted property rights, and living standards increased 10x, but that created a lot of inequality. Sanders doesn't understand this at all and has a religion for it; he is 'Johnny One Note.' As an intellectual, Bernie is a disgrace. Now, I don't think he's any worse than some of our Republicans. But at least they're crazy in a different way. But I wouldn't have him [Bernie] marry into my family just for his personal traits. As thinker, he is bad. Egality has one effect: people will tolerate different outcomes, if the outcomes are deserved, according to Aristotle. People are understanding that Tiger Woods is so rich. Who is getting undeserved money in America now? Not Gates or creators of businesses. Financiers are among those who do receive undeserved wealth and have caused envy. Even the man talking [referring to himself] is guilty of this. We don't want a lot of undeserved wealth for doing nothing or acting counterproductively. Fixing undeserved wealth would be extraordinary. Normal investment partnerships pay no taxes on unrealized gains. Naturally, enormous liquid wealth created not taxed is resented and would be more so if people actually understood it."

"But inequality is the natural outcome of a successful, advancing civilization. What the hell is the guy at the top 1% to do? Is he the main problem? When you get rich, you finally realize how little power the rich really have - they will spend a lot and get practically nowhere. Piketty and Sanders are wrong, but undeserved wealth needs some attention."





Coke on decline and does BRK's major holding in the stock provide cover for it?: "For many decades, the product was water and sugar, and it grew every year like the March of the Inevitable, but in recent years this declined, and in recent years Coke's vast offering and infrastructure with new products are growing. The power is really in that vast distribution network. It is still a strong company and will be respectable, but it is not like it used to be."




Charlie Munger At The 2016 Daily Journal Corporation Meeting [FULL NOTES] (ValueWalk)


How to reduce errors in life: "Warren and I and [DJCO director J.P.] Guerin do two things. One, we spend a lot of time thinking. Our schedules are not crowded, and we look like academics more than businessmen. It is a soft life waiting for a few opportunities, and we seize them and are ok with waiting for a while and nothing happens. Warren is sitting on an empire, and all he has on his schedule is a haircut this week. He has plenty of time to think. Luckily so many of you groupies [attendees] are so obscure, you'll have plenty of time to think. Second, multitasking is not the highest quality thought man is capable of doing unless you're chief nurse of hospital. If not, be satisfied with life in shallows. I didn't have #2 plan; I wasn't going to dance lead in Bolshoi Ballet or stand on the mound in Yankee Stadium. The constant search for wisdom or opportunity is important. It applies to the personal life too. Most of you aren't going to have five or six opportunities to marry a wonderful person. Most of you aren't going to get one. Most of you get an ordinary chance, which leads to an ordinary result."











この部屋にいる多くの方は、過ぎ去りし年月の印象を強く持っておられると思います。私の年代か、その直後の年代ですね。倹約を旨としたり、浪費を戒めることは善であると受けとめたものでした。そういったプロセスは我々にとってうまくいきました。ですから、経済学者が以前から「愚かな消費は経済発展に不可欠な要因だ」と称えてきたことは、我々からすれば逆説的でしたし、困惑させられました。私たちとしては、「愚かしい消費(foolish expenditures)」のことは「愚曲(foolexures)」と呼ぶことにしましょう。みなさんのように古き価値観を抱く人であれば、みずからの考える「愚曲」の一例に、「フェベズルメント」つまり「横領に相当するもの」が加わったと感じられたことでしょう。新しい日の始まりにふさわしい話題ではないかもしれませんが、私が「横領相当」を好まぬことをどうかご了解ください。私が思うに、「横領相当」は大きく広がり、経済に強い影響をもたらしています。ですから、たとえこの件を好まないとしても、その現実を認識すべきです。この件を好まぬ人ほど、なおさらそうすべきです。さらには、「良き振る舞いを以ってしても解消できない逆説」を喜んで受け入れるべきです。あらゆる逆説を排除することは純粋数学でさえもできないのですから、その他大勢の我々としては、好き嫌いにかかわらず、さまざまな逆説を受け入れざるを得ない、そう認識すべきでしょう。

This room contains many people pretty well stricken by expired years - in my generation or the one following. We tend to believe in thrift and avoiding waste as good things, a process that has worked well for us. It is paradoxical and disturbing to us that economists have long praised foolish spending as a necessary ingredient of a successful economy. Let us call foolish expenditures “foolexures”. And now you holders of old values are hearing one of your own add to the case for “foolexures” the case for “febezzlements” - the functional equivalent of embezzlements. This may not seem like a nice way to start a new day. Please be assured that I don’t like “febezzlements”. It is just that I think “febezzlements” are widespread and have powerful economic effects. And I also think that one should recognize reality even when one doesn’t like it, indeed, especially when one doesn’t like it. Also, I think one should cheerfully endure paradox that one can’t remove by good thinking. Even in pure mathematics, they can’t remove all paradox, and the rest of us should also recognize we are going to have to endure a lot of paradox, like it or not.




<クラーマン> みずからの投資プロセスをコントロールすることにおいて、そういった点は絶対的に重要です。ソシエテ・ジェネラル社のストラテジストであるジェームズ・モンティエ[現在はGMOに所属]は、少し前に書いた文章で次のように指摘していました。「北京オリンピックで競技が始まる直前に、どんなことを心に抱いていたか」、運動選手たちに対してそう質問したところ、返事はどれも同じように、選手がひたすら考えていたのは結果ではなくプロセスのほうだったとのことでした。プロセスに集中することが、最善の結果を達成する術だったのです。


Klarman: This point about controlling your process is absolutely crucial. James Montier, SocGen's market strategist, pointed out in a recent piece that when athletes were asked what went through their minds just before competing in the Beijing Olympics, the response again and again was that the competitor was focused on the process, not on the outcome. The way to maximize outcome is to concentrate on the process.

Montier points out that psychologists have long been aware of a phenomenon known as "outcome bias". This is the tendency to judge a decision differently based on its outcome. For example, if a doctor performs an operation and a patient survives, the decision is rated as significantly better than if the same operation fails and the patient dies. According to Montier, during periods of poor performance, the pressure builds to change your process. But so long as the process is sound, this would be exactly the wrong thing to do.







We haven't had a boom (either in the economy or in the stock market), so I don't think we're fated to have a bust. Because most businesses have been particularly loath to expand their facilities, I don't think they'll be slammed if revenues flatten or turn down.

The leverage in the private sector has been reduced. This is particularly true of the banks, where leverage has gone from the region of 30+ times equity before the crisis to very low double digits today. And, of course, banks are now barred from investing adventurously for their own account.

Finally, the main villain in the crisis was sub-prime mortgage backed securities. The raw material - the underlying mortgages - was unsound and often fraudulent. The structured mortgage vehicles were highly levered and absurdly highly rated. And the risky tranches ended up in banks' portfolios, causing them to require rescues. Importantly, this time around I see no analog to sub-prime mortgages and MBS in terms of their combination of fragility and magnitude.




<クラーマン> 経験とはたいていは良きものですが、時には経験という罠にいざなわれて、早すぎる行動を起こしたり、間違いを犯してしまうこともあります。それを承知で私の経験を申し上げれば、世の人たちが本意ではなしに止むを得ずめちゃくちゃな値段で手放し始めたら、そのときが買いに出る好機だと言えます。(p.4)

Klarman: So my experience - and experience is usually a good thing, but occasionally it can lure you into being too early or doing the wrong things - is that when people start to give something away at a ridiculous price because they have to, not because they want to, that's a good time to buy.





「経済的影響は明らかに小さい」と洞察したことが障壁となり、ガルブレイスは次に問われて然るべき設問には進みませんでした。それはつまり、「横領(ベズル)」と機能的に等価で重要なものがあるかという設問です。それは巨大でいて、早々に自己崩壊しない必要があります。では、私から答えましょう。それは「存在します」。ここではひとつだけ取りあげます。私もガルブレイスと立ち並び、新たな言葉を生み出すことにします。まずひとつめが「フェベズル(febezzle)」です[以降は横領相当と訳す]。これは「ベズル(bezzle)」と機能的に等価なものを意味します(functional equivalent)。ふたつめが「フェベズルメント(febezzlement)」で、「横領相当」を生み出す一連のプロセスを表す言葉です。そして三つめが「フェベズラー(febezzlers)」です。「横領相当を創出するプロセス」に携わる人物を示します。それでは「横領相当」の重要な源泉のひとつを、今ここでずばり特定しましょう。私が思うに、みなさんは愚かしくも普通株を大量に保有する資産運用を行ってきた間に、数多くの「横領相当」を生みだしてきました。


No doubt Galbraith saw the Keynesian-multiplier-type economic effects promised by increases in “bezzle”. But he stopped there. After all, “bezzle” could not grow very big because discovery of massive theft was nearly inevitable and sure to have reverse effects in due course. Thus, increase in private “bezzle” could not drive economies up and up, and on and on, at least for a considerable time, like government spending.

Deterred by the apparent smallness of economic effects from his insight, Galbraith did not ask the next logical question: Are there important functional equivalents of “bezzle” that are large and not promptly self-destructive? My answer to this question is yes. I will next describe only one. I will join Galbraith in coining new words: first, “febezzle”, to stand for the functional equivalent of “bezzle”; second, “febezzlement”, to describe the process of creating “febezzle”; and third, “febezzlers,” to describe persons engaged in “febezzlement.” Then, I will identify an important source of “febezzle” right in this room. You people, I think, have created a lot of “febezzle” through your foolish investment management practices in dealing with your large holdings of common stock.

If a foundation, or other investor, wastes three percent of assets per year in unnecessary, nonproductive investment costs in managing a strongly rising stock portfolio, it still feels richer, despite the waste, while the people getting the wasted three percent, “febezzlers” though they are, think they are virtuously earning income. The situation is functioning like undisclosed embezzlement without being self-limited. Indeed, the process can expand for a long while by feeding on itself. And, all the while, what looks like spending from earned income of the receivers of the wasted three percent is, in substance, spending from a disguised “wealth effect” from rising stock prices.





We know investors swing from rejecting all possibilities to drinking the Kool-Aid, just as the three stages say. Thus at Oaktree we want to buy when they're pessimistic, not when they're eager participants. If I could know only one thing about an investment I'm contemplating, it might be how much optimism is embodied in the price. In the first stage of the bull market, no optimism is present, and that makes for great bargains. In the last stage, the level of optimism is terribly high, and thus so are purchase prices relative to fundamentals. I want to buy when I can benefit from the herd's neuroses, not when they'll penalize me just as they do everyone else.