



<ウォーレン・バフェット> しかし利益がある程度減少したとしても、それらの事業は基本的に現金を生み出してくれます。そして2枚目のスライドに進みますが、バークシャーではきわめて強固な基盤を維持しています。これからも常にそれを守っていきますが、当社は単にそれを基本な方針としています。当社では一般の人たちと保険契約を結んでいます。ある程度は専門に特化しており、業界のリーダーでもあります。主たる事業ではないものの、定期金賠償商品も販売しています。たとえばだれかがひどい事故に遭ったとき、たいていは自動車事故ですが、10年から50年間などの期間にわたって援助が必要になります。それがこの商品です。




(Warrren Buffett 01:28:13)

But basically these businesses will produce cash even though their earnings decline somewhat. And if we'll go to part two, at Berkshire, we keep ourselves in an extraordinary strong position. We'll always do that - that's just fundamental. We insure people. We're a specialist to some extent and a leader. It's not our main business, but we sell structured settlements. That means somebody gets in a terrible accident, usually an auto accident, and they're going to require care for 10, 30, 50 years.

(Warrren Buffett 01:29:03)

And their family or their lawyer is wise enough, in our view, to rather than take some big cash settlement to essentially arrange to have money paid over the lifetime of the individual to take care of their medical wills, bills, or whatever it may be. And we're large. We've got many, many, many people that in effect have staked their well-being on the promises of Berkshire to take care of them for, like I say, I mean, 50 years or longer into the future.

(Warrren Buffett 01:29:42)

And, now, I would never take real chances with money, of other people's money under any circumstances. Both Charlie and I come from a background where we ran partnerships. I started mine in 1956 for really seven either actual family members or the equivalent. And Charlie did the same thing six years later. And we never, neither one of us, I think, I know I didn't, and I'm virtually certain the same is true of Charlie, neither one of us ever had a single institution investment with us.

(Warren Buffett 01:30:23)

I mean, every single bit of money we managed for other people was from individuals, people with faces attached to them, or entities, or money with faces attached to them. So we've always felt that our job is basically that of a trustee, and hopefully a reasonably smart trustee in terms of what we were trying to accomplish. But the trustee aspect has been very important. And it's true for the people with the structured settlements. It's true for up and down the line. But it's true for the owners very much too. So we always operate from a position of strength.

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