



わたしの友人であるビル・ゲイツも、数年前にTED Talkに出演して同じ警告を出していました。彼の映像はたくさんの人が閲覧しています。しかしそこで語られていたのは、思いもよらないことが起こるだろうという現実についてでした。その手のことを論文で読むこともできますし、どういう事態になるのか議論するのも良いでしょう。そういえば、かつてソロモン[・ブラザーズ]の人たちがわたしにこんなことを言いました。「25シグマ[標準偏差]級の事象がなにか起こるようなものです。それが起こる確率は、宇宙が誕生して以来、一度きりの計算になります」と。ところが彼らの身のうえに、そのような出来事が1か月のうちに数回起こり、彼らは破産してしまいました。[LTCMの破綻のこと。ソロモン時代の参考記事はこちら]

The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates (TED)



(Warren Buffett 01:10:14)

Now, my friend Bill Gates was delivering the same warning at a TED Talk some years back. And he's gotten a lot more views. But it just says something about the fact that you're going to get both from the blue, and you can read papers about them, and you can talk about what'll happen if some, as they used to, the fellows would say, Salomon used to tell me, some 25-sigma event comes along, and they'll then say that that'll happen once in the life of the universe. And then it happens to them a couple times in a month, and they go broke.

(Warren Buffett 01:10:52)

You just don't know what's going to happen. You know, at least in my view, you know that America's tailwind is not exhausted. You're going to get a fine result if you own equities over a long period of time. And the idea that equities will not produce better results than the 30-year Treasury bond, which yields one and a quarter percent now, it's taxable income. It's the aim of the Federal Reserve to have 2% a year inflation. Equities are going to outperform that bond. They're going to outperform Treasury bills. They're going to outperform that money you've stuck under your mattress.

(Warren Buffett 01:11:41)

I mean, they are a enormously sound investment as long as they're an investment and they're not a gambling device or something that you think you can safely buy on margin or whatever it may be.

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