



<ウォーレン・バフェット> 祖父は、まさしくそのとおりに言いました。家族のことは気にかけていたものの、だからといって行き過ぎることはない人でした。また当時を振り返ったときに挙げたいことのひとつとして、経済学者が「頃合い」というものに重きをおきたがらない点があります。もしFDIC[連邦預金保険公社]が10年早くはじまっていたら、それというのもFDICは、ルーズベルトが大統領に就任した後、策定中だった法案を一掃した際にできたもので、1934年1月1日に保険制度が開始されましたが、しかし大恐慌が起こった時点でFDICが存在していれば、当時のわたしたちが経験したことは、まるで違うものになっていたはずです。




(Warren Buffett 39:33)

That was my grandfather's word exactly, he cared about his family but he wasn't going to go crazy, and one of the things as I look back on that period is, and I don't think the economists generally like to give it that much of a point of importance, but if we'd had the FDIC 10 years earlier, the FDIC started on January 1st, 1934, it was part of the sweeping legislation that took place when Roosevelt came in, but if we'd had the FDIC we would have had a much, much different experience, I believe, in the great depression.

(Warren Buffett 40:24)

People blaming on smooth hall here, and they ... I mean, there's all kinds of things, and the margin requirements in '29, and all of those things entered into creating a recession, but if you have over 4,000 banks fail, that's 4,000 local experiences where people save, and save, and save, and put their money away, and then someday they reach for it and it's gone, and that happens in all 48 states, and it happens to your neighbors, and it happens to your relatives, it has to have an effect on the psyche that's incredible.

(Warren Buffett 41:15)

So one very, very, very good thing that came out of the depression, in my view, is the FDIC, and it would have been a somewhat different world, I'm sure, if the bank failures hadn't just rolled across this country, and with people that thought that they were savers find out that they had nothing when they went there and there was a sign that said, "Closed."

(Warren Buffett 41:49)

Incidentally, the FDIC, I think very few people know this, or at least they don't appreciate it, but the FDIC has not cost the American tax payer a dime, I mean its expenses have been paid, its losses have been paid all through assessments on banks, it's been a mutual insurance company of the banks backed by the federal government, and associated with the federal government, but now it holds $100 billion and that consists of premiums that were paid in an investment income on the premiums, plus the expenses, and paying of all the losses, and think of the incredible amount of peace of mind that's given to people that were not similarly situated when the great depression hit.

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