



<ウォーレン・バフェット> 大恐慌は非常に長期にわたって続きました。しかし実際に影響があった期間よりも、人々の心に残った期間のほうがずっと長く続きました。そして第二次世界大戦がはじまりました。それによって、この国はある種不本意な形でケインズ主義的政策をとることになりました。つまり財政赤字を拡大しはじめたのです。それは甚だしく巨額なものとなり、GDP比でみて過去最悪の債務を追うことになりました。その記録は現在もなお、破られていません。


(Warren Buffett 42:51)

So the great depression went on, and it lasted a very long time, but it lasted a lot longer in the minds of people than it did actually in its effects. World War II came along, and on sort of an involuntary manner we adopted Keynesianism, we started running fiscal deficits, of course, that were absolutely huge, and took our debt up to a percentage of GDP, which we had never reached before, and never have reached since.

(Warren Buffett 43:35)

So we had an enormous economic recovery, but the minds of people had been so scarred, the memories, parents told their children, 1929 became a symbol in people's minds, I mean, if you said 1929 it was like saying 1776, or 1492. I mean, everybody knew exactly what you were talking about, and it affected stock prices in a rather remarkable way to the point, if you'll change to the next slide, it was January 4th of 1951 that the kid who was born on August 30th in 1930 had finished college before the stock market got back to where it was at that earlier time.

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