



<ウォーレン・バフェット> 1920年や1930年や1929年から1951年までの期間、あるいはわたしが産まれた年からの20年間というのは、この国が始まってから140年ほどしか経っていなかった時期でした。どうぞ、その点をお忘れなきよう。そして、建国以来つづいた目覚ましい231年間[原文ママ]のうちの「20年間」でした。人々はその間、「国富つまりアメリカ企業を全体としてみると、いつまで経っても経済が停滞したままの期間だ」と感じていました。しかし全体としてみれば、実際ははるかにずっと発展していたのです。そうだとしても、20年前にわたしが産まれた時の水準まで株価が戻るには、それだけの時間がかかりました。



(Warren Buffett 44:42)

So take the years from 1920, 1930, or 1929 really into the 1951, or take the year from my birth, 20 years, and bear in mind that the country was only 140 years old when they started, that's 20 years out of this amazing 231-year lifetime of our country, that was flat out a time of for a long time with no economic growth, and no feeling by people in terms about the wealth of the country, about what American economy was worth, about all these corporations that were doing far, far, far better than they were, all in all, but it took all of that time to restore in the market a price level that was equal to what it was when I was born 20 years earlier.

(Warren Buffett 45:51)

So, if you think about the fact that we're enduring a few months, and we'll endure some many more months, and we don't know how it comes out, and people in the '30s didn't know how it was going to come out, but they endured, persevered, prospered, and the American miracle continued. But it's interesting in that I actually don't have a slide for the next one, because last night I was thinking after all the slides had been prepared, I was actually thinking about this a little bit, and I remembered that at the start of 1954 the stock market was ... the Dow was only at about 280, and I remember 1954 because it was the best year I ever had in the stock market.

(Warren Buffett 46:53)

And the Dow went from essentially what? 280 or thereabout at the start of the year, to a little over 400 at the end of the year, and when it went to 400, as soon as it went across 381, that famous figure from 1929, when it went to 400, and this will be hard for some of you to believe, but everybody wondered, " Is this 1929 all over again?"

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