



株価が48%下落する数か月前に、わたしの父たちは町の人々へ株を販売していました。ですから今や街中へ出て、その当人たちと顔を合わせたいとは思わなかったでしょう。それでわが父は「籠城」(shelter in place)を選んだのだろうと思っています。現代風に言えば「巣ごもり」(stay at home)です。我が家にはそれほどモノはありませんでした。小さな庭がありましたが、冬の時期ですから、父はそこでくつろぐわけでもなく、テレビもなかったので、母と仲睦まじく過ごしていました。


(Warren Buffett 35:26)

And when stocks fall 48%, and they were selling them to people a few months ago, you really don't feel like going out and facing those same people, so I think my dad probably liked to do was, they say now, shelter in place, which means stay at home, and there really wasn't that much in our house, we just had a small yard, it was wintertime anyway, my dad wouldn't have been puttering on the yard anyway, and the television wasn't there, and he and my mother got along very well.

(Warren Buffett 36:10)

So under those conditions, if you'll turn to the next slide, I was born about nine months later, but at that time, I was actually born on August 30th, but the stock market was closed that day, and so I'm using the previous day figures, but I didn't notice at the time that the market was closed, but the stock market had actually recovered over 20% during that nine and a half month period or thereabout.

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