



<ウォーレン・バフェット> 2枚目のスライドに進みますと、ここでは1790年の米国人口を見積もってみましたが、390万人になりました。これには、ちょっとした裏話があります。統計上の数字をさがしてみたところ、1921年に商務省の建屋で大火事が発生して、多くの記録が失われていたのです。そのため、欠落をいくつか含んだ統計となっています。それはともかく、米国の人口は390万人でした。また当時奴隷だった人たちの人数ですが、実のところ60万人、というより70万人に近い数字でした。そして390万人という数は、当時の地球上の人口の0.5%に過ぎませんでした。


(Warren Buffett 16:54)

If we go to slide two, I've tried to estimate... Well, let's go back. Stay with slide two, but the population in 1790, and we had 3.9 million people here. It's funny, when you look up census figures, you find out that they had a big fire and the Department of Commerce building in 1921, so they lost a lot of the census records. So there's some things where there's a few gaps, but there were 3.9 million people in the United States. Actually, I've got .6 million. It's closer to .7 million. There were 700,000 of those people were slaves at the time. But those 3.9 million people were one half of 1% of the population of the planet.

(Warren Buffett 17:57)

If you'd asked any of those 3.9 million people, any of them to imagine what life would be like 231 years later, even the most optimistic person; they could have been drinking heavily and even had a little pot, and they still could not in their wildest dreams have thought that in three lifetimes, Charlie's mine, and Greg's, that in that period you would be looking at a country with 280 million vehicles shuffling around its roads. Airplanes, maybe not today so much, but they'll be back again. They were flying people at 40,000 feet coast to coast, five hours. That great universities would exist in one state after another, and great hospitals systems, and entertainment would be delivered to people in a way nobody could have dreamt of in 1790s. This country in 231 years has exceeded anybody's dreams.

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