


少し前の投稿でご紹介したハワード・マークスのレター"Inspiration from the World of Sports"から、もう一か所引用します。(日本語は拙訳)





運動選手が平均以上であるためには抜きん出ていなければなりません。レベルの高いテニスの試合では、相手がリターンできないような「ウィナー」ショットを打たないと勝てません。強力なショットで、かつライン際かネットぎりぎりに打ち、相手の「凡ミス」を誘うわけです。しかしそうする能力に欠けていれば成功しないでしょう。つまり、それを試みること自体が賢明でないのです。一方、必要な能力を備えた人であれば、「ウィナーを狙う試合で闘う」際にそれを試みるだけの資格があります (過去のメモ"What's Your Game Plan"をご参照のこと)。







投資家が自信を持つのはすばらしいことですし、そのおかげで大胆に振舞えるのもすばらしいことです。ただし、その自信に裏付けがあるときにかぎります。最後に示したこの条件は、投資家は冷徹かつ率直に自分自身を評価しなければならないことを意味します。自信不足やそれゆえに大胆な行動に及び腰でいるよりも、傲慢さや自己過信のほうが危険だからです。「なにが危ないのかわかっていないのは問題ではない。危なくないと信じきっていることが問題になるのだ」、マーク・トウェインがそう発言した時、彼の胸中も同じだったでしょう。そしてノバク・ジョコビッチが「紙一重だ」と言ったのも、同じことを示していたに違いないと思います。(p. 8)

The Victor's Mindset

It often seems that just as I'm completing a memo, a final inspiration pops up. This past weekend, the Financial Times carried an interesting interview with Novak Djokovic, the number one tennis player in the world today. What caught my eye was what he said about the winner's mental state.

I believe that half of any victory in a tennis match is in place before you step on the court. If you don't have that self belief, then fear takes over. And then it will get too much for you to handle. It's a fine line.

Djokovic's statement reminded me of a conversation I had earlier this month, on a subject I've written about rarely if ever self-confidence. It ranks high among the attributes that must be present if one is to achieve superior results.

To be above average, an athlete has to separate from the pack. To win at high-level tennis, a player has to hit "winners"-shots his opponents can't return. They're hit so hard, so close to the lines or so low over the net that they have the potential to end up as "unforced errors." In the absence of skill, they're unlikely to be executed successfully, meaning it's unwise to try them. But people who possess the requisite skill are right in attempting them in order to "play the winner's game" (see "What's Your Game Plan").

These may be analogous to investment actions that Yale's David Swensen would describe as "uncomfortably idiosyncratic." The truth is, most great investments begin in discomfort - or, perhaps better said, they involve doing things with which most people are uncomfortable. To achieve great performance you have to believe in value that isn't apparent to everyone else (or else it would already be reflected in the price); buy things that others think are risky and uncertain; and buy them in amounts large enough that if they don't work out they can lead to embarrassment. What are examples of actions that require self-confidence?

・Buying something at $50 and continuing to hold it - or maybe even buying more - when the price falls to $25 and "the market" is telling you you're wrong.

・After you've bought something at $50 (thinking it's worth $200), refusing to "prudently take some chips off the table" when it gets to $100.

・Going against conventional wisdom and daring to "catch a falling knife" when a company defaults and the price of its debt plummets.

・Buying much more of something you like than it represents in the index you're measured against, or entirely excluding an index component you dislike.

In each of these cases, the first-level thinker does that which is conventional and easy - and which doesn't require much self-confidence. The second-level thinker views things differently and, as a consequence, is willing to take actions like those described above. But they're unlikely to be done in the absence of conviction. The great investors I Know are confident second-level thinkers and entirely comfortable diverging from the herd.

It's great for investors to have self-confidence, and it's great that it permits them to behave boldly, but only when that self-confidence is warranted. This final qualification means that investors must engage in brutally candid self-assessment. Hubris or over-confidence is far more dangerous than a shortage of confidence and a resultant unwillingness to act boldly. That must be what Mark Twain had in mind when he said, "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." And it also has to be what Novak Djokovic meant when he said, "It's a fine line."

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