



<質問9> 投資家が企業を評価する際に、本来問うべきなのにあまり実行されていない質問とは何でしょうか。

<バフェット> まずは業界中の7,8社を調べて、よくあるデュー・ディリジェンス上の質問を経営陣に投げかけます。また各企業の経営陣には、どの競合企業であれば今後10年間をとおして自分の純資産を喜んで投じたいかを質問します。同じように、競争相手のうちショートしたいのはどの会社かも訊きます。そうすることで、その業界一筋で働いてきた人でも認識できないような業界に関する重要な気づきが得られます。



Question #9: What are questions investors should ask but usually don't when evaluating companies?

Answer #9: Start by looking at 7-8 companies in the industry and ask the management typical due diligence questions. Also, ask the management of each company which competitor they would be willing to put their net worth in for the next 10 years. Then ask which of their competitors they would short. This will provide important insights into the industry that even those who work their whole life in the industry would not realize.

On a personal level, I recommend that people do this with the network of people they know.

Among your friends, who is one person you most want to emulate and who would you want to be least like. You can approach this by thinking about which of your peers you would want to own 10% of for the rest of their lives and which ones you would like to short. Then identify the qualities that make you want to emulate them and try to internalize those qualities. Do the opposite for the friends you would want to short. You are currently still young and can get rid of your bad habits, "The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken".

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