



<質問者> 履歴書は見たくないとのことでしたが、見事な履歴書をみつけるために利用している企業のことはどう思われますか。

<バフェット> もし典型的な大企業について話しているのでしたら、彼らはラベルを見たいのだと思います。言いかえれば、MBAを持っている人には「MBAのラベル」が付いていることになります。ある学校で授与されたとすれば、もちろんそのこともラベルになります。このやりかたを使って、似た人物を採用する事例が驚くほどたくさんあります。そのラベルに経済的な価値があるのは間違いありません。厳密にいくらなのかわたしにはわかりませんが、かなりの経済的価値です。わたしたちの会社ではそうはなりませんが、IBMやGMやメリルリンチに雇われるのであれば、最初にどう受けとめられるかという意味では違いが出ると思います。5年も経てばそれほど違わないとわたしは思いますが、最初の給料には差がつくでしょう。すごくたくさんのポジションを提示される可能性、という点でも差がつきます。しかし本当の勝負は、そこから何をみせられるかです。いずれにせよ、大きな会社に採用されたいときには、とても役に立つラベルですね。


Q. You say that you don't like to look at resumes. What do you think businesses that do use them find impressive about resumes?

A. Well, I would say that, if you are talking about the typical large business, they look at labels. In other words, if you get an MBA, you have the label MBA. If you get it from a certain place, you know, it says that, too. There is an awful lot of hiring clone based on that. The label definitely has an economic value. I can't quantify that exactly, but it has a significant economic value. It just doesn't happen to have it with us. But if you are getting hired by IBM or General Motors or Merrill Lynch, it's going to make a difference in the way they look at you initially. I don't think it makes that much difference five years out. But I do think it makes a difference in starting salary. It makes a difference in your likelihood of getting hired for a great many positions. Then, it's really what you show from that point forward. But it is a very useful label in getting hired by a large company.

We don't even think of ourselves as a large company. We think of ourselves as a collection of medium-sized companies. Incidently, we've got a fellow that runs one of our larger subsidiaries; an MBA might mean quite a bit to him. And he's the one that hires for the group. I do no hiring, except if the top person in one of our companies dies or retires. I make maybe one hiring decision every three years. They also make hiring decisions all the time, and I don't get into what criteria they use. That's entirely up to them. I don't see how you can hold somebody responsible for an operation and then start telling them how to hire people. We have no human resources department at Berkshire. Some of our subsidiaries have somebody in that position, but we have nobody at the top who in turn supervises all that. Most companies do and once they do, they start building empires. They start going to all the conventions and seminars, and then they hire assistants to do this, and it just goes on and on. So we don't start it. Two more questions, okay?

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