



<質問者> 累進消費税の政策を支持するとのお話がありました[過去記事]。そのお考えは最善の案だと思いますが、うまくいくのは経済の調子がいいか、あるいは過熱しているときだと思います。もし1981年から82年にあったような厳しい不況の時期だとしたら、どう思われますか。

<バフェット> 累進消費税が制定されれば、法律がいつ施行されようとも、つづく1年間やおそらく2年間は経済が低迷するでしょう。単純にこう考えてみてください。この国で生産された製品の100%を消費していたとします。そこから突如5%を貯蓄しはじめることになれば、すぐには生産が増加しないと仮定すると、まあそうなるでしょうが、消費は95%に落ち込むでしょう。しかし毎月5000ドルを稼いでいる人が、家族のためにもっと貯蓄することに決めれば、その時点では消費を減らします。ですが、後になってから消費を増やすかもしれません、貯蓄した分が投資にまわって、そこから生みだされるものがあるからです。投資をいっそう誘発する消費税はどんな種類のものであっても、つづく1,2年間は経済に悪影響を与えます。だから、この政策は不興を買うわけですね。みなさんの家庭でも同じように、この話は人気がないと思います。つまり「もっと蓄えをして消費を減らそう」と掲げても、必ずしも勝利につながる論拠とはならないのです。しかし長い目でみれば、このやりかたをすれば富を築くことができます。ですから累進消費税がいつ導入されたとしても、しばらくは足をひっぱると思います。



Q. You support a progressive consumption tax policy. I think your idea is the best and works when our economy is booming or overheated. What do you think if our economy is in a severe recession like in 1981-82?

A. A progressive consumption tax, if enacted, would hurt the economy in the following year or maybe a couple of years, regardless of when it was introduced, simply because: If we are consuming 100% of the goods produced in the country and all of the sudden you say we're going to start saving 5%, that would take consumption down to 95%, assuming no immediate increase in output, which there wouldn't be. If you're making $5,000 a month and you decide to save more in your family, you're going to cut consumption at that point. Later on, you may increase consumption because of the product of that investment. Any kind of a consumption tax that induces more investment will hurt the economy in the following year or two, which makes it tough to sell. That makes it tough to sell in your own household, too. If you say we're going to start saving more and consuming less, that's not necessarily a winning argument. But it is the way to build wealth over time. I would say no matter when it was introduced, it would have a bite for a while.

Think back to 1790, when 90% of the people in the country were on farms. If some guy had come along and said we're going to develop tractors, combines, and cultivators that will put 80% of these people out of work so that a small percentage of people will be on farms, people would say, "That's terrifying, you know, we can't have that." Actually, saving and investment frees up people to do all kinds of other things, as you have seen on the long scale of 200 years of this country. It's a terrifying prospect to people in the short run, because they see the unemployment; they don't see those people being freed up to produce all kinds of other things over time. If you could have had a little video tape that you showed all the farmers in the country in 1790, and said, "Use this one tractor instead of needing all of your sons and sons-in-law and everybody else to farm this place, and you will be able to do it yourself. The other eight people will be unemployed," I would have hated to have a referendum on whether people wanted progress, in terms of better farm machinery. That is the problem with increasing the investment rate in the country. And, in a politically charged environment with sound bites on television, I'm not sure it could be sold.

Well, I want to thank you all for coming; it's been a real pleasure to return to the University of Nebraska and I hope we keep our quarterbacks healthy. Thanks.

ちなみに、今日8月30日はウォーレンの誕生日です。84歳になります。現地時間の30日はもう少しあとになりますが、Happy Birthday, Warren!

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