





By and large, and it’s interesting to think about, it’s mostly a male game. The nuts who did most of this damage are male. You go into a trading room on Wall Street and you won’t find many women barking into the phones and going to the strip clubs. There is a lot of testosterone in our present troubles, and of course, the people that get promoted logically are sort of like the people that win our athletic contests and get to be captain of the teams. Many of you were in investment management and you know how it works. Everybody wants the guy that everybody else trusts, who can’t stand to lose, that everybody likes, and tends to get things done -- and I just described the captain of the team and so forth. There is a law firm in town, Latham and Watkins, that galloped past everyone else and that is all they would hire with some exceptions. They knew what they wanted and, boy, did it work for them. Of course, if you are in investment management, it’s exactly the wrong personality type. Maybe you want them in the sales department, but you don’t want them managing the money. It’s the cranky peculiar people like those sitting here who will better serve you in making these decisions. That is another problem with life. [The] guy who invented the Peter Principle is right: You know we all get promoted in hierarchies and, of course, half the time some guy gets one category too high and of course half the time you have someone who is utterly unqualified for this spot he is sitting in and yet he has the power. He’s got a big ego and everything else. What do you do about this? This is a serious problem. If you don’t think this is a problem with Wall Street, look at the personality profiles of the people that headed our main investment banks. They were caricatures. Stan O’Neal or whatever his name was at Merrill --

If [Anthony] Trollope invented a character like this, you would say, ‘It’s too extreme. I can’t get by with this one.’ It would be regarded as foolish, not as effective satire. That just happened again and again and again. And you are surprised we have this big mess on our hands. Some very powerful forces have been unleashed here. Some very powerful forces of unreason have been allowed to flourish. Of course we get a big mess. We always were going to have cyclical fluctuations in capitalism. We always [were] going to have cyclical fluctuations in securities markets. But to have them magnified so greatly, and to have such exacerbation of the result by this extremely liberal use of credit -


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