


マイケル・モーブッシンを以前とりあげたときは「レッグ・メイソンのストラテジスト」とご紹介しましたが、同氏自身のWebサイトによれば、現在はクレディスイスに戻ったとあります。彼の最新作『The Success Equation: Untangling Skill and Luck in Business, Sports, and Investing』が翻訳されるのは年内かと楽しみに待っておりますが、今回は同サイトに載せられている抜粋の一部をご紹介します。同書の冒頭部になります。(日本語は拙訳)









MY CAREER WAS LAUNCHED by a trash can.

Like many seniors in college, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do for a living, but I knew that I needed a job. Drexel Burnham Lambert, an investment bank that was hot at the time, came on campus to recruit students for a new training program. My interview went well enough that I was called to the firm's headquarters in New York City. I put on my best suit and tie, polished my shoes, and headed to the Big Apple.

Early the next morning, we candidates gathered in a vast conference room and listened intently as the leader of the program told us what to expect for the day. “You will have full interviews with six members of our staff,” she informed us, “and then each of you will have ten minutes with the senior executive in charge of our division.” When it was clear that she had everyone's attention, she added, “If you want the job, you'll have to shine in that interview.”

My half dozen interviews went as well as could be expected. When they were over, a member of the staff led me down a long corridor to an office paneled in dark wood, with deep wall-to-wall carpeting and a picture window overlooking a panorama of downtown Manhattan. A sharp-eyed administrative assistant ushered me in, and the senior executive greeted me warmly. Then I saw it.

Peeking out from underneath a huge desk was a trash can bearing the logo of the Washington Redskins, a professional football team. As a sports fan who had just spent four years in Washington, D.C., and had attended a game or two, I complimented the executive on his taste in trash cans. He beamed, and that led to a ten- minute interview that stretched to fifteen minutes, during which I listened and nodded intently as he talked about sports, his time in Washington, and the virtues of athletics. His response to my opening was purely emotional. Our discussion was not intellectual. It was about a shared passion.

I got the job. My experience in the training program at Drexel Burnham was critical in setting the trajectory of my career. But after a few months in the program, one of the leaders couldn't resist pulling me aside. “Just to let you know,” he whispered, “on balance, the six interviewers voted against hiring you.” I was stunned. How could I have gotten the job? He went on: “But the head guy overrode their assessment and insisted we bring you in. I don't know what you said to him, but it sure worked.” My career was launched by a trash can. That was pure luck, and I wouldn't be writing this if I hadn't benefited from it.

The purpose of this book is to show you how you can understand the relative contributions of skill and luck and how to use that understanding in interpreting past results as well as making better decisions in the future. Ultimately, untangling skill and luck helps with the challenging task of prediction, and better predictions lead to greater success.


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