



<ウォーレン・バフェット> そして3月に市場が基本的に凍りついたときに、中旬過ぎには若干閉場されましたが、FEDが3月23日に各種の行動を起こしたことで、わたしの記憶では社債発行額が史上最大となった月間になりました。そして4月にはさらに増加しました。あらゆる種類の企業が市場に現れ、金利スプレッドが狭まるなかで闇雲につかんでいきました。3月後半や4月に社債を発行したあらゆる者たちの一員として、わたしはFEDへ感謝の手紙を送りました。もしもFEDが実際に破格の速度と決断をもって実行していなければ、そうはならなかったからです。

今後はFEDの膨張したバランス・シートが何をもたらすのか、その成り行きをみていくことになります。そのバランス・シートは毎週木曜日に更新されますので、わたしと同じようなちょっと変わった人には楽しく読めると思います(笑)。毎週木曜日にインターネット上で更新されていますが[H.4.1, トレンド図]、この6,7週間で劇的に変化したことがみてとれます。


(Warren Buffett 01:37:17)

And then March, when the market had essentially frozen, closed a little after mid-month, ended up, because the Fed took these actions on March 23rd, it ended up being the largest month for corporate debt issuance I believe in history. And then April followed through with even a larger month. And you saw all kinds of companies grabbing everything, coming to market and spreads actually narrow then. And every one of those people that issued bonds in late March and April, I sent a thank you letter to the Fed because it would not have happened if they hadn't operated with really unprecedented speed and determination.

(Warren Buffett 01:38:10)

And we'll know the consequences of swelling the Fed's balance sheet. You can look at the Fed's balance sheet. They put it out every Thursday. It's kind of interesting reading if you're sort of a nut like me. But it's up there on the Internet every Thursday. And you'll see some extraordinary changes there in the last six or seven weeks.

(Warren Buffett 01:38:35)

And like I say, we don't know what the consequences of that, and nobody does exactly. And we don't know what the consequences of what they undoubtedly will have to do. But we do know the consequences of doing nothing. And that would've been the tendency of the Fed in many years past, not doing nothing, but doing something inadequate. But more [inaudible 01:39:00] brought the whatever it takes to Europe and the Fed, then with March, sort of did whatever it takes, squared, and we owe them a huge thank you.

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