





しかし亡くなった時期からそれほど離れていない頃に、彼は"Keeping at it"(邦訳『ボルカー回顧録』)という題名の本を著していました。[先述した]ブックワーム書店でわたしの友人に聞いてみればその本が手に入りますので、ぜひ楽しんでください。ポール・ボルカーは数多くの点で巨人でしたし、魅力的な人物でもありました。彼とジェイ・パウエルは過敏さなどに対してそれほど注意を払いませんでしたが、それでもわたしとしては、ジェイ・パウエルはボルカーと共に台座に据え奉るべき人物だと考えています。なぜなら彼は3月中旬に行動を起こしたからです。おそらくは2008年と2009年に目撃した出来事によって、いくぶん導かれたのでしょう。彼らは甚大な策を講じました。そして、その後に起きたことについてはその歩みに任せることを、基本的に許可したのです。  

(Warren Buffett 01:35:13)

We got to the point where the U.S. Treasury market, the deepest of all markets, got somewhat disorganized. And when that happens, believe me, every bank and CFO in the country knows is, and they react with fear. And fear is the most contagious disease you can imagine; it makes the virus look like a piker.

(Warren Buffett 01:35:41)

And we came very close to having a total freeze of credit to the largest companies in the world who were depending on it. And to the great credit of Jay Powell, I've always had Paul Volcker up on a special place, special pedestal in terms of Federal Reserve chairman over the years. We've had a lot of very good Fed chairmen, but Paul Volcker, I had him at the top of the list. And I'll recommend another, but Paul Volcker died about, I don't know, less than maybe a year ago or a little less.

(Warren Buffett 01:36:18)

But not much before he died, he wrote a book called Keeping at it. And if you call my friends at the Bookworm, I think you'll enjoy reading that book. Paul Volcker was a giant in many ways. He was a big guy too. He and Jay Powell, couldn't see more in temperament or anything, but Jay Powell, in my view, in the Fed board belong up there on that pedestal with him because they acted in the middle of March, probably somewhat instructed by what they'd seen in 2008 and '09. They reacted in a huge way and essentially allowed what's happened since that time to play out the way it has.

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