



<ウォーレン・バフェット> 飛行機が多すぎるのです。数か月前に発注が下されて合意がなされたときには、そのような状況ではありませんでした。しかし航空会社にとって世界は変化してしまいました。彼らにはうまくいってほしいと思いますが、しかし航空会社は当社が保有する事業のひとつでした。当社が直接保有している企業のなかには、これから大きな傷を負うことになる会社もあります。例のウィルスはバークシャーの資金を奪っていきます。「株式だから資金が減る」という意味ではありません。それは事業によってさまざまです。たとえばXYZという会社の株を保有していて、つまり一事業として保有しており、その会社を気に入っているとします。しかしXYZ社の株価が20%あるいは40%下落しても、その状況で損をしたとは感じません。一方で、今回実際に航空会社に起こったという意味では、まるで100%保有している会社であるかのように、痛手を受けたと感じました。



(Warren Buffett 01:45:26)

So you've got too many planes, but it didn't look that way when the orders were placed a few months ago, when arrangements were made. But the world changed for airlines and I wish them well, but it's one of the businesses we have. We have businesses we own directly that are going to be hurt significantly. The virus will cost Berkshire money. It doesn't cost money because of our stock. And various other businesses moves around. I mean, if XYZ, which say is one of our holdings and we own it as a business and we liked the business. The stock was down 20 or 30 or 40%. We don't feel we're poor in that situation. We felt we were poor in terms of what actually happened to those airline businesses just as if we don't a hundred percent of them. [as if we'd owned?]

(Warren Buffett 01:46:23)

So that explains those sales, which are relatively minor, but I want to make sure that nobody thinks that involves a market prediction. And that pretty well wraps it up for Berkshire. So now we move into the formal part of the meeting, which will be followed by a fairly extended question and answer period if there are a lot of questions with Becky. And while we're doing this formal part of the meeting, it's not too exciting. So feel free to leave whatever you're viewing this through, and if you want to send questions to Becky, we'll keep her contact information up on the screen. Or if you want to fix yourself a sandwich or do anything else, we will now move... Or you can pay attention to the formal part of the meeting. But we will do this, and it won't take too long, and then we will move on to the question and answer meeting.

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