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(Warren Buffett 01:39:16)

But we're prepared at Berkshire. We always prepare on the [ad 01:39:20], on the basis that maybe the Fed will not have a chairman that acts like that. And we really want to be prepared for anything. So that explains some of the $124 billion in cash and bills. We don't need it all.

(Warren Buffett 01:39:39)

But we never want to be dependent on not only the kindness of strangers but the kindness of friends. Now, in the next slide, we have the what we did in equities, and these numbers are tiny when you get right down to it. I mean, for having $500 billion or so in net worth and... I mean, not net worth, but in market value at the start of the year or something close to that. We bought in $1.7 billion of stock, and our purchases were a couple of billion more than our sales of equities.

(Warren Buffett 01:40:26)

But as you saw in the previous slide, we had operating earnings of $5, almost $6 billion. So we did very little in the first quarter. And then I've added in another figure, which I wouldn't normally present to you. But I want to be sure that if I'm talking to you about investments and stocks more than I usually have, I want you to know what Berkshire's actually doing. Now, you'll see in the month of April that we net sold $6 billion or so of securities.

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