




<質問> おふたりが成功できた理由でいちばん重要だったことはなんですか。

<バフェット> すばらしい先生がいたこと、そして尋常でないほどに集中したことです。このゲームを楽しんできました。すごく楽しかったですから。実のところ、投資はかなり簡単なゲームです。ただし、ある種の感情面で落ち着いていることが必要です。若いころには投資先をさがすために、[四季報のような]銘柄情報誌を通読しました。7歳から19歳のころには、投資に入れ込んでいたものの導きとなる原理原則がありませんでした。そのあとに読んだ本がベン・グレアムの『賢明なる投資家』です。その本には投資における思想が書かれていました。まったくそのとおりでした。それよりも複雑なことはなにもありません。

<マンガー> そのとおり。投資に向いた性格の持ち主には、たやすいゲームですよ。しかし他人より賢くやれることで財産を築く人生だとしたら、それだけではないですね。もっと他にもやるべきです。

<バフェット> そうです。バークシャーを経営するのは、投資をするだけよりもずっと楽しいものです。バークシャーをやってきて、すごくよかったです。

<マンガー> 自分の資金をうまく投資できるのなら、他のこともどんどんやったほうがいいですよ。




When asked what the most important reason for their success was, Buffett attributed it to a great teacher and exceptional focus. He also enjoyed the game which was enormously fun. Investing is actually a pretty easy game, but it does require a certain emotional stability. Buffett went through stock manuals when he was young searching for investments. Between ages 7 and 19, he had enthusiasm for investing but not guiding principles. Then he read The Intelligent investor by Ben Graham, which described an investment philosophy that made total sense. It wasn't more complicated than that.

Charlie agreed that investing is an easy game if someone has the temperament for it. If you amass a fortune in life by being shrewder than others, it's not enough in life.

Buffett agreed and said running Berkshire has been far more fun than just an investment. Managing Berkshire is incredibly more satisfying.

Charlie said, "If you're good at investing your own money, I hope you move on and do more."

Charlie said he had an unfortunate channeling device into the investment world when he realized he was never going to succeed as a movie star or actor. His grandfather provided him with the idea that your main duty is to become as rational as you can be. Since he was good at that and no good at anything else, he was steered into something that worked well for him. Confucius said we owe a moral duty to rationality, which is why Charlie likes Confucius. He had the same idea years ago. Berkshire is a temple of rationality.

Charlie said, "If you have ignorance and keep it, it's dishonorable to stay stupider than you have to be. You have to be generous where it's crazy not to be."

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