





みずからは「再配置プロジェクト」と称していたリングの戦略は、買収した大企業をさまざまな事業に分離することでした。1966年のLTV社の年次報告書によれば、彼はこの魔法を次のように説明しています。「買収にあたってもっとも重要な点は、次の公式『2 + 2 = 5 (あるいは6)』に合格しなければならないことです」。報道や大衆そしてウォール街も、その種の話には夢中になりました。



金融市場は周期的に現実と縁を切るものです。それは請け合います。いつの日か次のジミー・リングが現われて、その厳かな姿から重々しい言葉が語られるでしょう。報道は彼らの言葉すべてに耳を傾け、銀行家は彼らのために戦うことでしょう。彼らの言うことは間を置かずして「うまくいった」と結ばれ、当初からの信者は「自分はなんと賢明だったのか」と感じるでしょう。ここでわたしどもから助言があります。彼らの商売が何であろうと、いつでも「2 + 2 = 4」であることを忘れてはなりません。「そのような計算はいかにも古めかしい」とたしなめる人がいたら、財布のひもをしっかり締めて休暇をとってください。そして数年経ってから戻ってきてください。安い値段で株が買えます。

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Before I depart the subject of spin-offs, let's look at a lesson to be learned from a conglomerate mentioned earlier: LTV. I'll summarize here, but those who enjoy a good financial story should read the piece about Jimmy Ling that ran in the October 1982 issue of D Magazine. Look it up on the Internet.

Through a lot of corporate razzle-dazzle, Ling had taken LTV from sales of only $36 million in 1965 to number 14 on the Fortune 500 list just two years later. Ling, it should be noted, had never displayed any managerial skills. But Charlie told me long ago to never underestimate the man who overestimates himself. And Ling had no peer in that respect.

Ling's strategy, which he labeled "project redeployment," was to buy a large company and then partially spin off its various divisions. In LTV's 1966 annual report, he explained the magic that would follow: "Most importantly, acquisitions must meet the test of the 2 plus 2 equals 5 (or 6) formula." The press, the public and Wall Street loved this sort of talk.

In 1967 Ling bought Wilson & Co., a huge meatpacker that also had interests in golf equipment and pharmaceuticals. Soon after, he split the parent into three businesses, Wilson & Co. (meatpacking), Wilson Sporting Goods and Wilson Pharmaceuticals, each of which was to be partially spun off. These companies quickly became known on Wall Street as Meatball, Golf Ball and Goof Ball.

Soon thereafter, it became clear that, like Icarus, Ling had flown too close to the sun. By the early 1970s, Ling's empire was melting, and he himself had been spun off from LTV . . . that is, fired.

Periodically, financial markets will become divorced from reality - you can count on that. More Jimmy Lings will appear. They will look and sound authoritative. The press will hang on their every word. Bankers will fight for their business. What they are saying will recently have "worked." Their early followers will be feeling very clever. Our suggestion: Whatever their line, never forget that 2+2 will always equal 4. And when someone tells you how old-fashioned that math is --- zip up your wallet, take a vacation and come back in a few years to buy stocks at cheap prices.

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Today Berkshire possesses (1) an unmatched collection of businesses, most of them now enjoying favorable economic prospects; (2) a cadre of outstanding managers who, with few exceptions, are unusually devoted to both the subsidiary they operate and to Berkshire; (3) an extraordinary diversity of earnings, premier financial strength and oceans of liquidity that we will maintain under all circumstances; (4) a first-choice ranking among many owners and managers who are contemplating sale of their businesses and (5) in a point related to the preceding item, a culture, distinctive in many ways from that of most large companies, that we have worked 50 years to develop and that is now rock-solid.

These strengths provide us a wonderful foundation on which to build.

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