

2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - (付録)企業年金制度について(12)



(3) 適切な理由で好成績をあげており、少額を任せられる運用者をみつけるという方法もあります。




[*] テニスの勝率を決めるのは、自分の能力の絶対的な水準ではありません。むしろ、自分より劣った相手を選ぶ能力で決まります。注意して相手を選べば、たとえばクリフ・リッチーのようなツアーを戦う選手よりも高い勝率をかんたんに得られます。この原則を応用することが決め手になるのが、ブリッジやポーカー、投資の世界です(ただし最後のものに適用するのはむずかしく、ブリッジの席でおバカさんな二人組を見分けるほうがずっと楽です)。



(4) 固定金利証券(債券)へ投資する戦略をとる方法もあります、現在の金利は年9%、しばらくはこのリターンが確定されることになります。この選択肢はそれなりに人気を得るようになってきました。ERISA法からみても相当守備的です。ただし成績の良否は、今後10年あるいは20年間にわたって株式を保有したときにどれだけリターンが得られるかによります。この選択肢を選ぶことは、数十年前に多くの企業がそれを既定値として選んだ事実と本質的には同じです。違うのは、当時の利率が9%ではなく、4%だった点です。ただし、わたしたちが債券と株式の間を出入りする試みはお勧めしません。それがうまくできる能力のある者はほとんどいませんし、できたとしても一連の集団がそうだとは考えられません。しかしこの錬金術の技を習得できたとしたら、他の方法を選ぶ理由はほとんどないと思います。


(3) A manager can be found handling smaller amounts whose record has been good for the right reasons.

Then hope that no one else finds him.

Good records of any type usually have attracted massive money flows - whether the record was based on unusual skill, luck, or even, occasionally, semi-fraudulent activity which has "manufactured" the record. Even those records, which I believe to have been based at least partially on skill have wilted when subjected to torrents of money.

A further problem is that in no case were the superior records I have observed based upon institutional skills, which could be maintained despite changes in the faces. Rather, the good results have been accomplished by a single individual or, at most, a few, working in fairly specialized areas in which the great bulk of investment money simply had no interest. It has been very difficult to out-think the pack on General Motors, IBM, Sears, etc. Rather, the unusual records - and there have been few that have been maintained - have been achieved by those who have worked relatively neglected fields in which competition was light.[*]

[*] Your win-loss percentage in tennis will not be determined by the absolute level of ability that you possess. Rather, it will be determined by your ability to select inferior opponents. If you select with care it will be quite easy to attain a winning percentage higher than, say, Cliff Richey while he is playing on the tour. Application of this principle is the key element in bridge, poker, or investments. (Harder to apply in the latter, however - it is easier to identify a couple of palookas at the bridge table.)

Many pension funds, including the fund to which I referred earlier, have attempted to find superior but relatively unknown managers still working with small sums. This often involves dozens of interviews and usually comes down to the past record, particularly the recent past, plus an articulate practitioner who "looks" reasonable and respectable. In my opinion, based only on impressions, the overall record from this selection process has been poor and very likely worse than the mildly below-average record of the major money manager.

The reason isn't too hard to see (particularly with a rear view mirror). Much of Wall Street is a succession of fashions. Obviously some individuals will have hit the most recent fashion, and their record will look correspondingly good maybe sensationally good if they have a reckless streak and have played a particular trend very hard. But fashion-hitting never has been successfully maintained, to my knowledge. And the manager primarily selected for recent hot performance knows what he is expected to do. He is to perform - and quickly. So the new small manager's decisions frequently are characterized by high turnover, major mistakes, even more furious activity to catch up, etc. It has not happened every time, but my hunch is that the sum total performance of the relatively unknown go-go managers for pension funds has been worse than the lumbering, stiff-legged minuet performed by the major banks.

(4) A fixed income (bonds) investment strategy can be followed, which presently allows returns of about 9% per annum that can be locked in for some time. This option currently is becoming somewhat more popular, should be quite defensible under ERISA, and will look good or bad, depending upon what returns from equity holdings develop over the next decade or two. This essentially is the same decision that was made by default several decades ago by many companies, except the rates then were 4% instead of 9%. I do not recommend an attempt by us to go back and forth from bonds to stocks. This is a skill possessed by few, if any - and certainly not by a group. If we could master this particular form of alchemy, there would be little reason to do anything else.

The comfort level produced by this option is likely to be high under any conditions except high rates of inflation - which will produce distress under all of the options discussed herein.

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