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This was not the accepted way of managing money. When I stepped down from day to day active money management at the end of 2009, my equity fund, FPA Capital fund, had outperformed various measures of stock market performance by approximately 400 to 600 basis points compounded annually since June 30, 1984, while finishing as the #1 diversified equity fund for that period*. This same type of philosophy was implemented in my high-quality fixed income fund, FPA New Income, with the result that it outperformed various measures of bond market performance, while being the only bond fund to never experience a calendar year of negative performance, for the same timeframe*.

*Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

What I have learned in my career is that there is far more to becoming a successful investor than just being superb at accounting, financial modeling and smart. If I were to go back and begin again, I would spend more time studying human psychology. Very few people know themselves and are self-critical. I recommend that you ask yourself the following questions:

・How do you deal with stress and uncertainty?

・Are you more comfortable working alone while making independent decisions or do you like to know what others are thinking and doing?

・Have you dealt with adversity in your life and how did you handle it?

・Have you ever wondered why so many smart people get it wrong in investing and why?

・Do you have common sense and if so, how do you prove it?

I ask you to think about these questions since two of the biggest stock market collapses in human history, 2000-2001, and, 2007-2009, occurred while the investment industry had the largest number college graduates employed with the timeliest access to information ever. The investment outcomes were not much different from those that occurred in earlier eras.
If you have any doubts about this statement, I quote from Theodore Burton's 1902 volume, Financial Crises and Periods of Industrial and Commercial Depressions, "by higher standards of education and consequently greater wisdom, ……..depressions may be avoided." More than 100 years later, are we any better? I leave that to you to judge.

To add to this view, Walter Bagehot in 1856 observed, "much has been written on panics and manias, ….but one thing is certain, that at particular times a great many stupid people have a great deal of stupid money." When I read this quote, I immediately thought of the tech bubble of 2000. In 2000, I was quoted many times and said that net company valuations were not only discounting the future but also the hereafter.

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