




わたしがこき下ろしているものを精製して、単純な公式をつくることができます。それを「わたしがお勧めする、投資で成功する方程式」と呼びましょう。入力項としては5つ必要です。ひとつでも欠ければ、等式全体が成立しなくなります。それではよろしいですか、いきますよ。「D + P + C + P + D = 投資で成功」、これです。最初のDが意味するのは規律(Discipline)です。投資候補を評価する際に、規律が必要になります。次のPは辛抱(Patience)です。投資対象が「ローリスク・ハイリターン」の可能性がある領域にやってくるまで、じっと辛抱しなければなりません。これだ、という投資の好機が来るまで、ある株式を7年間待ち続けたことがあります。次のCは大切です。勇気(Courage)のことです。わたしが仕事を通じて学んだことに、「言うは易く、行うは難し」があります。高い教育を受けた投資のプロには、とてもうまい話をする人が大勢います。しかし実行に移す段になると、これは納得のいくことですが、彼らは面目丸つぶれとなっています。低調な時期には、なおさらそうです。次に再び出てくるPは、こちらも辛抱です。投資対象が時と共に花開くまで待てる力のことです。わたしの考えるところでは、今日のプロの投資業界は、非常に活発なポートフォリオの回転率にみられるように、カジノ的な心持ちをあれこれと露わにしています。連銀の金融緩和政策が始まって以来、「リスクオン・リスクオフ」という名の新たな投資戦略が始まったのは、まさにそうだと言えます。そして最後も、再び「規律」です。「期待値に達した時点で売却する」、この規律を守ることです。そしてもっと大切な規律とは、「当初の分析にまちがいがあるときには、それを認めること」です。言いかえれば、自分でそれをお釈迦にするわけです。

The 1974 market collapse also taught me that most people are undisciplined and guided by emotions. One of the basic tenants of Value Investing is to be extremely unemotional in the evaluation of prospective investments and the management of them after they have been made. My associates and partners know that I can be somewhat emotional and a bit of a character at times, except when it comes to investing. I tend to have ice water in my veins. I'm also an odd duck in that when asset prices are rising, I get depressed, while when they are falling or collapsing, I become ecstatic. We value style managers tend to be a weird group. We disdain crowds and like our solitude. We view herd style decision making as an opportunity to be taken advantage of.

I can distill what I do down to a simple formula. Call it my suggested formula for investment success. It requires five inputs. Leaving one of them out disrupts the whole equation. Are you ready? D+P+C+P+D=investment success. D stands for Discipline. The discipline that is required in evaluating a prospective investment. P is for Patience. One must have the patience to wait for an investment to enter a potentially high-return/low-risk zone. I've waited as long as seven years for an equity investment opportunity to finally emerge. C is critical. It stands for Courage. One thing I've learned over my career is talk is cheap, actions speak. There are many well educated investment professionals who can speak well and convincingly but when it comes to the execution part, they fall flat on their face, particularly during times of distress. P again stands for Patience. It represents the ability to allow an investment to unfold over time. In my opinion, the professional money management industry of today exhibits elements of a casino type mentality, as reflected by hyperactive portfolio turnover ratios. This is particularly true since the onset of the Fed's QE policy, whereby we have a new "Risk-On, Risk-Off" investment strategy. Finally, Discipline again. One must have the discipline to sell when expectations have been met or more importantly, the discipline to recognize that the original analysis was incorrect. In other words, you blew it.

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