



Bob Rodriguez's speech to CFA Society of Reno [PDF] (FPA)

今夜はみなさんの前でおはなしするという栄誉にあずかり、感謝しております。またCFA協会[Chartered Financial Analyst; 証券アナリスト]がここ「ネバダ州の]リノではじめて公式な会合を開催するという重責を、リー・ヘルナンデスさんが先頭に立って果たしてくださったことにも感謝しております。








Thank you for the honor and privilege of speaking with you tonight. Let's also thank Lee Hernandez for leading the charge to kick-start the first formal meeting of the CFA Society here in Reno.

Before starting, we should recognize those in the audience who are CFAs. Please stand up.

Now those who have passed their level 3 Exam or are awaiting certification, please stand up.

Finally, let's recognize those who are on the pathway to a CFA by having passed their Level 1 exam. Please stand up.

Much has changed since I was awarded my CFA back in 1980. My charter number is 6443. It has been amazing how large this program has become since then.
Good luck to all of you who are going through this program and may it may help you in your career aspirations.

For tonight, given that we have so many young professionals here, I thought I would begin with some observations, insights and challenges that I have experienced during my 43 year career and hopefully, they may provide you with one or two thoughts that could be helpful to you in your budding careers. I will then provide an economic and financial market overview. Finally, in my typically controversial and unvarnished way, I will attempt to provide my view of the future. As with all forecasts, listen and then come to your own conclusion.

I've been known for making outlandish forecasts before. They may have seemed extreme at the time but in retrospect, many were generally spot-on. When I spoke before the CFA Society of Chicago in June 2007, not many were thinking about the impending financial calamity that lay shortly ahead. I tried to forewarn what might take place in my speech, "Absence of Fear," which laid out the financial crisis to come. As the Morningstar keynote speaker in 2009, I again tried to warn of the dangers that lay ahead. In both cases, few listened.

What I have learned in my career is that few will listen to you when you have a viewpoint that diverges materially from the general consensus. I didn't realize this when I first entered the investment field in 1971. At that time, I viewed senior investment and business professionals with awe. They were more knowledgeable and wiser than I, or so I thought.
I was fortunate to learn early on that my inexperienced view was way off base. I did not realize that most investors, business professionals, regulators and government officials are genetically programed incorrectly so that herd mentality decision making is the typical outcome.

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