



<質問者> ご自身やバークシャー・ハサウェイにおいてハイテク銘柄を遠ざける道を好んでいるように見えますが、実際のところはどうなのですか。実はローテク事業を経営していくことがどれだけ大変で、ハイテクな事業とそれほど変わらないということを知って、いささか驚いております。

<マンガー> なんであろうとむずかしいですよ。楽々と金持ちになれるなんて道理はないですからね。競争の激しい世界でだれでも簡単に金持ちになれる方法など、あり得るでしょうかね。だから、なんであってもむずかしいのです。


<質問者> ハイテク業界には容易ならぬ特別な能力が必要だとおっしゃっているようですが、しかし先ほどのも同じように簡単だとは言えないですよね。

<マンガー> 我々にとってローテクのいいところは相当理解できることで、 他になるとそうはいきません。だったら理解できるほうを選びます。



Q: Would you talk a little bit about your seeming predilection away from investing in high technology stocks - on your own part and the part of Berkshire Hathaway. One of the things I've found eye-opening and a little surprising is how the difficulties of running a low-tech business and those of running a high-tech business aren't all that different.

They're all hard. But why should it be easy to get rich? In a competitive world, shouldn't it be impossible for there to be an easy way for everybody to get rich? Of course, they're all hard.

The reason we're not in high-tech businesses is that we have a special lack of aptitude in that area. And, yes - a low-tech business can be plenty hard. Jut try to open a restaurant and make it succeed.

Q: You seem to be suggesting that there's special aptitude required in high-tech businesses - that they're harder. But aren't they equally difficult?

The advantage of low-tech stuff for us is that we think we understand it fairly well. The other stuff we don't. And we'd rather deal with what we understand.

Why should we want to play a competitive game in a field where we have no advantage - maybe a disadvantage - instead of in a field where we have a clear advantage?

Each of you will have to figure out where your talents lie. And you'll have to use your advantages. But if you try to succeed in what you're worst at, you're going to have a very lousy career. I can almost guarantee it. To do otherwise, you'd have to buy a winning lottery ticket or get very lucky somewhere else.


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