



<質問者> あなたのもとで働く人たちに対して、ご自身が実行しているとおっしゃっていたのと同じことができるような雰囲気をうまく醸し出せたことはありますか。たとえば、確約や一貫性を示す傾向についてどうでしょうか[参考記事]。

<マンガー> ひどいまちがいの場合がほとんどですが、それがためにせざるを得なかったことがあります。

<質問者> そういった傾向をみんなが捨て去り、安心してあやまちを認められる環境を作り上げるにはどうされたのでしょうか。


<マンガー> インテルの人々は最先端の科学によって困難な課題をチームで解決するという、首尾一貫した文化を築いています。それはバークシャー・ハサウェイとは根本的に違うものです。バークシャーは持ち株会社なので、本社の仕事としてやるべき資本配分を行う以外には、あらゆる権限を委譲してきました。




Q: Have you been successful in creating an atmosphere where people below you can do the same things you're talking about doing yourself? For example, you talked about the tendency towards commitment and consistency….

Mostly about the terrible mistakes it causes you to make.

Q: How have you created an atmosphere comfortable (enough) for people to abandon that tendency and admit that they've made a mistake?

For example, someone here earlier this year from Intel talked about problems that occurred with their Pentium chip. One of the most difficult things for them to do was to realize they'd been going about it the wrong way and turn course. And it's very difficult to do that in a complex structure. How do you foster that?

Intel and its ilk create a coherent culture where teams solve difficult problems on the cutting edge of science. That's radically different from Berkshire Hathaway. Berkshire is a holding company. We've decentralized all the power except for natural headquarters-type capital allocation.

By and large, we've chosen people we admire enormously to have the power beneath us. It's easy for us to get along with them on average because we love and admire them. And they create the culture for whatever invention and reality recognition is going on in their businesses. And included in that reality recognition is the recognition that previous conclusions were incorrect.

But we're a totally different kind of company. It's not at all clear to me that Warren or I would be that good at doing what Andy Grove does. We don't have special competence in that field. We are fairly good at relating to brilliant people we love. But we have defects. For example, some regard me as absent-minded and opinionated. I might be a mess at Intel.

However, both Warren and I are very good at changing our prior conclusions. We work at developing that facility because, without it, disaster often comes.

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