



<質問者> バフェットさんは全米一のお金持ちでなくなったことをお悩みになっておられますか。

<バフェット> フォーブス[経済誌]が示しているのは、まちがいなくビル・ゲイツの家屋敷も勘定に入れてますね。つまり、そちらの領域に引き入れられたわけです。そういう彼とはたまたま友達になりまして、楽しい時間をすごしています。彼が公言したあとだから話せることですが、奥さんのメリンダへ贈る婚約指輪をボーシャイム[バークシャー配下の宝石店]で買ってくれました。ボーシャイムへ来店してくれたのは1年前のイースターのときでした。その直前に2人はパームスプリングスに滞在していましたが、そろそろシアトルへ帰ろうとビルが言いました。飛行機に乗ると操縦士がシアトルの天候状況を案内したり、その他すべてがシアトルに戻るかのようにあつらえてありました。その後ビルは彼女の注意をずっとひきつけていたので、太陽の位置を気づかれませんでした。イースターの日曜日にオマハに到着した時刻は、[朝の]4時か5時でした。わたしたちはふたりだけのために開店して待っていました。彼がわたしのそばから離れて進もうとするとき、こう話しかけました。「これはわたしの専門でもないし、こう言うわたしはいったい何様かと思うでしょう。しかし1951年にわたしから妻へ婚約指輪を贈ったときは、純資産の6%分のお金を出しましたよ」。けっきょく願っていたほどの大商いの日曜日とはならなかったですが。


Q. Mr. Buffett, does it bother you not being the richest man in America?

A. Well, as Forbes pointed out, they must have counted Bill Gates' house. I mean, he's got me in that department. He's a good friend of mine, incidently. We have a lot of fun together. Bill came in to Borsheim's - I can tell this because he tells it - to buy an engagement ring for Melinda, his wife. He came in to Borsheim's a year ago Easter. They were in Palm Springs, and he told Melinda it was time to go back to Seattle, and when they went to the plane, the pilot reported the weather in Seattle, and everything else, so it sounded as if they were going to Seattle. Then Bill kept her occupied, so she didn't notice where the sun was. They landed in Omaha on Easter Sunday about four or five o‘ clock. We opened Borsheirn's just for them. I said to Bill on his way out, "It's none of my business - who am I to give you advice? - but when I bought an engagement ring for my wife in 1951, I spent 6% of my net worth on it!" We didn't have quite as big a day that Sunday, as I'd hoped.

But as to not being the richest, the money is a by-product of something I enjoy. It's like somebody that enjoys painting; and if you can sell your paintings for a lot of money when you get through, great! If you enjoy the painting when you get through, great too! I've had as much fun working with small sums as large sums, but I have as much fun working with large sums as small sums, I might add. The same thing is true with Bill Gates. I mean, he loves what he does. He would do it if they gave him sharks' teeth instead of cash at the end of the day. And, my guess is, that helps him do it well and helps me do it well, too. But I'm keeping an eye on him. I had a dart board that somebody gave me to select stocks. I threw darts at it but it didn't work very well. So, I sent it to him last week.

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