



7) 二次的あるいはより高次にわたる影響に対する関心の低さ







7) Too Little Attention to Second- and Higher-Order Effects

On to the next one, the seventh defect: too little attention in economics to second-order and even higher-order effects. This defect is quite understandable because the consequences have consequences, and the consequences of the consequences have consequences, and so on. It gets very complicated. When I was a meteorologist, I found this stuff very irritating. And economics makes meteorology look like a tea party.

Extreme economic ignorance was displayed when various experts, including Ph. D. economists, forecast the cost of the original Medicare law. They did simple extrapolations of past costs.

Well, the cost forecast was off by a factor of more than one thousand percent. The cost they projected was less than ten percent of the cost that happened. Once they put in place various new incentives, the behavior changed in response to the incentives, and the numbers became quite different from their projection. And medicine invented new and expensive remedies, as it was sure to do. How could a great group of experts make such a silly forecast? Answer: They oversimplified to get easy figures, like the rube rounding pi to 3.2! They chose not to consider effects of effects on effects, and so on.

One good thing about this common form of misthinking from the viewpoint of academia is that business people are even more foolish about microeconomics. The business version of the Medicare-type insanity is when you own a textile plant and a guy comes in and says, "Oh, isn't this wonderful? They invented a new loom. It'll pay for itself in three years at current prices because it adds so much efficiency to the production of textiles." And you keep buying these looms, and their equivalent, for twenty years, and you keep making four percent on capital; you never go anywhere. And the answer is, it wasn't that technology didn't work, it's that the laws of economics caused the benefit from the new looms to go to the people that bought the textiles, not the guy that owned the textile plant. How could anybody not know that if he'd taken freshmen economics or been through business school? I think the schools are doing a lousy job. Otherwise, such insanities wouldn't happen so often.

Usually, I don't use formal projections. I don't let people do them for me because I don't like throwing up on the desk (laughter), but I see them made in a very foolish way all the time, and many people believe in them, no matter how foolish they are. It's an effective sales technique in America to put a foolish projection on a desk.

And if you're an investment banker, it's an art form. I don't read their projections either. Once Warren and I bought a company, and the seller had a big study done by an investment banker. It was about this thick. We just turned it over as if it were a diseased carcass. He said, "We paid $2 million for that." I said, "We don't use them. Never look at them."

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