







Then these ideas from economics drifted into corporate finance, and they got the capital asset pricing model -- also pure drivel. They taught it to all of our children and the law schools picked it up. They didn't understand it, but they could repeat it like a mantra from Buddhism, and people would learn it and regurgitate it on the examinations and they'd get As and so forth. Of course, they got out into the real world and they were menaces to decency and sound thinking. That didn't bother the people at Harvard [University] or any of the people that were doing it. And you say, how can smart people do such immensely dumb things?

You don't have to make this stuff up. Life will constantly surprise you with these ridiculous examples which teach important lessons. These are seriously smart people who took up with Paul Samuelson. Alan Greenspan is a seriously smart person although not as smart as Paul Samuelson. Then they got other ideas and these spread, and the good ideas that are buried in economics by and large weren't emphasized enough. I don't know, 15 years ago or so, I rifled through the three leading textbooks in introductory economics - I'd never taken a course in the subject - and I read through them. About the 20th page of Mankiw's famous book, which succeeded Samuelson's famous book, the guy says smart people make their decisions based on opportunity costs. Well, that was the last time opportunity cost was discussed in 1,000 pages. I want to tell you that compared to the other drivel that was discussed, opportunity cost deserves more than one sentence.

Berkshire Hathaway is constantly kicking off ideas [audio unintelligible] in about two seconds flat. We know we've got opportunity X, which is better than the new opportunity. Why do we want to waste two seconds thinking about the new opportunity? Many of you come from places that don't do that. You've got to have one horse, one rabbit, one something or rather, and that rabbit is going to be thinking about something which would be ruled out immediately by an opportunity cost available generally to the place ? but, it's a different department. You have to be diversified and so on and so on. It's easy to drift into this idea that opportunities don't matter, you've got so many different ways of doing things that are better. It isn't better.

The right way to make decisions in practical life is based on your opportunity cost. When you get married, you have to choose the best [spouse] you can find that will have you. The rest of life is the same damn way. You have to figure these things out if you want good results in life, and if you don't, well, you have to pretend that you can get good results in life. If you have enough sales ability, maybe you can get by with it.




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