


チャーリー・マンガーの伝記『投資参謀マンガー』を読んだのは10年ぐらい前のことです。当時は節約生活にも慣れてきて、この本を読むために隣町の図書館まで自転車をこいで行ったものです。チャーリーのことは「ウォーレン・バフェットの右腕」ぐらいとしか知らなかったのですが、「実はすごい人」らしき文章をどこかで読み、この本にも目を通しておきたいと考えました。急いでページを繰ったので図書館で読み終えましたが、帰宅の時刻が迫ってきたころに読んだ文章が、チャーリーの講演"Practical Thought About Practical Thought?"の翻訳でした。これはコカ・コーラ社をモデルにして、巨大企業を一から作り上げるにはどうしたらよいか思考実験したものです。読了直後には文章の価値をまったく理解できず、「チャーリー・マンガーとは、こじつけめいた話をする人なんだな」と感じました。

それから10年たちました。理解はとぼとぼ、実践はまだまだ、の調子ですが、この文章は自分なりに翻訳してみたいと想いつづけてきました。今回が第1回目のこのシリーズでは、"Practical Thought About Practical Thought?"を何回かにわけて翻訳します。参考にすべき同書が手元にないので誤訳や珍訳が続出するかと思いますが、ご勘弁ください。

非公式な講話 1996年7月20日

Practical Thought About Practical Thought?
An Informal Talk, July 20, 1996






時としてプロの助言を買うことがあるように、何かを考える際に他人に頼りっぱなしだと、自分のわかるわずかな範囲を超えてしまえば、様々な災難を背負いこむ羽目になるでしょう。こみいった調整が困難なだけではありません。劇作家ジョージ・バーナード・ショーの作品に登場する人物のせりふを思い起こさせるような事態にも直面します。「結局のところ、あらゆる職業は部外者に対して仕組まれた陰謀なのだ」。実のところ、この登場人物はショーが毛嫌いしていたものを、そのときは控えめにみていたのです。たいていの場合、特定の領域のプロが助言者として、不正な行為を意識的に行うわけではありません。そうではなく、無意識にバイアスが働くことによって問題を生じさせています。彼の経済的な動機付けは顧客のものとは異なっているので、 顧客の目的を達成するという意味で、正しく認識できなくなってしまうのです。また次の警句が示している心理的な欠陥も、のしかかってくるでしょう。「手持ちの道具がかなづちだけだと、あらゆるものが釘に見える」。


The title of my talk is “Practical Thought About Practical Thought?” - with a question mark at the end. In a long career, I have assimilated various ultrasimple general notions that I find helpful in solving problems. Five of these helpful notions I will now describe. After that, I will present to you a problem of extreme scale. Indeed, the problem will involve turning start-up capital of $2 million into $2 trillion, a sum large enough to represent a practical achievement. Then, I will try to solve the problem, assisted by my helpful general notions. Following that, I will suggest that there are important educational implications in my demonstration. I will so finish because my objective is educational, my game today being a search for better methods of thought.

The first helpful notion is that it is usually best to simplify problems by deciding big “no-brainer” questions first.

The second helpful notion mimics Galileo's conclusion that scientific reality is often revealed only by math as if math was the language of God. Galileo's attitude also works well in messy, practical life. Without numerical fluency, in the part of life most of us inhabit, you are like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.

The third helpful notion is that it is not enough to think problems through forward. You must also think in reverse, much like the rustic who wanted to know where he was going to die so that he'd never go there. Indeed, many problems can't be solved forward. And that is why the great algebraist Carl Jacobi so often said, “Invert, always invert.” And why the Pythagorean thought in reverse to prove that the square root of two was irrational number.

The fourth helpful notion is that the best and most practical wisdom is elementary academic wisdom. But there is one extremely important qualification: You must think in a multidisciplinary manner. You must routinely use all the easy-to-learn concepts from the freshman course in every basic subject. Where elementary ideas will serve, your problem solving must not be limited, as academia and many business bureaucracies are limited, by extreme balkanization into disciplines and subdisciplines, with strong taboos against any venture outside assigned territory. Instead, you must do your multidisciplinary thinking in accord with Ben Franklin's prescription in Poor Richard: “If you want it done, go. If not, send.”

If, in your thinking, you rely entirely on others, often through purchase of professional advice, whenever outside a small territory of your own, you will suffer much calamity. And it is not just difficulties in complex coordination that will do you in. you will also suffer from the reality evoked by the Shavian character who said, “In the last analysis, every profession is a conspiracy against the laity.” Indeed, a Shavian character, for once, understated the horrors of something Shaw didn't like. It is not usually the conscious malfeasance of your narrow professional adviser that does you in. Instead, your troubles come from his subconscious bias. His cognition will often be impaired, for your purposes, by financial incentives different from yours. And he will also suffer from the psychological defect caught by the proverb: “To a man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.”

The fifth helpful notion is that really big effects, lollapalooza effects, will often come only from large combinations of factors. For instance, tuberculosis was tamed, at least for a long time, only by routine, combined use in each case of three different drugs. And other lollapalooza effects, like the flight of an airplane, follow a similar pattern.

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