


私の好きなファンド・マネージャーにアーノルド・ヴァンデンバーグ(Arnold Van Den Berg)という人がいます。ボブ・ロドリゲスほどではないですが慎重派のバリュー投資家で、彼のファンドCentury Managementの読み物はいつも楽しみにしています。彼の文章を読んだのがきっかけで、昨年からマイクロソフト(MSFT)へ投資しています。

今回は、昨年11月にアーノルドが応じたインタビュー記事GuruFocus Interview with Investor Arnold Van Den Bergからの引用で、弱気相場についてです。彼の見立てでは、アメリカの株式市場はまだ弱気相場のまっただなかです。ただし、5,6年経った後に大きな強気相場がくる可能性も示唆しています。(日本語は拙訳)



Over time, price determines return. Buying high quality companies at single digit P/Es gives us the opportunity to make money, even in an uncertain and unstable environment. Obviously the profits have to be real and sustainable, but assuming those two conditions are met, if we buy companies at the right price, we are discounting the risks. We can’t hedge every risk (even cash can be a bad investment), but we can hedge valuation. Stock bubbles are always followed by a bear market. A major characteristic of bear markets is that things that would normally cause the market to explode - like low interest rates - have either minimal or temporary effects. In bear markets, earnings could continue to grow, but multiples become compressed. This causes stock valuations to trade up one to two years, but then revert back to low levels and start the cycle over. Over the duration of the bear market, the prices of stocks may not significantly appreciate. Stocks that may look cheap on a multiple basis may often get even cheaper. This is exactly what we have been seeing since 2000. At the end of the bear market, multiples have compressed to very low levels. This sets the stage for the next bull market.

How much longer will we be in this bear market? Bear markets typically last about sixteen years, so I would say that we have about five more years to go. This coincides with our earlier comments on how long we think it will take for the real estate, unemployment, and fiscal problems to be reconciled. The way to invest in this kind of environment is to stay focused on the valuations of individual companies. You can still make money in this environment by buying stocks when they are cheap and selling when they are near fair value (remember that multiples are compressing, so stocks won’t go as high as one would expect in a normal environment). When bargains can’t be found, hold cash.


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