



Charlie Munger's 2015 Daily Journal Annual Meeting - Part 2 (Forbes)

<質問> インドから参りました。この場に臨席できて光栄です。投資によって経済的独立を果たしたいと考える二十歳の人間へ、ご助言をお願いします。

<マンガー> 私の頃には、投資を通じて成功を遂げるのはずいぶん簡単だったのです。合理的かつ規律に従っていれば、そして選び抜いた株式が税引き前で平均年率10%を後押ししてくれれば、です。これはかなりの追い風でしたよ。収入の範囲でやりくりし、節約して貯蓄に励み、賢く取り組むといったことで十分でした。ちょっとした規律に従って資金を蓄え、時が流れゆくうちに、やがてはそうなったものです。



<デイリー・ジャーナル社CEO> あなたは「金持ちになるには、良い取引が来た時に備えて当座預金に1,000万ドルをとっておくこと」と言っておられましたね。

<マンガー> そういえばハワード・アーマンソン[オマハ出身の実業家]も、腹をすかせた学卒の若者たちにそう助言していましたよ(笑)。


Q: I came to be here from India. It is an honor to be here. What is your advice to a 20-year-old individual who wants to achieve financial freedom through investing?

Mr. Munger: Achieving success through investments has been pretty easy in my lifetime. If you were rational and disciplined, and you had a tailwind of a 10 percent per annum on average from carefully selected stocks going for you, pre tax, that was a big tailwind. If you saved your money, and you lived within your means, were shrewd and so forth, that was enough to take care of you. A little discipline in saving, and the passage of time will do it.

Now, if the world is going to get 10 percent out of indexes in the future, and I don't think it will, in real terms, getting more has proven to be quite difficult. Some of you who come along later are finding that if you stay in the big stocks, it's damn near impossible for most people. When things are damn near impossible, maybe you could stop trying.

That was not my system, but I do not recommend my system to everybody. I do, as a way of life, but I don't think all you have to do is read Charlie Munger and you'll get rich. If it were that easy, this place would be a football stadium.


Mr. Salzman, Daily Journal CEO: Charlie says the way to get rich is to keep $10 million in your checking account in case a good deal comes along.

Mr. Munger: By the way, that was the advice of Howard Ahmanson to a young bunch of starving graduates.


Rich people sometimes get a little pompous.

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