


チャーリー・マンガーが行った講演のうちで、高校を卒業する学生に向けた祝辞があります。他の講演を読んだ後では目新しい内容ではありませんが、自分が培ってきた哲学を手短にまとめて、これから活躍しようとする若者に伝えようとする気構えや社会的環境には、感心させられました。今回からのシリーズで全訳をご紹介します。なお『Poor Charlie's Almanack』には、講演その1(Talk One)として収録されています。









Harvard School Commencement Speech
June 13, 1986

Now that Headmaster Berrisford has selected one of the oldest and longest-serving trustees to make a commencement speech, it behooves the speaker to address two questions in every mind:

1) Why was such a selection make?
2) How long is the speech going to last?

I will answer the first question from long experience alongside Berrisford. He is seeking enhanced reputation for our school in the manner of the man who proudly displays his horse that can count to seven. The man knows that counting to seven is not much of a mathematical feat, but he expects approval because doing so is creditable, considering the performer is a horse.

The second question, regarding the length of the speech, I am not going to answer in advance. It would deprive your upturned faces of lively curiosity and obvious keen anticipation, which I prefer to retain, regardless of source.

But I will tell you how my consideration of speech length created the subject matter of the speech itself. I was puffed up when invited to speak. While not having significant public-speaking experience, I do hold a black belt in chutzpah, and I immediately considered Demosthenes and Cicero as role models and anticipated trying to earn a compliment like Cicero gave when asked which was his favorite among the orations of Demosthenes. Cicero replied:

"The longest one."

However, fortunately for this audience, I also thought of Samuel Johnson's famous comment when he addressed Milton's poem Paradise Lost and correctly said, "No one ever wished it longer." And that made me consider which of all the twenty Harvard School graduation speeches I had heard that I had wished longer. There was only one such speech, given by Johnny Carson, specifying Carson's prescriptions for guaranteed misery in life. I, therefore, decided to repeat Carson's speech but in expanded form with some added prescriptions of my own. After all, I am much older than Carson was when he spoke and have failed and been miserable more often and in more ways than was possible for a charming humorist speaking at a younger age. I am plainly well qualified to expand on Carson's theme.

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